

CAROLINE BLUE SHOW-2/21/09-The Lost Horizon-Syracuse,NY


THE LOST HORIZON 5863 Thompson Road Syracuse, New York 13039

With Silent Fury & possibly 1 more band TBA


Doors open @ 9:00 PM


CAROLINE BLUE plays their own original material as well as songs by KISS, Metallica, Stone Temple Pilots, Black Sabbath, Godsmack, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Motorhead, Skid Row, & many more...

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

Hi Everyone!

-Hey, at least I'm back the next day for this right? :) Last night, CAROLINE BLUE played at The Lost Horizon in Syracuse,NY. This was basically a very short notice gig, in that we were notified about this only last week and really didn't get the final band line up until a few days before the show. Originally, we thought this was going to happen Friday but it was booked for Saturday. Good thing too cause the weather was horrible in CNY on Friday-I felt bad for all the bands that had to play out in that snow storm that night....

-So there were only 2 bands-us & Silent Fury. Both bands arrived around 8 and set up gear. Silent Fury has former CB drummer Josh Dean in their ranks. He's doing well & we wish him & his band continued success. They went on around 10:30-10:45 I believe and did a combo of covers & originals. They're a 3 piece like us and did a good job. Maybe we can do some more team ups in the future....

-Around midnight we hit the stage. Here's the set list for the evening...

-Detroit Rock City (KISS)
-I've Seen The Light Tonight
-Living After Midnight (Judas Priest)
-Sex Type Thing (Stone Temple Pilots)
-Wish (Nine Inch Nails)
-Love Me or Leave Me
-Voodoo (Godsmack)
-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (AC/DC)
-Seek & Destroy (Metallica)
-Out of My Life (I Want You)
-Ace of Spades (Motorhead)
-Bulls on Parade (Rage Against The Machine)
-Rock & Roll All Nite (KISS)

-Things started off on a good note *sacasm mode off* when Joe had problems w/ his mic stand-before we even hit the 1st note. Overall, I think we did good. The band is getting tighter. You may notice that, in the pics of the show, we're back to wearing the leather and that will basically be the way it will be from now on. At one point in the show, some radio station came blasting thru the front end speakers. We also took a bunch of group pics in the backstage area. The Lost has such a great history and great backgrounds to take pics/videos at.

-We actually had planned another hour's worth of songs to play, but the turnout wasn't huge and-when that happens at The Lost, they stop the bands at 1 AM. Wish I'd known about that before we hit the stage but that's ok. We're adaptable. We had a good time playing here. I personally love playing on that stage and have felt that way ever since I played on it w/ my first band back in...oops, we're out of time already? (HA!)

-We want to give a big thanks to Bryan & Greg for having us there-looking forward to being back again in April. Thanks to Silent Fury for playing with us. And most of all-thanks to all the great people who came out tonight to support us. It's so deeply appreciated.

Next show-Friday 2/27 at Shamrocks in North Syracuse,NY. CAROLINE BLUE from 10-2.
We hope to see you there!

2/14/09-CAROLINE BLUE Song on Valentine's Day Complation CD

-CAROLINE BLUE is one of several artists featured on a special Valentine's Day Tribute compilation (digital) CD for U.S. Troops stationed overseas. The compilation is put together by Music for Troops and their website can be seen by clicking HERE The song by CAROLINE BLUE that is featured on this compilation is "I've Seen The Light Tonight."


2/13/09-Happy Birthday WWJ!

On this day, a little WWJ entered the world. The 1st words spoken to him were ("Hey-are you Indian?") Wish the big guy a Happy Birthday on his My Space page at http://www.myspace.com/waynewjohnson

CAROLINE BLUE SHOW-2/7/09-Nino's in Cicero w/ Special Guests Defect

CAROLINE BLUE will be performing at Nino’s on Saturday February 7,2009. Special Guests-Defect. Show starts at 10 PM & Admission is $5.00. For more info visit http://carolineblue.com/

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

Hi Everyone!

-Sorry for the late entry-this week has been very hectic for me. Last Saturday CB played at Nino's in Cicero,NY for the 1st time. Special Guests were Defect and sound/lights were provided by Strangeland Audio.

-Nino's is a nice place-lots of space. Everyone had to be careful in the back though-cause the power board was a little exposed. If you hit that, you'd get an extreme afro-among other things :) Defect went on a little after 10. This was Chris Halen's (bass) last night w/ the band. 1/2 way through their set, they had a little surprise for me. I was brought up onstage-along w/ the rest of CB-and was given a birthday cake made by Charleen N.! My birthday was actually that upcoming Friday-I had no idea they were going to do that-thanks! The cake was great btw :) Of course, it was KISS-themed (check out the pics of it on our My Space pics of the show). Defect put on a good show. I heard they already have a new bassist lined up.
Thanks guys!

