
flyboy422 / Blog


Well all this week I have been practicing for a show that I played last night. Everything had been going great and I had finally gotten down the new song we were adding, but when I get to my drummer's house I start having problems with my amp. I sounds horrible and we take it apart but can't find out what is wrong. I end up having to practice using my drummer's old crappy guitar amp and almost end up blowing it out. So the day of the show I pack up my bass and head out to the venue. By this time I have gotten a good bass amp from my friend, but when we get to the venue and plug in I still have the same problem with my sound. We quickly realize that it is my semi-new Fender Jazz that is screwing up. Needless to say i was very very very pissed off. I now have to drive back to my friend's house pick up his Ibanez and speed back to make this show. I did make it to the show on time and everything from then on went fine, but now I have to call Fender to see why the hell a 4-month old J-Bass is already screwing up. Please say my warranty covers whatever went wrong.