
PattiJo Downs / Blog

"Artist & Repertoire"

A&R stands for artist and repertoire. For record labels, the A&R reps are the people who find new artists and sign them to the label. A&R reps are the musicians' point of contact at the label during contract negotiations and they facilitate things like setting up the advance, booking recording sessions where required and anything else that needs to be done to act ready for release. They also play an important role in development of the artist - how the band will be marketing, sometimes choosing songs for the musicians to record if they don't write their own material and building a basic promotional foundation for the album and the band.....PJ


I have been an Indie Promoter for many years and I am very well versed in how it can be accomplished. Until then.. Don't forget where your gift came from. Never let anyone hurt you enough to bring your love of music into just a job where you dont even care... We need music of all genres in order to survive as humans. It is God Given and it is not supposed to hurt..Arizona Artists are artists, and Fans are fans that made you a "CELEBRITY" so why would you hurt the people of Arizona just because of a LAW that protects us as AMERICANS? Not to mention, it's your pockets that are gonna start feeling empty. Arizona is full of so many Talented Artists and Celebrities, born and raised there. What a terrible thing to waste...PJ