
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

3.12.18. God gives us free will..

3.12.18. God gives us free will.. There are many choices that we make in our lives. Some are easy and some are difficult but the key to making the best choices is to align them with God. Pray to Him about everything, ask Him to give you clear direction and let Him lead you. When you do, your purpose will define your destination. God will be with you every step of the way. So rest in knowing that God gives us free will but we must always operate in His will. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.11.18. God is already there..

3.11.18. God is already there.. Never think for a second that God has abandoned you. His word tells us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is always with us regardless of what we may be dealing with at any moment. His grace and mercy is sufficient to get us through any obstacle. So rest in knowing that God is already there for us and He will always be there and all we have to do is keep trusting Him through it. He will always prevail in spite of our hell. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.10.18. Truly trusting God..

3.10.18. Truly trusting God. Often times we go through life and we doubt why things happen. We know that God will never make a mistake but the question is are we trusting Him in all things.? This can be very difficult, due to the fact that we often feel that we have to fix things instead of letting Him fix them. So, the next time you go through an obstacle give it to God and watch Him work it out. He will come though much better than you. Remember truly trusting God means to trust Him in all things not just some things. Never doubt that trusting God will always bring you out. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.9.18. Give God time to handle it..

3.9.18. Give God time to handle it.. Often times when we go through a trial or an obstacle we immediately think that we've got to do something about this. But we really should take it to God and pray for His intervention. Because most of the time, it is a battle that only He can fight. We must remember that when He is fighting our battle, we must remove ourselves from the situation and let Him win it for us. Rest in knowing that God will never lose but we must give God time to handle it. You will be glad you did once He's finished. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

3.8.18. Letting God in all situations.

3.8.18. Letting God in all situations. There are many times in our lives when we feel we have to have the ultimate control. Then God reminds us that we actually don't have any control at all. God will always have the final say over every aspect of our lives. So when we surrender to God we must know that He has the ultimate control. Remember when you trust Him don't have a partial trust have a whole trust. Because Letting God in all of your situations will always be the best option. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.7.18. Keep your eyes on God..

3.7.18. Keep your eyes on God. Often times in life we get distracted with the obstacles and trials in our lives. But we must remember that things are not always as they appear. When you surrender your life to God, He will take care of you no matter what the circumstance may be. He is always there and He will always care. So instead of worrying and focusing on the negatives in your life, shift your focus to looking at God. Never doubt Him and trust Him in all things. You will see that He will never fail and everything in your life will be alright. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.6.18. When God's on your side..

3.6.18. When God's on your side.. When you put all your trust and faith in God that is always the best place to have it. Because, God is all you'll ever need to make it in this life. Regardless of the haters, the obstacles and the trials, God will always give you what you need to make it through. His blessings and favor will never fail and He will always provide for those who love Him. So rest in knowing, if God is for you, it doesn't matter who's against you. Trust that when God is on your side, His favor for your life will always abide. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.5.18. Nothing can stop God.

3.5.18. Nothing can stop God. Regardless of what your naysayers do or say when your focus is on God, He will always see you through. So no matter what, keep your faith in Him and never look back. Often times for growth you have to leave some things and people behind. God will show what to do at the right time when you are doing His will and not your own. The biggest blessing of all, is knowing that God can never fail and all you need is His favor to succeed. So rest in knowing that nothing can stop God so keep on pressing and know with Him all things will always be possible. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.4.18. Everything happens in God's timing..

3.4.18. Everything happens in God's timing. Have you ever prayed for something and felt that what you prayed for was not heard by God? This is when you have to practice patience and wait on God. He is never late and He will always be on time. Often times we are not ready for what we asked, so God is preparing us to receive His blessing at the right moment. So don't discouraged while you wait. Continue to stay uplifted in His word and continue to praise Him in all opportunities. Rest in knowing that God's timing is always the best time regardless of what our time clock may be. He knows everything and you will lack nothing when your faith and hope remains in Him. Have a blessed Sunday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.3.18. Regardless of what's going..

3.3.18. Regardless of what's going on, Keep on trusting God. Often times we get side tracked with our obstacles and trials. But we must remember there is no one like God. He will always get us through whatever we go through. So even during the roughest times in our lives, we must continue to keep our focus on Him. He will never fail and He will deliver every promise that He said in His word. So rest in knowing that there is nothing that can stop God. When He is for you, it's more than the whole world against you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.