
Brownstone Poets / Blog

Reminder: Marilyn Monroe Anthology Launch

KGBBar Launch, Feb 14, 7 PM, 85 East 4th Street, NYC, I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe, eds. Susana H. Case & Margo Taft Stever

Please bring vax card and mask as per NYC guidelines. And bring friends. Venue has a staircase and no elevator, is not wheelchair-accessible.) Must be 21 or older.

Introduction, Susana Case & Margo Taft Stever read CD Wright & Ted Berrigan Elaine Sexton Anna Limontas-Salisbury Stephanie Laterza Cindy Beer-Fouhy Meredith Trede Jason Schneiderman Marion Brown Bruce E. Whitacre Patricia Carragon ______________________________________________________________________ Susana Case & Margo Taft Stever read Lucia Perillo & Ai / Intermission

Alexander Cavaluzzo Karen Neuberg Robert Gibbons John J. Trause Tina Kelley Henry Crawford Frank Baez Joel Allegretti Mervyn Taylor Conclusion, Susana Case & Margo Taft Stever read Gwendolyn Brooks & Sylvia Plath

Marilyn Monroe Anthology Reading at KGBBar

Marilyn Monroe Anthology Reading at KGBBar, Monday, Valentine’s Day, at 7 p.m. Posted on February 3, 2022

KGBBar Launch, Feb 14, 7 PM, 85 East 4th Street, NYC, I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe, eds. Susana H. Case & Margo Taft Stever

Please bring vax card and mask as per NYC guidelines. And bring friends. Venue has a staircase and no elevator, is not wheelchair-accessible.)

Introduction, Susana Case & Margo Taft Stever read CD Wright & Ted Berrigan Elaine Sexton Anna Limontas-Salisbury Stephanie Laterza Cindy Beer-Fouhy Meredith Trede Jason Schneiderman Marion Brown Bruce E. Whitacre Patricia Carragon ______________________________________________________________________ Susana Case & Margo Taft Stever read Lucia Perillo & Ai / Intermission

Alexander Cavaluzzo Karen Neuberg Robert Gibbons John J. Trause Tina Kelley Henry Crawford Frank Baez Joel Allegretti Mervyn Taylor Conclusion, Susana Case & Margo Taft Stever read Gwendolyn Brooks & Sylvia Plath

Thank you Michael Lee Johnson

Thank you Michael Lee Johnson

Michael Lee Johnson Thank you Michael Lee Johnson for posting this on Facebook:

Please take time to visit all of Michael Lee Johnson’s poetry Facebook sites & others-and join right in, f

ollow him: https://www.facebook.com/groups/807679459328998/

Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links https://www.facebook.com/groups/1782986578682087/

Contemporary Poets Global https://www.facebook.com/groups/298159804125145/?hc_location=group

Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud…Listen In https://www.facebook.com/poetrymanusa

Michael Lee Johnson Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/MLJ1330/

Facebook Poetry Page https://www.youtube.com/user/poetrymanusa/videos

Michael Lee Johnson YouTube Poetry Channel https://twitter.com/poetrymanusa

Twitter https://fandalism.com/poetryman1330

Michael Lee Johnson on Fandalism.com

Over the next few days, I will be posting “Honorable Mention Emerging Writers, 2021. Poets on The Fast Track Moving Up.” Read all the way down and open links. I do have a few more to go on my Honor Role 2021.