-Then it was our turn to hit the stage, which was after midnight-a little later than planned. The crowd was good sized, but dwindled as time went on. A lot of people I'd talked to earlier said they thought we were the only band playing this night and that they weren't staying too long past a certain time. In addition, a number of other bands were out this night so that was a factor as well.
Here's the set list for the night

-Enter Snadman (Metallica)
-Breaking the Chains (Dokken)
-Love Me or Leave Me
-Detroit Rock City (KISS)
-Man in the Box (Alice in Chains)
-I've Seen the Light Tonight
-Shout at the Devil (Motley Crue)
-Living Dead Girl (Rob Zombie)
-Nothing Will Satisfy You
-Where the River Flows (Collective Soul)
-Bad Girlfriend (Theory of a Deadman)
-Voodoo (Godsmack)
-Ace of Spades (Motorhead)
-Bulls on Parade (Rage Against the Machine)
-Living After Midnight (Judas Priest)
-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (AC/DC)
(Black Sabbath)
-Rock & Roll All Nite (KISS)
-Seek & Destroy (Metallica)
-Won't Be Home Tonight
-Get The Fuck Out (Skid Row)

-Both "Rock & Roll All Nite" & "Won't Be Home Tonight" were requests from the audience. We received calls for an encore at the end of the night but couldn't do one cause it was "the end of the night." :) It was nice to have a good set of front lights on us. Outside of a few problems here & there & some brain farts (the names are being withheld to protect the guilty....), the show went along fine and we had a good time.

-Thanks to Defect for opening for us & for Strangeland Audio for doing a great job w/ the lights & sound. Thanks also to Nino's for treating us good-we look forward to working with you again in the future. Thanks to all the people who came out to see us and a huge thanks to those who stuck w/ us till the very end.

Hope to see you at the next show!


1/6/09-CAROLINE BLUE SHOW-1/10/2009-D.S. Humphreys-Oswego,NY

CAROLINE BLUE will be performing at D.S. Humphreys in Oswego,NY on Saturday January 10,2009. Special Guests- Defect. Show starts at 10 PM & Admission is $3.00. For more info visit http://carolineblue.com/

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

Hi Everyone!

-Welcome to 2009! Here's the recap of CAROLINE BLUE's show at D.S. Humphreys in Oswego,NY on Saturday 1/10/2009.

-As anyone in CNY knew this night, it was snowing alot by nightfall. I remember thinking "Didn't we just leave Connecticut?" :) The weather was starting to get bad. I actually got a call from the booking agent who helped us get the gig saying that we did have the option to cancel if we wanted to. By the time I got this call, I was almost in Fulton and Andy & Joe were already hitting Hannibal so we soldiered on. It didn't matter-we probably would've kept going regardless.

-We get all the gear unloaded & inside. This was CB's 1st time playing at D.S. Humphreys and the 1st time in 2 years that the band playing in Oswego county. It's a cool place-lots of room. House sound/lights too. This was also the owner-Dave's-birthday-so that made the evening extra special. It's too bad the weather was what it was-I know a number of people who contacted me today saying they wanted to come out but couldn't....

-Opening this night was Defect-old friends of ours. They put on a good show. They sounded alot tighter than when last we played with them months ago. Good stuuf-catch them when they hit your town. It was also fun to hear,during their soundcheck, Chris (bass) starting to sing Zadoc...& The Nightmare songs....

-Then we hit the stage. Here's our setlist for the evening...


-You might have noticed that "Voodoo" is on there twice. Yep-we played it twice. Someone in the crowd really wanted to hear Godsmack-after we'd already played the song earlier. We do our best to honor requests if we know them so we did it again.
No Harm No Foul right?

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-Overall I think the show went ok. We did good, but I know we can do better. Eric from Defect came up a few times to sing backing vocals on "Living After Midnight" & "Dirty Deeds". There were a few "brainfart" moments onstage (especially on the 2nd song Joe-HA!-or me leaving a distortion pedal on after we ended "Seek & Destroy" so everyone heard the "waterfall of static" effect) but I feel we're really growing together as a band. It'll be interesting to see how good the chemisrty gets 6 months from now....

-Then came the end of the show-and having to face the reality of driving out into the snow. It hadn't stopped snowing since we arrived. We were lucky in that Dave & his son Dan let us stay over at Dan's place for the night. I was initially going to try to make it back myself-the distance to a relative's place in Clay was alot shorter than the trip to Utica/Norwich for the other 2-but Andy talked me out of it. Probably a good thing too-none of the roads had been plowed and I was told that watching my car drive down the road was akin to the Red Sea parting. There was actually a car stuck going up a hill-and if that had happened to me, it would've been a horrible way to end the evening. We managed to get to Dan's place and crashed for the night.
Who would've thought that our 2nd overnight show (Gales ferry CT was our 1st) would've been as close as Oswego,NY?

-By morning it was sunny and no snow falling and, most importantly, the snow wasn't anywhere near as bad on the roads as it was last night. After making sure Joe didn't take Dan's cats with him (HA!), we left and basically went to our practice place to rehearse for the next 4 hours.Yep-that's us-working to make things better....

-I want to give a big thanks to Dave & the rest of D.S. Humphreys for treating us so well-we salute you & look forward to future shows there-when there's no snow on the ground :) Thanks also to Jason for doing a great job with the lights/sound. Thanks to the guys in Defect for making it out there and opening the show for us. Thanks to Dan for letting 3 scruffy guys stay at his place :) And we also want to give thanks to all those who braved the weather to be there this night.

