
Johnathan Antonio Harper / Blog

a new day and age

there are bigger and better talent being discovered everyday. we as consumers are driven into trends all the time by people in the media,blogs,tv,magazines, and peers are all ways we are pushed into what we have playing on our ipods or in our cars. have you ever stopped and thought about where your musical roots come from or where you heard what you are currently listening to. i know me as a complete music head i think about too much when it comes to buying or even the occasional downloading of a cd. i what a cd to compliment my mood and state of mind at the time but by me doing this it allows me to add some much to my musical library its so unreal sometimes. when i walk up to the line inside of bestbuy and look at my stack of cds, i sometimes am like wow what the hell am i buying and why am i buying it. As soon as it hits the player in the car and i hear the tunes come out of the speakers i remember why i couldnt live without it at this certain point in time...too crazy and isane i must...this is just one of my many random rant and raves. many more to come...thanks for reading if you chose to take the time.