Today we honor Patricia Carragon & Jerry Langdon (Sandman)

Patricia Carragon

Jerry Langdon Patricia Carragon:She has been widely published online and in print. Her recent publications include The Avocet: A Journal of Nature Poetry, Alien Buddha Press, Bear Creek Haiku, BigCityLit, Bluepepper Blogspot, Concrete Mist Press, First Literary Review-East, Indolent Books, Jerry Jazz Musician, Live Mag!, Madness Muse Press, The New Verse News, North of Oxford, Panoplyzine, Paterson Review, Poets Wear Prada, Oddball Magazine, Orbis International Literary Journal, Silver Birch Press, Spectrum Publishing, et al. Her fiction piece “What Has to Happen Next” has been nominated for Sundress Publications Annual Best of the Net and her poem “Paris the Beautiful” won Poem of the Week from great weather for MEDIA.[

Amazon.com : Patricia Carragon](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Patricia%20Carragon&i=stripbooks&crid=13JJ1UQ5NH9NJ&sprefix=patricia%20carragon%2Cstripbooks%2C61&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)

Curator/Editor in Chief at [Brownstone Poets](https://www.facebook.com/Brownstone-Poets-143560915675230/)

Jerry Langdon (Sandman), From South-Western, Michigan, Jerry Langdon lives in Germany since 1992 after spending 8 years in the Army. He is an Artist and Poet. His works bathe in a darker side of emotion and fantasy. He has released 4 books of Poetry titled « Temperate Darkness“, „Behind The Twilight Veil ». « The Rollercoaster Heart » and Death and Other Cold Things » His poetic inspirations are derived from poets such as Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, as well as from various Rock Bands. His apparently twisted mind twists and intertwines fantasy with reality.

Editor and Distributer of Raven Zine





Karen Neuberg, Susan Weiman, and Francine Witte at Brownstone Poets on Zoom

Reminder: Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Karen Neuberg, Susan Weiman, and Francine Witte to Kick off 2022 on January 29 Posted on January 25, 2022 Reminder:

Happy New Year from Brownstone Poets!

We are kicking off another banner year of poetry and prose on:

Saturday, January 29, 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Zoom

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Our January 29 revised lineup of features are:


Plus a limited open mic.

Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.Looking forward to seeing you at our November reading! For your convenience here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1aacCww5F


Karen Neuberg is a Brooklyn, NY,-based poet. Her poems and collages can be found in numerous publications including 805, Canary, Menacing Hedge, Nixes Mate, New Verse News, and Verse Daily. She is the author of the full-length poetry collection, PURSUIT (Kelsay Press, 2019) and the chapbook the elephants are asking (Glass Lyre, 2017) She holds an MFA from the New School and is associate editor of the online poetry journal First Literary Review-East and associate editor of the Brownstone Poets Anthology.

Susan Weiman is astoryteller, writer of literary nonfiction and fiction. Her chapbooks include Roommates, published by ParksidePoetsPress in 2021 and New York-ish, byNonet Press in 2018. You can find her stories and poems in the Paterson Literary Review, New York State Writers Institute’s Trolley, Home Planet News Online, First Literary Review-East, CityLore – Places that Matter, Silver Tongued Devil Anthology, andelsewhere. She is working on a memoir and a third chapbook. Weiman co-curated, “Third Friday, Queens Writer Series” in Long Island City, NY where she resides. She is also an artist and iPhone photographer.

Francine Witte’s poetry and fiction have appeared in Smokelong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Mid-American Review, and Passages North. Her latest books are Dressed All Wrong for This (Blue Light Press), The Way of the Wind (AdHoc fiction), and The Theory of Flesh (Kelsay Books). She is flash fiction editor for Flash Boulevard and The South Florida Poetry Journal. Her chapbook, The Cake, The Smoke, The Moon (flash fiction) was published by ELJ Editions in September, 2021. She lives in NYC.

Revised Lineup for Brownstone Poets on Zoom

Revised Lineup for Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Karen Neuberg, Susan Weiman, and Francine Witte to Kick off 2022 on January 29 Happy New Year from Brownstone Poets!

We are kicking off another banner year of poetry and prose on:

Saturday, January 29, 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Zoom

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Our January 29 revised lineup of features are:


Plus a limited open mic.

Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.Looking forward to seeing you at our November reading! For your convenience here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1aacCww5F


Karen Neuberg is a Brooklyn, NY,-based poet. Her poems and collages can be found in numerous publications including 805, Canary, Menacing Hedge, Nixes Mate, New Verse News, and Verse Daily. She is the author of the full-length poetry collection, PURSUIT (Kelsay Press, 2019) and the chapbook the elephants are asking (Glass Lyre, 2017) She holds an MFA from the New School and is associate editor of the online poetry journal First Literary Review-East and associate editor of the Brownstone Poets Anthology.

Susan Weiman is astoryteller, writer of literary nonfiction and fiction. Her chapbooks include Roommates, published by ParksidePoetsPress in 2021 and New York-ish, byNonet Press in 2018. You can find her stories and poems in the Paterson Literary Review, New York State Writers Institute’s Trolley, Home Planet News Online, First Literary Review-East, CityLore – Places that Matter, Silver Tongued Devil Anthology, andelsewhere. She is working on a memoir and a third chapbook. Weiman co-curated, “Third Friday, Queens Writer Series” in Long Island City, NY where she resides. She is also an artist and iPhone photographer.

Francine Witte’s poetry and fiction have appeared in Smokelong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Mid-American Review, and Passages North. Her latest books are Dressed All Wrong for This (Blue Light Press), The Way of the Wind (AdHoc fiction), and The Theory of Flesh (Kelsay Books). She is flash fiction editor for Flash Boulevard and The South Florida Poetry Journal. Her chapbook, The Cake, The Smoke, The Moon (flash fiction) was published by ELJ Editions in September, 2021. She lives in NYC.

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Linda Lerner, Susan Weiman, and Francine Witte

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Linda Lerner, Susan Weiman, and Francine Witte to Kick off 2022 on January 29

Happy New Year from Brownstone Poets!

We are kicking off another banner year of poetry and prose on:

Saturday, January 29, 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Zoom

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Our January 29 features are:


Plus a limited open mic.

Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.Looking forward to seeing you at our November reading! For your convenience here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1aacCww5F


Linda Lerner is the author of 19 collections, most recent, Taking the F train (NYQ books, 2021). Her poems currently appear in, Maintenant, Paterson Literary Review, Gargoyle, Chiron Review, Free State Review, Rat’s Ass Review, and One Art, among others. Previous books includeTakes Guts and Years Sometimes, & Yes, the Ducks Were Real (NYQ Books 2011& 2015) andWhen Death is a Red Balloon (Lummox Press, Nov. 20019).

Susan Weiman is astoryteller, writer of literary nonfiction and fiction. Her chapbooks include Roommates, published by ParksidePoetsPress in 2021 and New York-ish, byNonet Press in 2018. You can find her stories and poems in the Paterson Literary Review, New York State Writers Institute’s Trolley, Home Planet News Online, First Literary Review-East, CityLore – Places that Matter, Silver Tongued Devil Anthology, andelsewhere. She is working on a memoir and a third chapbook. Weiman co-curated, “Third Friday, Queens Writer Series” in Long Island City, NY where she resides. She is also an artist and iPhone photographer.

Francine Witte’s poetry and fiction have appeared in Smokelong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Mid-American Review, and Passages North. Her latest books are Dressed All Wrong for This (Blue Light Press), The Way of the Wind (AdHoc fiction), and The Theory of Flesh (Kelsay Books. She is flash fiction editor for Flash Boulevard and The South Florida Poetry Journal. Her chapbook, The Cake, The Smoke, The Moon (flash fiction) was published by ELJ Editions in September, 2021. She lives in NYC.

Two ways to purchase Patricia Carragon’s Angel Fire

Two ways to purchase Patricia Carragon’s Angel Fire

After years in the making, Angel Fire is now a reality. Thank you Alien Buddha Press and my copy editor, Cindy Hochman of “100 Proof” Copyediting Services, for believing in my debut novel’s value.