-Now, I'm going to bed.
Good night!

1/1/09-2008 in Review....

Hi Everyone!

-It's time for the yearly recap or what happened with CAROLINE BLUE in 2008. The band went through alot of different changes this year-and not just in personnel this time :)

-The year started out with the band playing a show with several other bands at a place called Station 58. The lineup was me, Johnny Sniper on bass, and Monster Mike Merrifield being hired to play drums with us-as had happened a few times in 2007. Back then, we were basically doing all original songs with maybe a cover or 2 thrown in, but we were "sticking to our guns" so to speak. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I would personally like to play only original material all the time. CB originally started out playing in a 60/40 covers/originals format. However, around 2003 or so, we shifted to the format we were currnetly at. And it worked for awhile-especially when we had a stable lineup during late 2004-early 2006. But then the scene around here changed and became very cover oriented. It also didn't help that the lineup of CB was changing every year-sometimes more than once. IMHO, people like to see a band show stability-in fact, if you're trying to impress a label, one of the 1st things they look for is band stability-they don't want to invest money into something that's going to break up within a few months. And that was one of CB's main problems at this time....

-Another problem we had was the lack of shows. Now, anyone who has followed the band since the beginning-or even 2004-knows that-once the lineup stabilizes-we pretty much have no problem getting shows. In that 2004-2006 period I mentioned early, we were playing 3-4 shows a month.. Just go to the main CB site and look at our pictures archive for those years and you'll see. The problem was, a number of those shows were openers (read FREE) shows. Back then it was ok-I had the finances to take care of things.

-Come back to the beginning of 2008. The lineup, in some ways, was similar to the beginnings of CB-where it was just me and hired guns doing shows. I stopped doing that back then, in part, cause I couldn't afford it anymore. And the same thing was happening here. This lineup was great in that we never had to rehearse-Johnny & MIke would come in prepared and we would just do the songs. I remember one show where we did some songs none of us played before-the 1st time was at soundcheck! And we pulled it off no problem. However, in doing that, you don't have any band chemistry happening. So, in addition to having to afford Mikey's fee, we also had Johnny coming all the way from Albany (usually a 3 hour drive just to CNY)-which really shows you how dedicated he was to the band. He told me (and again repeated this to me recently) that one of the main reasons he did this was because he saw that I was so dedicated & focused with CB. Having said that, because of the distance, it was hard to schedual shows-or I should say the shows that we were doing at the time. I mean, driving all that way just to play for free-that's gonna be hard on anyone-if not initially, then over time. You also have to remember that this was a time period where gas prices were rising to eventually reach over $4 a gallon.

-So here we were playing all originals in a multi-level band show where we got to play 45 minutes (tops)-and doing it for free. Well, I didn't play for free-I played for the negative cause I had to pay out expenses. It was also hard at the time for us to get shows for various reasons-I've already stated some here. The show at Station 58 went off good and we got a good reaction & made some new fans/friends-but the expenses were still way too high.

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-Even though we weren't playing alot of shows, CB still kept busy. I did some phone interviews with TRYST Radio/AIR Radio in January & May respectively-those were alot of fun. I also did a wild phone interview with The Odd Mind Magazine in August. I have to admit, I'd never been asked some of those questions before. All these interviews are an hour long and can be listened to by going to the main CB site and clicking on the LISTEN link. I'm looking forward to doing more phone interviews with them-and others-in the future-and with the rest of the guys in the band.

-I was also interviewed by some great sites/ publications-including CUSP magazine, West Side Dave's website & Limelight Magazine in March/April & July respectively. All these are also on the main CB site on the VIEWS page. And again, I'm looking forward to future interviews that involve me & the rest of the band.

-We managed a few CD reviews in 2008 in the UK & Germany (also available to be seen on the VIEWS page on the main CB site), but not anywhere near as many as there should have been. The latest CB CD "Not For The Innocent" has had problems with it's release & distribution since day 1-and even before that! It's very frustrating cause ALOT of people have said it's better than our "Slave to the Hourglass" disc-yet it's not getting out-and I take the responsibility for that. It's one of the things I'm going to work hard at the 1st part of 2009.

-In June we got another show (look how long it was between shows!)-playing at The Lost Horizon. Another free show playing all originals. Alot of the bands in CNY do this, saying at least they have their integrity-and that's great. I really respect the bands that do that cause it's hard. However, expenses were starting to mount up. You still had Johnny coming in from Albany and gas prices were climbing higher & higher If all the band members live in the same city-that's great. I don't have that luxury however.. On top of that, in June, CB welcomed a new drummer-Joe Boyle-who lives in Utica-and he doesn't own a car.

-Now, before I go any further, I have to mention a few things. One, by this time I was living in my own place and had to deal w/ all the expenses that come with that-so I wasn't able to put as much into the band. It's one of the reasons why the NFTI CD hasn't had the proper promo push it deserves-as of yet. By Joe not having a vehicle, that meant either someone had to get him to & from gigs-or I had to. Either way that's more of an expense. I can hear some of you now-"why bother with all this?" I learned a long time ago that if you wait for the "perfect" situation or opportunity to arrive, that's all you're going to be doing-waiting. Sometimes you have to take the hand that you've been dealt with and work with it the best you can.

