Hey All!
Well we've been busy. Kim Lesaca has joined the band on bass. Kim's one of THEE best bassists in the Philipines and when he decided to move to Cansda he also decided to play with 1ST. He's a killer; a protege of Rocco Prestia! Ya. WHO'S LUCKIER THAN WE ARE?!?!
We unleashed Kim last Saturday when we played a 4 band lineup benefit show for War Child in Edmonton. We had a good turnout and the crowd was mighty receptive. (We like the sound of many two hands clapping....:)) Other than Salem having some serious gear probs with her mikestand AND her guitar, and some yahoo spilling something all over stage right just beofre we went on and then walking away and leaving it for us to get electrocuted with, everything went off without a hitch. A nice debut show. We even sold a multitude of t'shirts. Got YOURS yet?! :))))
A film crew was out filming footage for our upcoming video of Free Will, the first single from the CD and they managed to get some decent footage in spite of the gear distractions.We're raising money on Kickstarter for the video right now so head on over there if you feel lke donating to that. www.kickstarter.com/onesoulthrust
And speaking of the CD....it's sitting and waiting for the graphics to be finished and should be released in Jan or Feb.
Those are the bare facts for the moment...
The More We Rock The Better You Feel!
Well it feels more like a heartwrenching denouement...
But the mountains were incredible. We hiked as close to Mt. Robson as we could get and were treated to a thunder storm just overhead. (It sounded like Ale's B3. :)) We also had a quick jam with Brian, a great friend and musician who's lucky enough to live up there. The highlight was the jam between the three of us on the cabin's porch, our last night there- you should hear Ale sing Glenn Hughes's parts :)). Ale loves the Canadian Rockies. He should; he's a bear but the only thing missing from the trip was Todd. We would've loved his perspective on some gnarly blisters after we'd been hiking hard for about 11 km...
In 8 hours we put Ale on a plane back to Europe (lucky Europe). He'll mix the CD and then it'll come back here to be mastered. Looks like we'll see him again in the fall when he tours the US with Axe and we're talking about Italy for Christmas. Next summer we tour with him (and Glenn Hughes!!) and record the next album. WHO'S LUCKIER THAN US?!?!?!
Final Quotes:
"How old are YOU?!" Ale to Todd
"You're old but you're good." Ale to Salem & Jag
"Not again!! Ale! Buddy! You ok?! How many fingers?!" Jag to Ale
"I'd like to be the floppy one for once!" Ale to Salem
"Be careful!! Your record STILL is not mixed!" Ale to 1ST
"Jaguar. When I think about you...I think about love." Ale to Jag
"Stop quoting Bad Company songs. You're making me nervous." Jag to Ale
"Nothwithstanding any failure, sex is healthy." Ale misquoting Glenn's part on Go Home and Melt (but we think he meant it)
"I'm fast AND quiet." Ale to Salem and Jag
"That drastically reduces your chances here in Canada." Salem to Ale
"I KILL YOU!!!" Ale to the whole band
And finally Some Songs That Say It All;
"It's Tearin' Me Apart..." Journey's (what Steve Perry would sing when he sees Ale and 1ST at the airport)
"So Into You..." Atlanta Rhythm Section
"I Will Survive..." Gloria Gaynor
"Black Hole Sun..." Soundgarden
"So Numb" One Soul Thrust
"Fire and Rain" Jame Taylor
and every song Ale played in the van yesterday...The heart hears everything.
Joy! Elation! Despair!!!!... that we're done recording this CD. We finished all background vocals, the last bit of icing on the cake, about 30 minutes ago. You're gonna love the choir, composed of Ale, Jag and Salem, x10...Ale's vocal arrangements SO ROCK!!!
Final Quotes:
"I've never been happier in my life." Salem to a myriad of people several times over the course of this CD...(including strangers on the street!?!?...Ever seen her jump for joy? That chick can jump!)
"This is an AWESOME ALBUM!!" Todd to Jag, Ale and Salem
"This is an AWESOME ALBUM!!" Jag to Todd, Salem and Ale
"This is an AWESOME ALBUM!!" Salem to Jag, Todd and Ale
"I love you guys. Let's do it again!" Glenn Hughes to the band at breakfast
"I LOVE OST/1ST/WHATEVER!!!!!" Ale to the world on Facebook
We're off to the mountains for a couple of days before we break our hearts and put Ale on a plane...(Salem will likely cut out her heart at the airport and give it to him...but then...he already has it..) Stay tuned for The Epilogue Quotes when we get back.