Angel Fire is a novel, inspired by personal experiences and nightmares, that delves into the lives of three women protagonists, Sarah Kahn, Kate Robbins, and Dana Chu, living and working in New York City during the ’90s through the post- 9/11 world and the Obama election. The book is comprised of over 57,000 words, broken down into twenty-one chapters and an epilogue. The narrative contains elements of magic realism/ urban fantasy, and beyond the wry humor, there are bizarre twists involving erotic dreams, curses, cats, and paranormal visitations from a precocious ten-year-old girl named Allie, turning this story into a psychological thriller.

Praise for Angel Fire . . .

From Peter Marra:

. . . In Angel Fire, her debut novel, Patricia Carragon expertly crafts a tale that captures the essence of what life was like in the beginning of the new millennium. What starts out as a drama soon morphs into a supernatural thriller—an emotional roller coaster populated with fantastic characters who will stay with you for a long time. Angel Fire will keep you riveted until the last page.

From Thaddeus Rutkowski:

. . . Through twists and turns, and the disaster of 9/11, the stakes rise for all of the heroines, and we follow their lives with growing apprehension as we discover their fates. Carragon gives us a sharp-edged picture of people we see every day, but whose inner demons are rarely revealed.

From Charles Rammelkamp:

. . . like nested Russian dolls, the stories are contained within other stories written by other writers, until, in a dazzling epilogue, we learn the final version of the puzzle that makes up these words. Or do we? The final sentence revives the delicious ambiguity. Patricia Carragon’s novel is an impressive construction of plot and character, particularly for those who love a gothic tale, and, more philosophically, reflections on the written word, its origins and influence.


Two ways to purchase Angel Fire:

through Amazon or me.

Due to in-person venue cancellations, I will be posting the link to purchasing my debut novel, Angel Fire, on Amazon. Since these copies will be shipped from Amazon, they will not be signed.

If you want your signed copy from me, please send a personal message to pcarragon@gmail.com. Payment will be done on PayPal to pcarragon@gmail.com as a friend, not as a business. The cost will be $18, which includes shipping/handling. I do not charge for tax! If you don’t have PayPal, then I will accept a money order. Once the payment is done either through PayPal or money order, I will ship the book to you. Please don’t forget to give me your home address to ship the book.

Available on Amazon:

https://amzn.to/3xLH8u6 $12.99 (retail price before shipping and tax)

Reminder Carragon and Gibbons read for great weather for MEDIA

Reminder: Spoken Word Sundays Zoom: Patricia Carragon and Robert Anthony Gibbons Posted on January 11, 2022 Spoken Word Sundays Zoom: Patricia Carragon and Robert Anthony Gibbons Sunday, January 16, 2022 4:00 PM 5:30 PM on Zoom Happy to be reading with my Poets Wear Prada brother, Robert Anthony Gibbons. I will be reading an excerpt from my novel, Angel Fire, and from Meowku, plus new poems.

FROM GREAT WEATHER FOR MEDIA: As COVID transmission rates in NYC are currently high, we have decided to temporarily move our Parkside Lounge show to Zoom.

Please register by clicking here: Eventbrite

by 3:30 pm on the day of the event. The host will take open mic signups.

The reading will also be livestreamed to the great weather for MEDIA facebook page.

Please keep checking our website and Facebook page for updates on future readings. If we can’t be at the Parkside at any time, we will be on Zoom.

Featuring Patricia Carragon and Robert Anthony Gibbons

Plus poetry open mic

Hosted by Jerry T. Johnson

Patricia Carragon has been widely published online and in print. Her most recent publications include Acoustic Levitation, Buddha Press, Bear Creek Haiku, Danse Macabre, First Literary Review-East, Jerry Jazz Musician, Muddy River Poetry Review, The Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow, Nirla Press, et al. Her debut novel, Angel Fire, is from Alien Buddha Press. Her latest book from Poets Wear Prada is Meowku. She hosts Brownstone Poets and is the editor-in-chief of its annual anthology. She is an executive editor for Home Planet News Online. Patricia lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Robert Anthony Gibbons, a native Floridian, came to New York City in 2007 in search of his muse Langston Hughes and found a vibrant contemporary poetry community at the Cornelia Street Cafe, the Green Pavilion, Nomad’s Choir, Brownstone Poets, Hydrogen JukeBox, Saturn Series, and Phoenix among other venues.