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-So we did the show at The Lost-and what was like a sauna onstage-over 90 degrees onstage alone! And yes, we wore the leather. You wanna new diet plan-just play the Lost Horizon every weekend in the months of June & July and you WILL lose the pounds (HA!). The situation with the band was hard now. We had a permanent drummer-but because of the car situation, rehearsals were very hard to even schedual-let alone happen. There were some other issues as well, but I'll save that for the book-tentatively titled "The Untold Story of CAROLINE BLUE". It'll be sitting right next to "WAYNE-The Book" and both will be available at places where better books are sold (HA!).

-Towards the end of July, CN went thru another lineup change-this time with Johnny leaving. This really sucked in many ways. One-me & Johnny have a very good working chemistry together. A number of people had said before he joined that we should team up. He was a very good singer, musican & writer-hell, he has several CDs out with his solo band-Untaymed-and he did them basically the same way the NFTI CD was done-he hired a drummer and did the rest of it himself (I had a few friends come in to do backing vocals). So we were on the same wave length in many ways. However, Johnny's personal life at that time was going thru the wringer big time and he had to step back from everything until the storm cleared-and I understand that. Unfortunately, we had 2 shows lined up right when this happened-and they were coming fast. I won't go into the details here (you'll have to read the book-HA!), but I ended up having to do a solo acoustic show at the end of July to honor our committment to play w/ Stix & Stonz at The Checkpoint Tavern in Cleveland. It was a bittersweet moment. I was paid very well & I'd never played a solo acoustic show before, but it was so frustrating cause the band should've been there-we would've done good.

-Have any of you fallen asleep yet? :) I also want to mention that as early as 2007 I was talking to Johnny about what the band is currently doing now-"The Plan" so to speak. It involved CB going back to doing the 50/50 originals/covers format and not always wearing the leather and stuff. In addition, Johnny sings much higher than me, so we were talking about him doing more singing-maybe even getting to the point where me & him would sing 50/50 of the show..And not just obscure covers-but popular covers. Covers that people know. If you're going to be playing all obscure covers, you might as well be playing originals. If you're going to play the cover game-even partially, you have to play it right in order for it to work. Some stuff that's deemed obscure is ok-you want to play some of your favorites-but the majority, if not, most of the covers should be songs the general public would know-and also songs that help represent you. It's not like CB's gonna start playing songs like "Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks! :)

-So back to the story, here we are-those 2 shows would've been the first two shows to start off the new plan-and I end up playing solo acoustic on one & the next one was just me & Joe-no bassist. This was even worse than before and-in terms of the live front-things were sinking fast. I will admit that the possibility of CB just becomeing a recording unit only was starting to surface here. It was a very frustrating time.

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-Things started to change in August though with the addition of Andy "Doc" Gore as our new bassist. Kinda funny-we played with a band he was in at the time-Silence Bleeds-at that show at Station 58 at the beginning of the year. I remember after the set Andy came up to me and said we did great. I always keep in mind different players who might be interested in filling in for shows-and Andy liked the songs-plus he wore leather too-so I'd already had him on file (so to speak) in case anything happened with Johnny-or if Johnny wanted to switch to guitar. With Andy in the band, I found a guy who was more hardcore about music being his life than I ever was. More importantly, he was available for basically any show I wanted to book. Joe was too-but he has the car problem-which Andy solved by saying he'd make sure Joe got to the gigs-unless he happens to be closer to the gig-then it's my job to get him. But now I have 2 guys who are very dedicated (not that past members weren't) and also very available to play-that hasn't happened since that 2004-2006 period. On top of that, they both wanted to rehearse alot so we've settled-so far-on rehearsing twice a week-and we're getting tighter as a band. It definately shows when we perform-and the band chemisrty is showing too.

-On top of all this, we've also started to use some outside booking agents to help us with shows. Shelly U. helped CB get into places like Jake's, DS Humphreys, Nino's & The Checkpoint Tavern-and we have more shows pending on top of that. We are very thankful to have her helping us. We also have Buffalo Joe from DTD Promotions helping us get gigs in Buffalo and our very 1st out of state gig in Connecticut on 12/20. We're very thankful for his help as well and I'm sure more gigs will be coming from them in the future-along with my own bookings and maybe even some more booking agents. We are starting tyo work on developing a team around us that can help augment the band in several ways.

-Currently we now mostly play the full night ourselves-from 10 PM-2 AM-with a mixture of cover tunes and our own originals. While expenses are not fully paid for everytime, it's alot better than it was. Andy came up with the idea of making buttons for the fans and I've started to include FREE CD samplers to give out at every show. We've already noticed an increase in attendance at the shows so things are going good. It's also definately helped with our original music too. I don't recall ever seeing anyone dancing to CB originals before. We even had one attractive woman get up on stage with us to dance while we were performing "Mine,Mine,Mine." The Plan is working. We are giving people what they want-while slipping our own stuff in as well. It's the old "bring them in w/ the covers and hook them with your originals" approach. Even though we'd rather play all originals, we do enjoy playing the covers too. Things are looking good as CB enters into 2009-much better than thruout 2008.

