
Brownstone Poets / Blog

Brownstone Poets Cancelation!

Due to unforeseeable situations, the Brownstone Poets reading for Saturday, June 25 is canceled.

Please stay tuned for

Saturday, July 30 Alexandra Van de Kamp, Mario José Pagán Morales, Thomas Fucaloro

Marilyn Monroe Anthology Reading

Anthology Reading: I Wanna Be Loved By You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe, Friday, June 24 at 7 P.M. Posted on June 13, 2022

Come celebrate the release of this beautiful anthology honoring a Hollywood icon at the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division,

June 24 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Bureau of General Services–Queer Division, New York, NY, 10011

I will be bringing copies of my new novel “Angel Fire” and “Meowku” to the reading.

LGBTQ+ contributors will read their poems on Marilyn Monroe, as well as additional selections from their work.

Featuring editors Susana H. Case & Margo Taft Stever, & contributors Joel Allegretti, Patricia Carragon, Alexander Cavaluzzo, Robert Anthony Gibbons, Matthew Hittinger, Lynn Mcgee, & Bruce E. Whitacre

This event will take place in person at the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division, on the second floor (room 210) of The LGBT Community Center, 208 W. 13th St., NYC, 10011.

Registration is not required. Seating is first come, first served.

Also live-streaming on the Bureau’s YouTube channel

Safety protocol

In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

If you have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the days leading up to the event, we ask you to please stay home.

Please note that masks are required at all times inside The LGBT Community Center, where the Bureau is located.

Suggested donation $10 to benefit the Bureau’s work.

All are welcome to attend, with or without donation.

We will pass a bag for donations at the start of the event, but we can also take credit card donations at the register.

The Phoenix Reading Series, Mon, June 6, at 6:30 p.m.

The Phoenix Reading Series, Mon, June 6, at 6:30 p.m. Posted on June 1, 2022

Come ye wordsmiths, bards, and lovers of spoken words to

The Phoenix Series

Swift Hibernian Lounge

34 East 4th St., New York, NY 10003

from 6 :30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Hosted by Jennifer Juneau and Michael Graves

open mic

$5 donation



The theme for this week, chosen by Jennifer Juneau’s co-host Michael Graves, is:

Random Acts of Kindness

Please support the venue by ordering their delicious pub-style food to wash it down with a drink or two.


PATRICIA CARRAGON’S latest books from Poets Wear Prada are Meowku and The Cupcake Chronicles. Her debut novel, Angel Fire, is from Alien Buddha Press. Patricia hosts the Brooklyn-based Brownstone Poets and is the editor-in-chief of its annual anthology. She is an executive editor for Home Planet News Online. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.

SUSAN WEIMAN is a storyteller, writer of literary nonfiction and fiction. Her work has been published in the Paterson Literary Review, New York State Writers Institute’s Trolley HomePlaneNews.com, First Literary Review – East, City Lore – Places That Matter, Silver Tongue Devil Anthology and elsewhere. Her recent chapbook, Roommates was published by ParksidePoetsPress in 2021, and New York-ish was published by NoNet Press in 2018. She is working on a memoir collection and a third chapbook, Life in the Time of Covid.

DOROTHY CANTWELL has worked as an educator, actor and playwright. Active in NYC experimental theater in the 1980s, she was a founding member of Robin Epstein’s More Fire! Productions, and worked with many downtown theater artists in venues that ranged from the Performing Garage to Broadway. Dorothy returns to the stage occasionally, most recently in a Retrospective of Jeff Weiss’ Work at the Kitchen and in Bill Considine’s Persephone Returns. Her work has been published in the Long Island Literary Journal, Brownstone Poets Anthology, Constellate Literary Journal, Flash Boulevard, Assisi, Poetrybay, Angel City Review, and River and South Review.

(Un)Cloistered Poetry Online

(Un)Cloistered Poetry Online, Sunday, June 12 at 6 p.m. EST Posted on May 31, 2022

Happy to be featured with Violeta Orozco, Sean Kelbley, and Mary Austin Speaker on Sunday, June 12 at 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. EST. on Zoom.

