
Brownstone Poets / Blog

REMINDER:Brownstone Poets on ZOOM

Reminder: Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Eve Packer, Ngoma Hill, Ellen Pober Rittberg, Saturday, March 26 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST Posted on March 21, 2022 Check out these amazing authors on Brownstone Poets on Zoom:

Eve Packer

Ngoma Hill

Ellen Pober Rittberg

Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST on Zoom

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Please follow these instructions: Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at our March reading!

For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/22qxyQTx5


Eve Packer

Eve Packer: Bronx-born, poet/performer/actress, appears solo, w/music, in dance and theater. Grants and awards include NYFA, Jerome Foundation, NEH, and NYSCA. She has published four poetry books, skulls head samba,, playland poems 1994-2004, new nails. (Fly By Night Press). Fall 2021 sees her new book no mask no talk corona poems 2020-2021 (w/photos) from Autonomedia Press. She has several poetry/jazz CDs w/ saxophonist Noah Howard and others. She’s honored to perform with Heidi Latsky Dance since 2010. Eve teaches at WCC, lives downtown, and swims daily. (evebpacker@aol.com). https://www.amazon.com/No-Mask-Talk-Eve-Packer/dp/1570273928/https://autonomedia.org/product/no-mask-no-talk/

Ngoma Hill

Ngoma is a performance poet, multi-instrumentalist,singer/songwriter, artivist and paradigm shifter, who for over 50 years, has used culture as a tool to raise socio-political and spiritual consciousness through work that encourages critical thought. Ngoma was selected as the Beat Poet Laureate of New York for 2017-18 by The National Beat Poetry Poetry Foundation. His newest CD, Conversation with Esu is available @CDBaby, iTunes, and Amazon. His new book, I Didn’t Come Here to Tap Dance, is available on Amazon.

Ellen Pober Rittberg

Ellen Pober Rittberg is the author of He is Walking Wider is (Kelsay Books, 2021) and two humorous self-help books about caregiving, Why is Grandma Naked? Caring for Your Aging Parent (Amazon) and parenting, 35 Things Your Teen Won’t Tell You, So I Will (Amazon, Turner Publishing). Ellen represented children, senior citizens, and people on psychiatric units for many years. An award-winning journalist (LI Press Club, LI Coalition for Fair Broadcasting FOLIO award Best Public Affairs Show), Ellen’s essays have appeared in the NY Times, HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Newsday NY Daily News, and other large online platforms. Her political plays, Sci Fi and Sabbath Elevator about authoritarianism and “me too” have been performed on zoom recently and at festivals in NYC and LI. Her poetry has appeared in numerous anthologies and journals.

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Eve Packer, Ngoma Hill, Ellen Rittberg

Happy Spring! Come celebrate the season with poetry with Brownstone Poets on Zoom

Saturday, March 26 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions: Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at our March reading! For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/22qxyQTx5

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Reminder: Life of a Kalamata Book Launch

Book launch for Didi Champagne’s debut poetry/art book at KGB’s Red Room Speakeasy Salon.

85 E. 4th Street

3rd Floor

NYC 10003

Monday, March 10 at 7 p.m. EST

Come celebrate Didi’s launch in person with the poets:

Jeffrey Cyphers Wright Dorothy Friedman August Linda Kleinbub Patricia Carragon

2 drink minimum 21 or older ID and proof of vaccination required

Hosted by Patricia Carragon

About Didi Champagne

Brooklyn girl, Didi Champagne, is a self-taught poet, artist, electric bass guitarist, and singer/songwriter with a classical background in vocals. Since the mid ’80s, she has graced the New York stages, including CBGB’S, the Bitter End, Webster Hall, and the Limelight, and played at numerous outdoor festivals and radio interviews. Didi shared her words at various downtown venues, including one reading with Punk Rock Queen, JD Rage, at ABC NoRio. As a vocalist, she has performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Show, and the United Nations for a benefit to save children.

Didi Champagne has a few CDs with her original music, lyrics, and poetry. Please check out her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DidiChampagne for a few of her music livestreams, as well as her art poetry series, which has developed into her first art/poetry collection

Connect on Facebook:


Women’s History Month Celebration – Books by Patricia Carragon

see blog post:


Reminder: Poets Building Bridges Sunday, March 6

Reminder: Poets Building Bridges, Sunday, March 6 FROM 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. EST Posted on March 3, 2022

Proud to be part of this spectacular event. Thank you, George Wallace for inviting me to read:

The second in a month-long series of triangulations between international communities of poets, conceived, produced and directed by series host George Wallace.

Attendance at this zoom event, which will also be streamed live on Facebook and recorded and posted on Youtube, is free.

Please note morning start!

Featured on March 6 are the following:

From BULGARIA; Anton Baev, Elka Dimitrova, and poet/musician Ivan Hristo (poet / musician)

From GEORGIA: Shota Iatashvili, Paata Shamugia, and musician Erikle Deisadze

From NYC: Billy Cancel, Patricia Carragon, Chatham Grey, and musician Ptr Kozlowski

In addition to Wallace, comperes for the event are Anton Baev, Shota Iatashvili. Facebook livestream will be hosted by great weather for MEDIA. YouTube recording courtesy of Cultivating Voices.