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

Now, here's a list of a few things to keep an eye out for with CAROLINE BLUE in 2009...

-We've been in talks with a video producer and it looks like there will be some new CAROLINE BLUE videos appearing in 2009.(about time-HA!)

-More reviews from the NFTI CD (several are already pending) as well as expanding the amount of radio stations that have access to CB songs.

-Finally getting an actual Street Team going

-Making changes to the main CB site as well as the My Spaces pages to make them more streamlined & accessible.

-More shows-both in and out of NY State.

-More interviews with not just me, but with Andy & Joe too!

-More polls asking you-our fanbase-what you feel about things. We want your input on a number of things . We've already started with the favorite song poll on the STTH My Space page

-And, if all goes right, before the end of the year, there will be a brand new CAROLINE BLUE CD with all new music!

-I want to thank everyone out there who has supported us and have been along for the ride-whether it's been since the beginning or just getting onboard recently. Your support is so deeply appreciated. I also want to give a huge thanks to both Andy & Joe-you guys have been great and I have to say, this lineup has been the hardest working lineup I've ever had and I'm proud of what we've done to make things better. It's alot of hard work-but that's the way it has to be. To quote Quincey Jones, "The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary." We're looking forward to reaching new heights in 2009. Wishing you all a very happy 2009 & keep rockin!


12/15/08-CAROLINE BLUE Show-12/20/08-Legends in Gales Ferry, Connecticut

-CAROLINE BLUE will be performing @ Legends Rock Bar in Gales Ferry,Ct on Saturday 12/20/2008.Other bands include Noahs Reign & Against The Wall. Show starts 9 PM & Admission is $5.00. For more info visit http://carolineblue.com/

-This will be CAROLINE BLUE's 1st out of NY show (weather permitting) and last show for 2008. CB wants to thank all the people who have supported the band & wish everyone a Happy Holiday season! Keep rockin!

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

Hi Everyone!

-Sorry I'm alittle late with the recap. I didn't get home till late Sunday night and last night I was finishing up the Xmas shopping. Hope everyone got their shopping done. At least the weather seems to be ok for the time being....

-Anyway, on with the recap of CAROLINE BLUE's show at Legends in Gales Ferry, Connecticut on Saturday 12/20/08. This is the very 1st time CAROLINE BLUE has ever played outside of New York state...and it almost didn't happen. Some of you long time readers here might recall back in March 2007 we had booked a show at Barney McNabbs in NYC. This show was cancelled due to a freak snow storm that hit and last Saturday's show almost met the same fate. We were checking the weather reports and , although it was snowing, it seemed managible. This was to be a 3 band bill with Against the Wall (NYC), CB & Noah's Reign from the Rochester/Buffalo region. Late Friday night I received an email from the booking manager at Legends. Noah's Reign cancelled due to the weather and Against the Wall said things were never fully confirmed on their end so they weren't going to be there either. Now-things might have ended right there-3 original bands from NY coming to Ct 5 days before Xmas in bad weather. However, I'd previous been in contact with Legends in regards to doing some followup shows (when there's no snow!) and mentioned that we can basically-by doing a combo of covers & originals-do a whole night by ourselves. I'm not sure-but I believe this might have been a factor as to why the show wasn't outright cancelled. They asked if we were willing to do the show solo. Agfer looking at the weather for the weekend, we agreed to do it. Going to Ct wouldn't be too bad. Leaving there would be worse, but we'll get to that shortly....

-So our adventure to Ct started with me being over an hour late to pick up our drummer Joe in Utica. Lateness is one of my faults and Joe doesn't have a car. Usually Andy gets him, but I'm closer to him for this show so it was my turn. We get to Andy's, throw our crap in the van and away we go! Before we go on, I have to mention that Andy was the one who did all the driving to and from Ct. I did offer to drive at one point, but maybe the fact that I told him that I drive like a Granny when the weather is bad made him not relinquish the seat. I was the navigator though and Joe was our buffer so that the equiptment wouldn't slide into us (HA!). Btw-don't fall asleep on a car ride involving Doc.
I found that out the hard way :)

-The trip to Legends took about 5 1/2 hours I believe. Starting in NY, the weather was clear but as we got closer to Massachussetts and then Connecticut, we started seeing more & more snow. We passed by several cars that were involved in accidents in one form or another.(Joe knows the excat number) Luckily, we weren't one of them. By the way, please note-never accept advice about the location of cheaper gas prices from someone who hasn't driven in years (HA!). One funny thing-we get to the Mass. Turnpike and Doc goes to the toll booth guy "Can I have a receipt please?" and the guy goes "You can have a receipt...when you pay me $2.20". :) Guess you had to be there.....

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-We made it into Ct & Legends around 6-6:30 I believe. Very nice place.Well laid out. Nice stage too. Course, it's always nice to see "Tonight CAROLINE BLUE" on the huge road sign outside-and they spelled the name right too! They even have a display case where bands can sell their stuff there via consignment (and yes, there are some CAROLINE BLUE CDs there-only for $5!) We got in and set things up. Btw-they also make some great food here. I forgot her name, but the woman who cooked us dinner was excellent.