Like the header says: The More We Rock The Better You Feel but it really has become The More YOU Rock the Better WE Feel. You're The Reason.
It's early and we're late.
Last night was late. After a day of Ale blowing us away with his B3 trax, we went with some friends to see Nazareth and Headpins. And a good time was had by all....Todd, as usual, was MIA. He has a very busy social life...;)
So at 9:30am that Beautiful B3 has to be lifted again to be returned. The guys are girding their loins (by sleeping in) for this and thank God, Todd will be around for it. Then it's background vox which could be interesting since the studio is right beside a park that's supposed to be filled with bagpipes today....
Super quotation:
"Oh...this is the only quote you should put out...I love this tune....and I love your music...I love your voice...Jag's works....Todd's....Stu's....everything...it's a true honour." Ale to Salem by email
"Ti Amo Maestro" Salem to Ale
“WHO?!?! was playing the Hammond?”Ale 2 The Universe
“Do you want a count-in?.....No?....” Jag 2 Ale
“You get one anyway.” Jag 2 Ale
“I KILL YOU!” Achmed Ale 2 Jag
“Feels great!” Anyone 2 anyone re: solos, takes, Dawna-Lynne’s massages, Dr. C’s treatments, lunch & dinner, a ride in Salem’s car and most notably listening to Glenn Hughes....
"I was paid for doing just two songs and now I'm playing on the whole record!" Ale's hostage cry for release (not true btw)
"This song is hard....I hate you!" Ale 2 Salem
"Who wrote these chord changes? Salem? Strange how someone with so little talent could write something so good..." Ale 2 Jag and Salem
"Ale?!?! Buddy???!? You ok?!?!? Get up!!!!" Jag 2 Ale
"NO SNIVELING!!!!!!" Salem to anybody still standing
Sitting here with Ale tracking B3 for Melt and Good Girl. This is downright divine!!!!!! It's SERIOUSLY loud! And REALLY REALLY REALLY good. Music is everything and when the B3 roars no one argues.
"You don't know the songs you play!!!" Ale to Salem
"Ya there's a 'D' is on the second pass. Heartbreaker!" Salem to Ale
Good morning all....Today the mighty B3 roars through the trax. Tonight we're going to see Nazareth. Things are heating up as the sessions race at breakneck speed into the future of Rock n Roll. Canada grows ever more alluring to Maestro (who is now called Maestro Something-Else-That-We Won't-Say-Just-Yet...)
Here are the first of your daily does of quotations:
"She's SO attractive!" Ale to Salem and Jag about an undisclosed acquaintance
"I can't believe it. I was babbling like an idiot!" An undisclosed acquaintance to Salem
"I want to marry Jag!" Ale to Salem
"I'm getting nervous!" Jag to Salem
"Awkward!" Todd to everyone
"Glenny and I are not crazy when we say that you've got some bullets in your pocket!" Ale to Salem
"BANG!!" Salem to anyone who'll listen (which is about 4 and 1/2 people)
"Look Up! Let your life be bold!!!" Lyrics from Look Up
"Love! Is! All!" Lyrics from Love Is All We've Got
"I've never given you a compliment. When did I do this?! I KILL YOU!!!!!" Ale to Salem
...surreal. Something's is in the air. Love and music. We're living a whole lifetime in this record.
"So. You go to the chiropractor?" Salem to Ale
"Jag come here and help me!!!!!!" Ale to Jag
"Salem, help me to keep my mind on this record!" Ale to Salem
"I could say something but I won't." Salem to Ale and Jag
"I looked on Facebook AND Twitter!" an undiscloseable acquaintance to Salem
"I kill you! The page is uploading and I'm gonna kill you!" Ale to Salem (he says this to her alot)
The B3 is here. (Only one casualty....ask Jag about it next time you see him :)) Ale is currently wailing away on it set up in the living room with the Leslie in the prayer room. The whole house is shaking and the goose flesh will not go away. Right now he's playing Child In Time. A Hammond B3 is one of THEE voices of Rock. And God can the man play.....
Tomorrow's session is gonna be amazing!
One Soul Thrust / Blog
Update 4Ya!