Please register on Eventbrite:


This event is the second in the inaugural World Poetry Day Triangulation Project, an arts collaboration joining poets and musicians worldwide for six days in March, 2022.

Poets Building Bridges

Proud to be part of this spectacular event. Thank you, George Wallace for inviting me to read:

The second in a month-long series of triangulations between international communities of poets, conceived, produced and directed by series host George Wallace.

Attendance at this zoom event, which will also be streamed live on Facebook and recorded and posted on Youtube, is free.

Please note morning start!

Featured on March 6 are the following:

From BULGARIA; Anton Baev, Elka Dimitrova, and poet/musician Ivan Hristo (poet / musician)

From GEORGIA: Shota Iatashvili, Paata Shamugia, and musician Erikle Deisadze

From NYC: Billy Cancel, Patricia Carragon, Chatham Grey, and musician Ptr Kozlowski

In addition to Wallace, comperes for the event are Anton Baev, Shota Iatashvili. Facebook livestream will be hosted by great weather for MEDIA. YouTube recording courtesy of Cultivating Voices.

Please register on Eventbrite:

This event is the second in the inaugural World Poetry Day Triangulation Project, an arts collaboration joining poets and musicians worldwide for six days in March, 2022.

Life of a Kalamata Book Launch

Life of a Kalamata Book Launch

Life of a Kalamata Book Launch

Book launch for Didi Champagne’s debut poetry/art book at KGB’s Red Room Speakeasy Salon.

Monday, March 10 at 7 p.m. EST 85 E. 4th Street NYC 10003 Come celebrate Didi’s launch in person with the poets:

Jeffrey Cyphers Wright Dorothy Friedman August Linda Kleinbub Patricia Carragon

2 drink minimum 21 or older ID and proof of vaccination required

Hosted by Patricia Carragon

About Didi Champagne

Brooklyn girl, Didi Champagne, is a self-taught poet, artist, electric bass guitarist, and singer/songwriter with a classical background in vocals. Since the mid ’80s, she has graced the New York stages, including CBGB’S, the Bitter End, Webster Hall, and the Limelight, and played at numerous outdoor festivals and radio interviews. Didi shared her words at various downtown venues, including one reading with Punk Rock Queen, JD Rage, at ABC NoRio. As a vocalist, she has performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Show, and the United Nations for a benefit to save children.

Didi Champagne has a few CDs with her original music, lyrics, and poetry. Please check out her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DidiChampagne for a few of her music livestreams, as well as her art poetry series, which has developed into her first art/poetry collection

Connect on Facebook:


I Wanna Be Loved By You on Zoom

Come celebrate the new anthology by editors—Susana H. Case & Margo Taft Stever. I’m proud to be part of this event. Several poets published in the anthology will be reading.

Thursday, February 24

7 P.M. EST on Zoom

I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe is a new anthology of poems on Marilyn Monroe, one of the all-time greatest iconic figures of beauty and femininity, addresses questions about gender roles and their enactment, and the ways in which women attempt to negotiate the differences between their private and public personae. The ninety who are represented include Sylvia Plath, Sharon Olds, David Lehman, Denise Duhamel, Nin Andrews, Delmore Schwartz, Ernesto Cardenal, David Trinidad, and Frank Baez. The introduction is by Lois Banner, the founder of the women’s history movement and author of ten books, including Marilyn: The Passion and the Paradox (Bloomsbury, 2012).

SUSANA H. CASE has authored eight books of poetry, most recently The Damage Done, Broadstone Books, 2022. Dead Shark on the N Train, Broadstone Books, 2020 won a Pinnacle Book Award for Best Poetry Book, a NYC Big Book Award Distinguished Favorite, and was a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book Award. The first of her five chapbooks, The Scottish Café, Slapering Hol Press, was re-released in a dual-language English-Polish version, Kawiarnia Szkocka by Opole University Press. She co-edited, with Margo Taft Stever, the anthology I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe, Milk and Cake Press, 2022. Case is a co-editor of Slapering Hol Press. http://www.susanahcase.com/.

MARGO TAFT STEVER’s three full-length poetry collections are The End of Horses (Broadstone Books, 2022); Cracked Piano (CavanKerry Press, 2019) shortlisted and honorable mention for the 2021 Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize; and Frozen Spring (2002 Mid-List Press First Series Award for Poetry). Her latest of four chapbooks is Ghost Moose (Kattywompus Press, 2019). Her poems have appeared in literary magazines including Verse Daily, Plant-Human Quarterly, Cincinnati Review, Rattapallax, upstreet, Salamander, West Branch, Poet Lore, Blackbird, Poem-A-Day, poets.org, Academy of American Poets, and Prairie Schooner. She is currently an adjunct assistant professor in the Bioethics Department of the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. Stever also teaches a poetry workshop at Children’s Village, a residential school for at-risk children and adolescents. She is founder of the Hudson Valley Writers Center and founding and current co-editor of Slapering Hol Press. (www.margotaftstever.com)