-We also went to check in at The Knight's Inn before performing-not too far from the bar. We didn't expect a huge payout so we just had 1 room and shared it. I had to go buy an air matress the night before. Doc was LOL when I started using a pump to blow it up.2 guys walking into a hotel room and you start hearing something being inflated-not a good thing! (HA!). And for those of you who maybe thinking that some man bonding happened-it didn't. There's nothing wrong with being like that-but none of us play for that team....

-Anyways, we hit the stage at 9 PM. We had about maybe 25-30 people here tonight. Now, before you think that this sucks, consider...the weather sucks outside, it's 5 days before Xmas, the economy overall could be alot better and here's a band from NY that hardly anyone in CT has heard of (that I know of)....Honesty I thought we'd be playing to 5 people-bartenders included!

-Lights & sound were done by Redbone Recording and Shawn did a great job. Monitors were cool and no broken strings. Joe did break his splash cymbal though. We all signed it and it's currently hanging on the wall @ Legends. Playing wise I think we did alright. We're getting tighter. Mental note to self-when doing a song in drop tuning and the next song is in normal tuning, tune back up before starting the next song :) We had a pretty good response to our covers & originals. We sold some CDs, buttons & hot sauce! We also had our FREE CD samplers there and a bunch of those were taken as well. The people here were great-there was even a guy here who was originally from Tully (close to Syracuse) here. We also had women doing cartwheels and splits in front us-that was a 1st-and we got to sing Happy Birthday to Melina-one of the bartenders. She's the one who has the CB buttons on (you'll see when I get the pics up).

-One thing that was kind of a downer was that we were told to take 2 breaks this night. It would've been better to just take one-or even if I could do some acoustic stuff and have that serve as a "break". Reason being-for the most part-when bands take a break, they lose a portion of the crowd. It's happened to us before and it happened again this night. But we continued on till the end. Then we packed up and it was off to the hotel for some much needed sleep before the long trip back. Sorry people-no "aerobics" stories to tell. You never know in the future though-one of our missions is to get our drummer Joe laid by as many women as possible .
Joe must have rug burns and bruised peter by the end of 2009 :)

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-We left the hotel just before 11 AM-and it was already snowing pretty good. We passed by more accidents-including a bus that was off the road as well as a Wal-Mart tractor tralier that was jack knifed into a tree on the side. The roads were pretty bad in Massachussetts this day.Doc was having a time with all the "slow" drivers that were in his way :) Outside of stopping to eat at a Chinese Resturant, we pretty much kept driving till we reached NY. The plan now was to get CB back home and it had 5 stages. 1st stage was leaving CT. 2nd-leaving Mass. 3rd-getting to Doc's. 4th-getting to Joe's and then 5th-me getting home. I actually didn't get home till 10:30 PM but I digress...

-A question...does anyone know why there are no rest stops from the Mass. Turnpike to Albany? If there were, we didn't see them. Joe was getting to the point where anytime a rest stop sign even appeared to show up, he'd point and go "Food!" (It's the Caveman in him-HA!).The weather changed alot. It would be clear for awhile and then it would be snowing heavily. At one point we even encountered some thick fog! That really sucked. If it was me driving via Granny style it would've been an extra hour or 2 before the trip ended. But we made it thru in one piece.

-We want to thank Buffalo Joe for getting us this show and all the great people working at Legends (Glenn, Tamara, Melina, Shawn, TJ & the woman who cooked our meals) for their hospitality & kindness. You treated us great & it's deeply appreciated. We hope to be back here sometime in the Spring/Summer of 2009. We also want to thank all the people who braved the weather to checkout a bunch of knuckleheads in leather pants from NY (Esp-Gary "Granpa Metal"-told me he's been waiting for about a year for us to finally play in Ct-hope you like the CDs!).We made some new friends here and we hope to see you all when we come back. It's cool to finally meet people who you've only known via My Space (Hiya Kim!).
We also want to thank all of you who have managed to read this far & not fallen asleep-HA!

Next show-1/10/09 @ D.S. Humphreys in Oswego,NY...weather permitting.
Thanks everyone & keep rockin!


12/12/08-CANCELLED-CB Show Saturday @ The Checkpoint Tavern in Cleveland,NY

-Our show w/ Zadoc & The Nightmare on Saturday @ The Checkpoint Tavern in Cleveland,NY has been cancelled! We just got word today from the owner that, due to economic difficulties, they're cancelling the show. After talking with the owner, he told me that business has been bad as of late and he'd be lucky if the bar was open by the end of January. That's too bad- cause it was a nice place to play and we had a good time the last time we were there. The crowd wasn't huge-but they were pretty crazy. Hopefully things will turn around for the bar. We were also looking forward to jamming w/ Zadoc again-our 2 bands have shared many stages in the past and it's always a pleasure to have them with us. If you get the chance, please check them out. (They're in our Top Friends list).