Hey All! Well we've been busy. Kim Lesaca has joined the band on bass. Kim's one of THEE best bassists in the Philipines and when he decided to move to Cansda he also decided to play with 1ST. He's a killer; a protege of Rocco Prestia! Ya. WHO'S LUCKIER THAN WE ARE?!?! We unleashed Kim last Saturday when we played a 4 band lineup benefit show for War Child in Edmonton. We had a good turnout and the crowd was mighty receptive. (We like the sound of many two hands clapping....:)) Other than Salem having some serious gear probs with her mikestand AND her guitar, and some yahoo spilling something all over stage right just beofre we went on and then walking away and leaving it for us to get electrocuted with, everything went off without a hitch. A nice debut show. We even sold a multitude of t'shirts. Got YOURS yet?! :)))) A film crew was out filming footage for our upcoming video of Free Will, the first single from the CD and they managed to get some decent footage in spite of the gear distractions.We're raising money on Kickstarter for the video right now so head on over there if you feel lke donating to that. www.kickstarter.com/onesoulthrust And speaking of the CD....it's sitting and waiting for the graphics to be finished and should be released in Jan or Feb. Those are the bare facts for the moment... The More We Rock The Better You Feel! 1ST
Session Blog Epilogue
Well it feels more like a heartwrenching denouement... But the mountains were incredible. We hiked as close to Mt. Robson as we could get and were treated to a thunder storm just overhead. (It sounded like Ale's B3. :)) We also had a quick jam with Brian, a great friend and musician who's lucky enough to live up there. The highlight was the jam between the three of us on the cabin's porch, our last night there- you should hear Ale sing Glenn Hughes's parts :)). Ale loves the Canadian Rockies. He should; he's a bear but the only thing missing from the trip was Todd. We would've loved his perspective on some gnarly blisters after we'd been hiking hard for about 11 km... In 8 hours we put Ale on a plane back to Europe (lucky Europe). He'll mix the CD and then it'll come back here to be mastered. Looks like we'll see him again in the fall when he tours the US with Axe and we're talking about Italy for Christmas. Next summer we tour with him (and Glenn Hughes!!) and record the next album. WHO'S LUCKIER THAN US?!?!?! Final Quotes: "How old are YOU?!" Ale to Todd "You're old but you're good." Ale to Salem & Jag "Not again!! Ale! Buddy! You ok?! How many fingers?!" Jag to Ale "I'd like to be the floppy one for once!" Ale to Salem "Be careful!! Your record STILL is not mixed!" Ale to 1ST "Jaguar. When I think about you...I think about love." Ale to Jag "Stop quoting Bad Company songs. You're making me nervous." Jag to Ale "Nothwithstanding any failure, sex is healthy." Ale misquoting Glenn's part on Go Home and Melt (but we think he meant it) "I'm fast AND quiet." Ale to Salem and Jag "That drastically reduces your chances here in Canada." Salem to Ale "I KILL YOU!!!" Ale to the whole band And finally Some Songs That Say It All; "It's Tearin' Me Apart..." Journey's (what Steve Perry would sing when he sees Ale and 1ST at the airport) "So Into You..." Atlanta Rhythm Section "I Will Survive..." Gloria Gaynor "Black Hole Sun..." Soundgarden "So Numb" One Soul Thrust "Fire and Rain" Jame Taylor and every song Ale played in the van yesterday...The heart hears everything.
The More We Rock The Better YOU Feel!
Joy! Elation! Despair!!!!... that we're done recording this CD. We finished all background vocals, the last bit of icing on the cake, about 30 minutes ago. You're gonna love the choir, composed of Ale, Jag and Salem, x10...Ale's vocal arrangements SO ROCK!!! Final Quotes: "I've never been happier in my life." Salem to a myriad of people several times over the course of this CD...(including strangers on the street!?!?...Ever seen her jump for joy? That chick can jump!) "This is an AWESOME ALBUM!!" Todd to Jag, Ale and Salem "This is an AWESOME ALBUM!!" Jag to Todd, Salem and Ale "This is an AWESOME ALBUM!!" Salem to Jag, Todd and Ale "I love you guys. Let's do it again!" Glenn Hughes to the band at breakfast "I LOVE OST/1ST/WHATEVER!!!!!" Ale to the world on Facebook We're off to the mountains for a couple of days before we break our hearts and put Ale on a plane...(Salem will likely cut out her heart at the airport and give it to him...but then...he already has it..) Stay tuned for The Epilogue Quotes when we get back. Like the header says: The More We Rock The Better You Feel but it really has become The More YOU Rock the Better WE Feel. You're The Reason.
