
mijawin9 / Blog

What really grinds my gears.

You know what really grinds my greas is the mail I get on here. Almost every artist puts the same thing on the message. Check out our music and become a fan. Bands/Artists should have a little more input then just this. If you really want a person to listen to your music. Give a little of a Hey .... How are you. or anything that helps make the message more personal. It does not take a lot to do this. It give the feeling that you care for the person not just the number of fans. Since must artists on here are independent and really need to find fans to survive. Being a little more personal will go a long way in doing this. I know a lot of independent artists and they sometime go out of their way to just say hi. They respond to messages with a How are U doing, Great to hear from you, or Hope all is well. It is this connection that really helps get your music out there to the public. Being personal will more likely get the person to recommend your music to a friend. And your fan base will grow. mike