-However, our show tomorrow (Friday night) at Jake's Grub & Grog in Brewerton,NY is still on. (This will be CAROLINE BLUE's last show in CNY in 2008). Strangeland Audio will be running lights/sound and they have a great setup! Remember-we're giving away FREE CD samplers & buttons at the show. Hope to see you all there!

12/8/08-2 CAROLINE BLUE Shows this weekend!


(1)-Friday December 12,2008

Jake's Grub & Grog

7 East River Road

Brewerton,NY 13029

CAROLINE BLUE will be performing at Jake's Grub & Grog on Friday December 12,2008. Show starts at 10 PM & Admission is $5.00. For more info visit http://carolineblue.com/

(2)-Saturday December 13,2008

The Checkpoint Tavern

276 State Route 49

Cleveland,NY 13042

CAROLINE BLUE will be performing at The Checkpoint Tavern on Saturday December 13,2008. Opening will be Zadoc...& The Nightmare. Show starts at 10 PM & Admission is Free. For more info visit http://carolineblue.com/

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

Hi everyone!

-Well, here's the recap of our 1st time @ Jake's Grub & Grog in Brewerton,NY last Friday night. Just to let the reader know this- like most of the blog entries on our shows-can be long & detailed. If that's not your thing, that's ok.

-This was a very cold night. Earlier in the day we received ALOT of snow. We all managed to get to the bar for the show though. Like I mentioned earlier, CB has never played here before. A couple of musicians I know said we'd be set up in the larger area that they have. In fact, Strangeland Audio-our sound/lights for this night-was looking forward to showcasing their bigger show this night. It turns out there were not 1 but 2 parties going on this night so we ended up having to set up across the bar further inside. Not a problem.

Here's the setlist for this night....


-Piece of Me (Skid Row)
-Man in the Box (Alice in Chains)
-You've Got Another Thing Comin' (Judas Priest)
(Black Sabbath)
-Slave to the Hourglass
-Scars (Papa Roach)
-Ace of Spades (Motorhead)
-I've Seen the Light Tonight
-Detroit Rock City (KISS)
-Sex Type Thing (Stone Temple Pilots)
-Where The River Flows (Collective Soul)
-Never Again (Nickelback)
-Voodoo (Godsmack)
-Enter Sandman (Metallica)
-Love Me or Leave Me
-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (AC/DC)
-Rock & Roll All Nite (KISS)
-Nothing Will Satisfy You


-Talk Dirty to Me (Poison)
-Love Gun (KISS)
-Paranoid (Black Sabbath)
-The Queen of Pleasure
-Cold Gin (KISS)
-Far Away From Home
-For Whom The Bell Tolls (Metallica)
-Wicked Game (HIM)
-Wish (Nine Inch Nails)
-Breaking the Chains (Dokken)
-Living After Midnight (Judas Priest)
-Seek & Destroy (Metallica)
-Won't Be Home Tonight
-Too Late
-Hard Life
-Our Love is Wasted
-Dead or Alive
-Out of My Life (I Want You)
-Get The Fuck Out (Skid Row)

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-Hell, I get tired just scrolling thru that list! :) The 1st set went by great! 1st of all, the crowd this night wasn't huge in number per say but I would say at least 20-30, maybe more. Not bad considering the weather and stuff. There were some very energetic people tonight. Mostly ladies but a few guys too. We had at least 3 ladies dancing to our performance thru at a good chunk of the songs we performed. I want to make a note that this happened while we were playing our original material as well-most notibly "Deny","Love Me or Leave Me",I've Seen the Light Tonight" and "Nothing Will Satisfy You." It's such a great feeling to see people responding favorably to stuff that you wrote.

-Tonight was the debut of Doc singing "Ace of Spades".
I don't know if it was the song, or the cha-rasma in his voice (or both), but more people got up to dance in front of us than for any other song we did! Actually, it was more like people just jumping up & down, but that was ok with us!

-This was also the start of something that we're gonna be doing at every show now. We had a whole bunch of CD samplers w/ 4 CAROLINE BLUE songs on them and a button-these are FREE to anyone who wants one. We brought 50 of them w/ us and ran out! We did find 2 at a table at the end of the night-but they can be recycled :) Between what we were giving away & what the Jeigermeisser Girls were giving away, a number of people received alot of free stuff this night....

-We took a short break-10 minutes tops-and then went into set 2. Unfortunately, a number of people left during the break-but we still soldiered on! This set wasn't as error-free as the 1st one, but we did ok. I broke the Low E string on Andy's guitar during "Seek & Destroy." And it seemed like after every 3-4 songs, our drummer Joe would disappear into his drum head-trying to adjust his foot pedals. On top of that, I discovered-the hard way-that the power here isn't grounded. What does that mean? That means everytime my mouth came in contact with a mic, my mouth got alittle shock.
By the end of the night, I felt like I needed some chap stick quick :)

-Overall it was a fun night. Not as error-free as we would've preferred, but still a good job. On behalf of me & the other guys in CB, we want to thank Jake's for having us there, Strangeland Audio for running lights/sound (and board recording us too!) and, most of, thanks to all the people who cam eout to check us out. We hope you all had a good time. We sure did & we're gonna be back at Jake's on Friday 1/30/09.