Join us for incredible poetry from the comfort of wherever you are!

Features followed by open mic (5 minutes per reader)

Hosted by Jonie McIntire

Free Event

Be sure to register for the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZ0uf…

Carragon Guest Poet for Yorktown Poetry Workshop

Join us at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, May 25 EDT — Patricia Carragon, host of Brownstone Poets (which has an Open Mic this Saturday) will be our guest poet (bio below)— bring one poem to receive comments/criticism — or just come and listen.

Hosted by John F. McMullen, Poet Laureate, Town of Yorktown, NY Simply click Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83176155376


Patricia Carragon has been widely published online and in print. Her most recent publications include First Literary Review-East, I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe, Jerry Jazz Musician, MER VOX Quarterly, Muddy River Review, The Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow anthology, et al. Her poem, “For All We Know,” is forthcoming in the 2022 great weather for MEDIA anthology. Her fiction piece What Has to Happen Next has been nominated for Sundress Publications Annual Best of the Net Anthology. Her poem Paris the Beautiful won Poem of the Week from great weather for MEDIA. She was nominated by Bear Creek Haiku for a Pushcart Prize. Her debut novel, Angel Fire, is from Alien Buddha Press. Her books from Poets Wear Prada are Meowku and The Cupcake Chronicles. She hosts Brownstone Poets and is the editor-in-chief of its annual anthology.

Megha Sood, Juan Pablo Mobili, Carolyne Wright Brownstone Poets

Reminder: Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Megha Sood, Juan Pablo Mobili, Carolyne Wright Reminder: Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Megha Sood, Juan Pablo Mobili, Carolyne Wright, Sat, May 28 at 2 p.m. EST

Posted on May 5, 2022

Brownstone Poets on Zoom

Saturday, May 28 , 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST on Zoom

Megha Sood

Juan Pablo Mobili

Carolyne Wright

Plus a limited open mic


Hosted by Patricia Carragon

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at our May reading! For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1a24ntQy8


Megha Sood is an Award-winning Asian American Poet, Editor, Author, Literary Activist from New Jersey, USA. Recipient of 2021 Poet Fellowship from MVICW ( Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creating Writing) and a National Level Winner for the 2020 Poetry Matters Project. Recipient of “Certificate of Excellence” from Mayor, Jersey City.Associate Poetry Editor Literary Journals Mookychick (UK), Life and Legends (USA), and Literary Partner with “Life in Quarantine”, Stanford University. Author of Chapbook ( “My Body is Not an Apology”, Finishing Line Press, 2021) and Full Length (“My Body Lives Like a Threat”, FlowerSongPress,2022). She blogs at https://meghasworldsite.wordpress.com/ and tweets at @meghasood16.

Juan Pablo Mobili was born in Buenos Aires, and adopted by New York. His poems appeared in The American Journal of Poetry, The Worcester Review, and The Banyan Review, Monotiths (Australia) and Impspired (UK), among many others. His work received an Honorable Mention from the International Human Rights Art Festival, and has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net, in 2020 and 2021. His chapbook, “Contraband,” will be published in 2022.

Carolyne Wright’s latest books are Masquerade, a memoir in poetry (Lost Horse Press, 2021) and This Dream the World: New & Selected Poems (Lost Horse, 2017), whose title poem received a Pushcart Prize and appeared in The Best American Poetry 2009. A Seattle native who has lived and taught all over the country, and on fellowships in Chile, Brazil, India and Bangladesh, she has 16 earlier books and anthologies of poetry, essays, and translation. A Contributing Editor for the Pushcart Prizes, Carolyne has received NEA and 4Culture grants. A Fulbright Scholar Award will take her back to Bahia, Brazil, post-CoVid-19.

Angel Fire

Spring is in the Air, Time for Fun and Angel Fire Posted on May 16, 2022

May is warming up, and the days are longer, which means more time for reading.

Thank you Alien Buddha Press and my copy editor, Cindy Hochman of “100 Proof” Copyediting Services, for believing in my Angel Fire’s value.