Malaika King Albrecht is your host

Topic: I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe is a new anthology of poems on Marilyn Monroe Time: Feb 24, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89484519116

Meeting ID: 894 8451 9116 One tap mobile +13126266799,,89484519116# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,89484519116# US (New York)

Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 894 8451 9116 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kJgcoG1su

Celebrate Black History with Brownstone Poets on Zoom

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Sat, February 26 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST

Celebrate Black History with Brownstone Poets on Zoom, Saturday, February 26 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. A stellar trio of poets ready to share their craft:

NOEL FIGUEROA ROBERT ANTHONY GIBBONS AMEERAH SHABAZZ-BILAL Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief. Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program. Please follow these instructions: Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.) Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event. Looking forward to seeing you at our February reading! For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/14uHTk0sN Bios: Bios:

Noel A. Figueroa

Noel A. Figueroa is a Poet, Author, Blogger, Workshop Facilitator & Event Host from Brooklyn, NY who has been reading & writing poetry for over 10 years. He self-published his first book of Poems, "One Man's Journey" back in 2007 & has been actively Blogging since 2012 through his site, "The Anointed Pen Scrolls" on WordPress.com. In 2018, he began a workshop called “Poets With Purpose” & in 2021, he launched “The P.W.P. Sessions”, a Podcast that interviews new or established Poets and gives them space to perform along with an audience Q & A session.

Robert Anthony Gibbons, a native Floridian, came to New York City in 2007 in search of his muse Langston Hughes and found a vibrant contemporary poetry community at the Cornelia Street Cafe, the Green Pavilion, Nomad’s Choir, Brownstone Poets, Hydrogen JukeBox, Saturn Series, and Phoenix among other venues. Robert has been published in over thirty literary magazines and in several notable anthologies. Recent publication credits include Year of the Poet, Killens Review, Tribes, Involuntary Magazine, Peregrine, Expound, Promethean, Turtle Island Quarterly, Killer Whale, Suisun Valley Review, and the Bronx Memoir Project: Vol. 2 published by the Bronx Council of the Arts. He has received funding from the Puffin Foundation (2021), United States Artists (2020), and most recently the New York Foundation for the Arts.(2021).

Ameerah Shabazz-Bilal

Ameerah Shabazz has a talent for telling stories through poetry and visual arts. She is a teacher, writer/author/illustrator, poet, and photographer. She is the founder/facilitator of When Women Speak and When People Speak poetry platforms. She is the author and illustrator of Breathing Through Concrete, and is featured in: Every Kinda Lady and Her Sister Pages and Philadelphia Says: Black Lives Matter poetry anthologies.

Brownstone Poets on Zoom Sat, Feb 26 at 2 p.m. EST

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: NOEL FIGUEROA, ROBERT ANTHONY GIBBONS, AMEERAH SHABAZZ-BILAL, Sat, February 26 at 2 p.m. EST Posted on February 9, 2022 We are kicking off another banner year of poetry and prose on:

Saturday, February 26, 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST on Zoom

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Our February features are:


Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at our February reading! For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/14uHTk0sN


Noel A. Figueroa

Noel A. Figueroa is a poet, author, blogger, workshop facilitator, and event host from Brooklyn, NY who has been reading and writing poetry for over 10 years. He self-published his first book of Poems, One Man’s Journey, back in 2007 and has been actively blogging since 2012 through his site, “The Anointed Pen Scrolls” on WordPress.com. In 2018, he began a workshop called “Poets With Purpose” and in 2021, he launched “The P.W.P. Sessions”, a Podcast that interviews new or established Poets, and gives them space to perform along with an audience Q & A session.

Robert Anthony Gibbons

Robert Anthony Gibbons, a native Floridian, came to New York City in 2007 in search of his muse Langston Hughes and found a vibrant contemporary poetry community at the Cornelia Street Cafe, the Green Pavilion, Nomad’s Choir, Brownstone Poets, Hydrogen JukeBox, Saturn Series, and Phoenix among other venues. Robert has been published in over thirty literary magazines and in several notable anthologies. Recent publication credits include Year of the Poet, Killens Review, Tribes, Involuntary Magazine, Peregrine, Expound, Promethean, Turtle Island Quarterly, Killer Whale, Suisun Valley Review, and the Bronx Memoir Project: Vol. 2 published by the Bronx Council of the Arts. He has received funding from the Puffin Foundation (2021), United States Artists (2020), and most recently the New York Foundation for the Arts.(2021).

Ameerah Shabazz

Ameerah Shabazz has a talent for telling stories through poetry and visual arts. She is a teacher, writer/author/illustrator, poet, and photographer. She is the founder/facilitator of When Women Speak and When People Speak poetry platforms. She is the author and illustrator of Breathing Through Concrete, and is featured in: Every Kinda Lady and Her Sister Pages and Philadelphia Says: Black Lives Matter poetry anthologies.