Robert has been published in over thirty literary magazines and in several notable anthologies. Recent publication credits include Year of the Poet, Killens Review, Tribes, Involuntary Magazine, Peregrine, Expound, Promethean, Turtle Island Quarterly, Killer Whale, Suisun Valley Review, and the Bronx Memoir Project: Vol. 2 published by the Bronx Council of the Arts.

He has received funding from the Puffin Foundation (2021), United States Artists (2020), and most recently the New York Foundation for the Arts.(2021).

Spoken Word Sundays Zoom: Patricia Carragon and Robert Anthony Gibbons

Spoken Word Sundays Zoom: Patricia Carragon and Robert Anthony Gibbons Sunday, January 16, 2022 4:00 PM 5:30 PM on Zoom Happy to be reading with my Poets Wear Prada brother, Robert Anthony Gibbons. I will be reading an excerpt from my novel, Angel Fire, and from Meowku, plus new poems.

FROM GREAT WEATHER FOR MEDIA: As COVID transmission rates in NYC are currently high, we have decided to temporarily move our Parkside Lounge show to Zoom. Please register via Eventbrite by 3:30 pm on the day of the event. The host will take open mic signups.

The reading will also be livestreamed to the great weather for MEDIA facebook page.

Please keep checking our website and Facebook page for updates on future readings. If we can’t be at the Parkside at any time, we will be on Zoom.

Featuring Patricia Carragon and Robert Anthony Gibbons

Plus poetry open mic

Hosted by Jerry T. Johnson

Patricia Carragon has been widely published online and in print. Her most recent publications include Acoustic Levitation, Buddha Press, Bear Creek Haiku, Danse Macabre, First Literary Review-East, Jerry Jazz Musician, Muddy River Poetry Review, The Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow, Nirla Press, et al. Her debut novel, Angel Fire, is from Alien Buddha Press. Her latest book from Poets Wear Prada is Meowku. She hosts Brownstone Poets and is the editor-in-chief of its annual anthology. She is an executive editor for Home Planet News Online. Patricia lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Robert Anthony Gibbons, a native Floridian, came to New York City in 2007 in search of his muse Langston Hughes and found a vibrant contemporary poetry community at the Cornelia Street Cafe, the Green Pavilion, Nomad’s Choir, Brownstone Poets, Hydrogen JukeBox, Saturn Series, and Phoenix among other venues.

Robert has been published in over thirty literary magazines and in several notable anthologies. Recent publication credits include Year of the Poet, Killens Review, Tribes, Involuntary Magazine, Peregrine, Expound, Promethean, Turtle Island Quarterly, Killer Whale, Suisun Valley Review, and the Bronx Memoir Project: Vol. 2 published by the Bronx Council of the Arts.

He has received funding from the Puffin Foundation (2021), United States Artists (2020), and most recently the New York Foundation for the Arts.(2021).

Happy New Year Publication News

Wishing you a happy and creative 2022!

Bear Creek Haiku Blogspot November 26, 2021

Thank you Ayaz Daryl Nielsen for publishing my 3 catku. Kudos to Ram Chandran, John McDonald, Mary Jo Balistreri, Julie A. Dickson, t. kilgore splake, Adrian Bouter, Judith Nielsen, and Pawel Markiewicz!



Bear Creek Haiku Blogspot December 13, 2021

Thank you Ayaz Daryl Nielsen for publishing my cat holiday haiku. Kudos to Mary Jo Balistreri, Minal Sarosh, Nancy L. Dahl, Mary Oliver and Peggy Dugan French, Mona Bedi, Karen O’Leary, Pawel Markiewicz, Cathy Porter, and, Susan Cooper!


