
Ava Koppenhoefer / Blog

A little piece of New York in Cincinnati

After wandering the streets of Cincinnati I finally found the perfect spot. I was in the square sitting right next to the huge fountain. As I walked down here from the parking garage I smelled something different every few seconds from all of the different restaurants and shops, it reminded me of Times Square in New York. There were people everywhere. There were your workers rushing back from lunch, the bikers and joggers trying to stay healthy, the people that walk around aimlessly looking at everything. I was tired after the eventful day at the Weston Gallery and I just wanted to sit down. My mom went into one of the shops along the way. I spotted the fountain and immediately sat down next to it. There were birds everywhere (and on a grosser note there was bird poop everywhere) and the most interesting people. There were a few guys playing plastic buckets like the drums and there was a nice groove with what they were playing, boom boom kat a boom boom kat. With the music flowing in the back of my mind I kept looking around. There was a couple fighting at the street corner but I couldn’t hear what they were saying because the flow of the water from the fountain and the drums were swarming in my head. For a moment I felt like I was in a silent movie just watching everything happen in front of me. The fighting couples, the workers, the healthy workout types and the ones that just felt like taking it easy. I saw my mom coming which meant it was time to leave. But for a few minutes I felt like I was in my own little piece of New York

When I look at the Sky

I had to write this in art class...yea I know art class:) But I learned that art isn't just about what you see, its also about what you read and what you feel, so enjoy!

When I look at the sky now, I look at it for you. You are the one that I chose, With my heart I give it too-unconditional love. Even though you are gone, My heart is here waiting for you. When I look up at the sky, I see your love. When I look at the sky now, I look at it for you. You are that ray of light. You are that comforting cloud in the moonlight, The bright angel in the dark. When I look up at the sky now, I look for you. I look for you because I will be with you soon. I feel you calling me. Up in that sky I can still feel you and your love. I will be with you soon, my love. Up in that sky, high above.