Angel Fire is a novel, inspired by personal experiences and nightmares, that delves into the lives of three women protagonists, Sarah Kahn, Kate Robbins, and Dana Chu, living and working in New York City during the ’90s through the post- 9/11 world and the Obama election. The book is comprised of over 57,000 words, broken down into twenty-one chapters and an epilogue. The narrative contains elements of magic realism/ urban fantasy, and beyond the wry humor, there are bizarre twists involving erotic dreams, curses, cats, and paranormal visitations from a precocious ten-year-old girl named Allie, turning this story into a psychological thriller.

Praise for Angel Fire . . .

From Peter Marra:

. . . In Angel Fire, her debut novel, Patricia Carragon expertly crafts a tale that captures the essence of what life was like in the beginning of the new millennium. What starts out as a drama soon morphs into a supernatural thriller—an emotional roller coaster populated with fantastic characters who will stay with you for a long time. Angel Fire will keep you riveted until the last page.

From Thaddeus Rutkowski:

. . . Through twists and turns, and the disaster of 9/11, the stakes rise for all of the heroines, and we follow their lives with growing apprehension as we discover their fates. Carragon gives us a sharp-edged picture of people we see every day, but whose inner demons are rarely revealed.

From Charles Rammelkamp:

. . . like nested Russian dolls, the stories are contained within other stories written by other writers, until, in a dazzling epilogue, we learn the final version of the puzzle that makes up these words. Or do we? The final sentence revives the delicious ambiguity. Patricia Carragon’s novel is an impressive construction of plot and character, particularly for those who love a gothic tale, and, more philosophically, reflections on the written word, its origins and influence.


Two ways to purchase Angel Fire:

through Amazon or me.

Due to in-person venue cancellations, I will be posting the link to purchasing my debut novel, Angel Fire, on Amazon. Since these copies will be shipped from Amazon, they will not be signed.

If you want your signed copy from me, please send a personal message to pcarragon@gmail.com. Payment will be done on PayPal to pcarragon@gmail.com as a friend, not as a business. The cost will be $18, which includes shipping/handling. I do not charge for tax! If you don’t have PayPal, then I will accept a money order. Once the payment is done either through PayPal or money order, I will ship the book to you. Please don’t forget to give me your home address to ship the book.

Available on Amazon:

https://amzn.to/3xLH8u6 $12.99 (retail price before shipping and tax)

Product details Item Weight : 15.2 ounces Paperback : 243 pages ISBN-10 : 1706761376 ISBN-13 : 978-1706761372 Product Dimensions : 6 x 0.61 x 9 inches

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Megha Sood, Juan Pablo Mobili, Carolyne Wright

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Megha Sood, Juan Pablo Mobili, Carolyne Wright, Sat, May 28 at 2 p.m. EST

Posted on May 5, 2022

Brownstone Poets on Zoom

Saturday, May 28 , 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST on Zoom

Megha Sood

Juan Pablo Mobili

Carolyne Wright

Plus a limited open mic


Hosted by Patricia Carragon

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at our May reading! For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1a24ntQy8


Megha Sood is an Award-winning Asian American Poet, Editor, Author, Literary Activist from New Jersey, USA. Recipient of 2021 Poet Fellowship from MVICW ( Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creating Writing) and a National Level Winner for the 2020 Poetry Matters Project. Recipient of “Certificate of Excellence” from Mayor, Jersey City.Associate Poetry Editor Literary Journals Mookychick (UK), Life and Legends (USA), and Literary Partner with “Life in Quarantine”, Stanford University. Author of Chapbook ( “My Body is Not an Apology”, Finishing Line Press, 2021) and Full Length (“My Body Lives Like a Threat”, FlowerSongPress,2022). She blogs at https://meghasworldsite.wordpress.com/ and tweets at @meghasood16.

Juan Pablo Mobili was born in Buenos Aires, and adopted by New York. His poems appeared in The American Journal of Poetry, The Worcester Review, and The Banyan Review, Monotiths (Australia) and Impspired (UK), among many others. His work received an Honorable Mention from the International Human Rights Art Festival, and has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net, in 2020 and 2021. His chapbook, “Contraband,” will be published in 2022.

