
laceylace / Blog

Hello are you there!!!!

(Just for thought) when do you say enough is enough when you give and you don't get back not even respect. do you still support or do you cut your losses. they say that when you give you give from the heart that's the way to gods heart because that's what he did for us he died for our sins knowing that from some he would not be given back. think about it!!!!

God is good!!!!!!

The say that God works in mysterious ways. Well how true is that? If you ask me it is true. Just when you think all has failed here he goes blessing you over and over again. Really!! Just sit for a minute and think back or maybe just today. The one thing that sometimes we as human being forget to pay amorous to him our father. Some people say that well i don't pray to the same god and to that i say then call upon him in the way that you call upon him when you need him and he will answer. God works in mysterious ways. Yes he does if you don't know you will. Something that was on my mind and i wanted to share with you. I AM BLESSED!!!!