-Next stop-Conneticut at Legends on Sat.
12/20! Keep rockin!

12/5/08-In need of an honest reply to this....

Hi Everyone,

-Hope everyone is doing well & getting ready for Xmas! I have a small request to ask. I need an honest reply to what I'm about to post below. It can be either positive or negative-and if it's negative, that's ok. It's just your opinion-no one's gonna get mad at you or anything.I'd really appreciate it.

-Here's the situation. As you may know, for quite some time now, I've been writing on the CB My Space Blog recaps of what has been happening at CB shows. Now, admittedly, I tend to be long-winded at times and detail oriented-hence why alot of them are quite long. This is who I am though and I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I kinda view it like a tour diary of sorts. As I said, I've been doing this for awhile and-with the increase in our shows-more frequently. Here's where it gets interesting....

-I got into quite an discussion w/ someone I know in regards to what I write in the blogs recently. Now, beofre I continue, let me mention that we currently have over 650 people subscribed to the CB My Space Blog. You can see the stats on the views and such on the blog page. This person tells me that alot of people have told this person that the blogs I write are filled with "non-essential bullcrap" and "who cares about stuff like broken strings, what songs you played,etc." In addition, this person said these people just read it for "comic relief" and that I should change the way I write the blogs. In addition to that, this person has said that-it doesn't matter that you have 500+ people subscribed to your blog-hardly anyone ever posts on them-thus proving the point that the way I write the blogs are a joke and that I should change the way I do so to applease these people.

-Now, you'd think the solution to this dilemma would be simple (so simple that a Caveman could do it-HA!). The obvious reply to this would be "If they don't like what I write on this blog, then tell them to stop reading it & go somewhere else." But that's not good enough I guess. It seems obvious to me that this person does not know what a blog is all about. A blog is like a journal-you can write in it whatever you want to write about. The main difference between a blog & a journal is that a journal is private-with a blog, people can see and/or comment on what's said. This has, in part, lead to another discussion where I'm accused of being blinded cause "all these people" are saying how bad we are and I'm not listening to it. I actually do. The difference between this person & me is this. I know there are bad things said about CB/me-I've seen alot of it-but so what? Any musician-or anyone who goes into the public eye for that matter-will get ragged on at some point. It's just a given. But I also know there are good things said-at the shows, on the comments, on the Guestbook, etc.-and it basically evens things out in my mind. However, this person basically believes that anything good said about CB is just people either feeling compelled to say something to be nice, people who are just giving flattery, or people who want something from me (like sex). My belief is that both opinions are out there-and they are all valid. However, I'm not a preacher. I don't have the time to try to convert people and it's meaningless to try. If people like CB-great. If not-oh well. That's their decision and even if their criticisms were addressed and "fixed", chances are these people would still not like us and just pick on something else to grumble about. If people don't like what they see/hear about CB-I have no problem with that. There are thousands of bands out there-I'm sure there's one out there that will fit your needs. But to sit there and try to change things everytime someone makes a complaint-that's a sure fire way to fail.

-to be continue....

CAROLINE BLUE  (over 14 years ago)

-One other thing to mention is that, I'm sorry, but there's more to the music world than the CNY music scene. I've had this brought up before by certain people who try to make it sound like the negative feedback CB receives locally is the only valid feedback cause people in places like My Space aren't "real." This has always been crazy to me. Just cause someone doesn't live in CNY and hasn't seen a show live doesn't mean that their opinion isn't valid. The person who bought a CB CD in Arizona, Norway, Japan, Germany, etc. or who just hit the CB page and listened to the songs on there have as much right to voice an opinion about CB (good or bad) as the person who comes to multiple shows. Just because an opinion differs from your own doesn't mean that it's automatically wrong...

-Now granted, I do believe that, if things aren't working, you should examine things to see why and make some changes.And also, admittedly, there are times when I can be very stubborn about changing. We're currently doing some changes now-which I've explained in previous entries. And, admittedly, I may have gone alittle far with that-but so far the plan is working and we'll continue to see how things turn out. We'll probably have to make adjustments on the way, but that's ok. The main point of all this is you can't please everyone. Even Jesus isn't well liked by everyone and if he's not-what chance do the rest of us have?

-I was just interested in hearing what you all think about this. Granted, I'm still going to be writing long winded show recaps after all this :) And again, if you give a negative reply-that's ok. I'm not going to come down on you. It's ok to be friends w/ me & not be a fan of CB. Music is an individual & subjective thing. If you like what we do-great. If not-fine. For those of you who do think the blogs I write are garbage-fine-you don't have to keep coming back to read them. You can unsubscribe if you want to-it's ok. And if you don't like CB for whatever reason, it's ok to delete us off your friends list. I'd rather have someone say straight out "I don't like CB" & stick with that than someone say they like us but, behind our back, rag on us. It's kinda like someone coming into your house, complaining that they don't like the way you have your furniture laid out, and saying you should change it. No-you just don't go back to that house. Simple right? You'd think.....

-Thanks in advance & wishing you all the best.