Carolyne Wright’s latest books are Masquerade, a memoir in poetry (Lost Horse Press, 2021) and This Dream the World: New & Selected Poems (Lost Horse, 2017), whose title poem received a Pushcart Prize and appeared in The Best American Poetry 2009. A Seattle native who has lived and taught all over the country, and on fellowships in Chile, Brazil, India and Bangladesh, she has 16 earlier books and anthologies of poetry, essays, and translation. A Contributing Editor for the Pushcart Prizes, Carolyne has received NEA and 4Culture grants. A Fulbright Scholar Award will take her back to Bahia, Brazil, post-CoVid-19.

Home Planet News Online is Open for Submissions for Issue #10!

Home Planet News Online is Open for Submissions for Issue #10! Posted on May 10, 2022

Per Frank Murphy:

Dear friends, poets, writers, and artist. Home Planet News is now accepting material for our next edition. We are looking for poems, stories, reviews, essays, plays, memoirs, and graphic art of every type. We accept writing in Spanish with or without translations. We also accept works in other languages with translations and the author’s permission. Our deadline will be 10/1/22, and we will work hard to have the issue published by the end of the year. In submitting your work, please have your name on the first page of the work you’re submitting. In submitting reviews, please give the name of the press, the price, the number of pages, and, if possible, a link to the publisher or to any source where the book can be obtained.

Please send submissions to Frank Murphy at either

homeplanetnews@outlook.com or lmurphy227@gmail.com

Poet Matt Morris has been added to our list of editors and is incredibly helpful in making this issue possible. Home Planet News could use another editor. Someone who is either familiar with or willing to learn some basic WordPress, and we could always use another proofreader.

Brownstone Poets on Zoom Sat, May 28 at 2 pm EST

Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Megha Sood, Juan Pablo Mobili, Carolyne Wright, Sat, May 28 at 2 p.m. EST Posted on May 5, 2022

Brownstone Poets on Zoom

Saturday, May 28 , 2022

from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST on Zoom

Megha Sood

Juan Pablo Mobili

Carolyne Wright

Plus a limited open mic


Hosted by Patricia Carragon

Please follow directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program.

Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print and pays our features. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.

Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Make your $5 contribution: https://bit.ly/3bkqFmO (Note that your contribution is not refundable.)

Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting: https://bit.ly/3hnpy8D

Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at our May reading! For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1a24ntQy8


Megha Sood is an Award-winning Asian American Poet, Editor, Author, Literary Activist from New Jersey, USA. Recipient of 2021 Poet Fellowship from MVICW ( Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creating Writing) and a National Level Winner for the 2020 Poetry Matters Project. Recipient of “Certificate of Excellence” from Mayor, Jersey City.Associate Poetry Editor Literary Journals Mookychick (UK), Life and Legends (USA), and Literary Partner with “Life in Quarantine”, Stanford University. Author of Chapbook ( “My Body is Not an Apology”, Finishing Line Press, 2021) and Full Length (“My Body Lives Like a Threat”, FlowerSongPress,2022). She blogs at https://meghasworldsite.wordpress.com/ and tweets at @meghasood16.

Juan Pablo Mobili was born in Buenos Aires, and adopted by New York. His poems appeared in The American Journal of Poetry, The Worcester Review, and The Banyan Review, Monotiths (Australia) and Impspired (UK), among many others. His work received an Honorable Mention from the International Human Rights Art Festival, and has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net, in 2020 and 2021. His chapbook, “Contraband,” will be published in 2022.

Carolyne Wright’s latest books are Masquerade, a memoir in poetry (Lost Horse Press, 2021) and This Dream the World: New & Selected Poems (Lost Horse, 2017), whose title poem received a Pushcart Prize and appeared in The Best American Poetry 2009. A Seattle native who has lived and taught all over the country, and on fellowships in Chile, Brazil, India and Bangladesh, she has 16 earlier books and anthologies of poetry, essays, and translation. A Contributing Editor for the Pushcart Prizes, Carolyne has received NEA and 4Culture grants. A Fulbright Scholar Award will take her back to Bahia, Brazil, post-CoVid-19.