Hauling Butt and Background Vocals
It's early and we're late. Last night was late. After a day of Ale blowing us away with his B3 trax, we went with some friends to see Nazareth and Headpins. And a good time was had by all....Todd, as usual, was MIA. He has a very busy social life...;) So at 9:30am that Beautiful B3 has to be lifted again to be returned. The guys are girding their loins (by sleeping in) for this and thank God, Todd will be around for it. Then it's background vox which could be interesting since the studio is right beside a park that's supposed to be filled with bagpipes today.... Super quotation: "Oh...this is the only quote you should put out...I love this tune....and I love your music...I love your voice...Jag's works....Todd's....Stu's....everything...it's a true honour." Ale to Salem by email "Ti Amo Maestro" Salem to Ale
What we've Been Saying 2day
“WHO?!?! was playing the Hammond?”Ale 2 The Universe “Do you want a count-in?.....No?....” Jag 2 Ale “You get one anyway.” Jag 2 Ale “I KILL YOU!” Achmed Ale 2 Jag “Feels great!” Anyone 2 anyone re: solos, takes, Dawna-Lynne’s massages, Dr. C’s treatments, lunch & dinner, a ride in Salem’s car and most notably listening to Glenn Hughes.... "I was paid for doing just two songs and now I'm playing on the whole record!" Ale's hostage cry for release (not true btw) "This song is hard....I hate you!" Ale 2 Salem "Who wrote these chord changes? Salem? Strange how someone with so little talent could write something so good..." Ale 2 Jag and Salem "Ale?!?! Buddy???!? You ok?!?!? Get up!!!!" Jag 2 Ale "NO SNIVELING!!!!!!" Salem to anybody still standing
Go Home & Melt You Good Girl!!
Sitting here with Ale tracking B3 for Melt and Good Girl. This is downright divine!!!!!! It's SERIOUSLY loud! And REALLY REALLY REALLY good. Music is everything and when the B3 roars no one argues. "You don't know the songs you play!!!" Ale to Salem "Ya there's a 'D' is on the second pass. Heartbreaker!" Salem to Ale
Hearts So Tender
Good morning all....Today the mighty B3 roars through the trax. Tonight we're going to see Nazareth. Things are heating up as the sessions race at breakneck speed into the future of Rock n Roll. Canada grows ever more alluring to Maestro (who is now called Maestro Something-Else-That-We Won't-Say-Just-Yet...) Here are the first of your daily does of quotations: "She's SO attractive!" Ale to Salem and Jag about an undisclosed acquaintance "I can't believe it. I was babbling like an idiot!" An undisclosed acquaintance to Salem "I want to marry Jag!" Ale to Salem "I'm getting nervous!" Jag to Salem "Awkward!" Todd to everyone "Glenny and I are not crazy when we say that you've got some bullets in your pocket!" Ale to Salem "BANG!!" Salem to anyone who'll listen (which is about 4 and 1/2 people) "Look Up! Let your life be bold!!!" Lyrics from Look Up "Love! Is! All!" Lyrics from Love Is All We've Got
Who else would say this?
"I've never given you a compliment. When did I do this?! I KILL YOU!!!!!" Ale to Salem
I simply love you...
It's Getting....
...surreal. Something's is in the air. Love and music. We're living a whole lifetime in this record. "So. You go to the chiropractor?" Salem to Ale "Jag come here and help me!!!!!!" Ale to Jag "Salem, help me to keep my mind on this record!" Ale to Salem "I could say something but I won't." Salem to Ale and Jag "I looked on Facebook AND Twitter!" an undiscloseable acquaintance to Salem "I kill you! The page is uploading and I'm gonna kill you!" Ale to Salem (he says this to her alot)
The God of Thunder has Arrived
The B3 is here. (Only one casualty....ask Jag about it next time you see him :)) Ale is currently wailing away on it set up in the living room with the Leslie in the prayer room. The whole house is shaking and the goose flesh will not go away. Right now he's playing Child In Time. A Hammond B3 is one of THEE voices of Rock. And God can the man play..... Tomorrow's session is gonna be amazing!