
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

6.23.17. #God already knows..

6.23.17. #God already knows what's next in your life. Don't get discouraged by what appears to be something that you can't overcome. Because God has promised that He will never give you more than you can bear. Hold on to Him and trust everything He is leading you to do. He knows what's next and putting your faith in Him is always best. Hang in there, stay strong and with God keep pressing on.. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

6.22.17. Praise #God when you're down..

6.22.17. Praise #God when you're down. Often times when things are not going our way we doubt our relationship with God. We should continue to praise Him through our storms because this is usually when He is working behind the scenes. Remember, God will never give up on us regardless of our trials. So while you praise Him, He will bring you through it all. Keep praising God when you're down and He will lift you up if don't give up.. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

6.21.17. #God wants you better...

6.21.17. #God wants you better not the same. Often times when you go through things you question what you've done wrong to deserve the trial that you are going through. But we must remember that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord. So God maybe testing our faith or teaching us something to make us stronger and better in our walk with Him. So always be encouraged when you endure obstacles because God is always wanting you better and not the same... Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers,

6.20.17. #God will prevail..

6.20.17. #God will prevail in every area of your life. Continue to trust Him in all things and be faithful to Him. He will never let you down and He will pick you up every time you fall. God will do everything He promised and He will never go back on His word. So remember even when it seems like you are going through hell, God will always prevail. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

6.19.17. Give #God Thanks..

6.19.17. Give #God Thanks in all things. Even when things are not going right in our lives, continue to give God thanks. He is working for your good regardless of your circumstance. Remember we can't see what is in our future but God knows all things. What may appear to be bad may actually be the best things for us in God's eyes. So don't just give thanks during your smile but give Him Thanks in trial because your ending with Him will always be far greater than what you can imagine. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

6.18.17. #God bless you this Father's Day

6.18.17. #God bless you this Father's Day. I pray that your Father's day has been an awesome one. Remember that God is our Father and He has blessed us with our earthly Fathers. We should continually Thank Him for everything that He is doing in our lives and what He is about to do. God is worthy to be praised and we should do our best to please Him in all things. I pray your Father's Day has been an awesome one. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

6.17.17. #God is our Father

6.17.17. #God is our Father. God is Father and He is always working for those who love Him in spirit and in truth. Giving your life to Him is one the best thing thing that you will ever do. He will correct us when we are wrong, uphold us when we are right, comfort us when we are down and exalts us when we are humble. He is a perfect example to all Fathers in the world. If we follow His example, we all be better Fathers to our children. I pray you are having an awesome Father's day weekend. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

6.16.17. Give it to #God..

6.16.17. Give it #God.. Whatever is troubling you and keeping you down, turn it over to God. He wants us to cast cares upon Him so we should not be worried about things that He has control over which is everything in our lives. The key is to trust that He will always do what is best for you. Never doubt God and rest in knowing that if you give something to Him you will always come out better than before. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

6.15.17. Great is our #God

6.15.17. Great is our #God. There is nothing that God can't do when you put all your faith and trust in Him. Even when things appear bleak, God will always bring you out of it. He is more than a conqueror and He will always prevail over our affairs when we give our lives to Him. So continue to press on in your purpose knowing that you serve a great God. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

6.14.17. #God will be there..

6.14.17. #God will be there. There has never been a time in my life that I called on God and He wasn't there for me. During my most difficult trials and my most hurtful situations He's always shown up for me to lean on. He has never left me alone regardless of what may be going wrong. So in all things continue to trust Him, believe Him and stand on His promises. Because through the good and the bad, God will always be there. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.