Bear Creek Haiku Blogspot December 26, 2021

Thank you Ayaz Daryl Nielsen for publishing my cat holiday haiku. Kudos to Minal Sarosh, Ram Chandran, Roberta Beach Jacobson, Darrell Petska, ayaz daryl nielsen, Peggy Dugan French, and Judith Nielsen.


Jerry Jazz Musician A Collection of Jazz Poetry – Fall/Winter, 2021-22 Edition-December 10, 2021

Pleased to see my two poems, “Just Say I Love Him” and “Someone To Watch Over Me” in the latest edition of Jerry Jazz Musician. Much appreciated, Joe Maita. Happy to share the joy with these other great poets, George Held, Amy Barone, Carrie Magness Radna, Russell Dupont, Ermira Mitre, et al.

https://jerryjazzmusician.com/a-collection-of-jazz-poetry-fall-winter-2021-22-edition/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mankh’s 2022 Halku Calendar

Excited that my three haiku and photo will be in Mankh’s 2022 Haiku Calendar – list of poets, artists, photographers – published by Allbook Books:

Gary Barton Bill Batcher Dean Blehert Cliff Bleidner Maddie Boese Elena Botts Paula Camacho Patricia Carragon Chris Clendenin Jeanne Clendenin Lynn CooperIoana Cosma Betsey Dickerson Linda Trott Dickman Carmela Dolce A.i. Firefly Adam D. Fisher Lynn M. Fornuff David Fox Glenn P. Garamellatiokasin ghosthorse Geraldine Green Geneva L. Hagar Barbara Harris Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) Patrice Hasbrook Kristine Henderson Linda Marie Hilton Julio Holgado J Holgado Jim Kacian Bill Kenney Jeff Logan Maria Manobianco Sheila Mardenfeld Roberta A. McQueen Cindy Medina Linda Ranieri Melodia A. Molotkov Madison Muehl Onan Musoy Marcela Ossa Pir Evan Pritchard Tony Quagliano James Thomas Romano Narges Rothermel Will Ryder Robert Savino Lisa M. Scuderi-Burkimsher Barbara Segal Emily-Sue Sloane Patti Tana Anne Marie Tognella J R (Judy) Turek JR Vork Margarette Wahl Lynne Weixel, PhD Kay J. Wight

My haiku:

if your voice

can’t carry your words

the wind will

bodega cat

sleeps by fan

dog days of summer

southpaw kitty

ornaments go down

for the count

My photo: Zen Pebbles by Patricia Carragon to purchase: https://www.allbook-books.com/html/2022_haiku_calendar.html

MER VOX Quarterly – Winter 2021

Happy to have my poem, “i’ve put on my mother’s shoes,” a workshop poem created at Women Writer’s in Bloom, in the MER VOX Quarterly – Winter 2021. Thank you Marjorie Tesser, J.P. Howard, Jennifer Martelli, and Cindy Veach.

Kudos to:

Karren Alenier – Granddaughter Clara Spera explores Bubbie Ruth’s big heart Sarah W. Bartlett – Linen Hankies Jessica Feder-Birnbaum – If the Shoe Fits Linda Lamenza – My Inheritance Deborah LeFalle – Haiku José Edmundo Ocampo Reyes – Poem with the Yellow Pages and Rotary Phone Martha Webster – The Mourner’s Office

https://momeggreview.com/2021/12/14/patricia-carragon-ive-put-on-my-mothers-shoes/ Oddball Magazine, Monday, December 20, 2021

Thank you Chad Parenteau and Jason Wright for publishing my “Fox Fire Haiku” on Oddball Magazine’s “The Christmas Wars.”


The Weekly Avocet, Friday, December 24, 2021

Thank you Charles, Vivian, and Valerie Portolano for posting my haiku:

Santa Kitty makes Grumpy Cat look angelic