
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

GN! 6.10.16.. Always keep your mind on #God.

GN!! Remember: Always keep you mind on #God. Everyday brings us new things and new challenges. God is our constant in the good and the bad. No matter what it is if you are focused on Him, nothing will ever defeat your spirit. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

6.9.16 #God has everything in control...

GN!! Remember: #God has everything in control even in times on uncertainty. We don't have to understand but we do know that whatever it is, God has a plan. He didn't fail you today and He will not fail you tomorrow. Keep trusting in Him..now and forever. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers..

6.8.16.. #God is not going to give us more than what we can handle..

GN!! Remember: #God is not going to give us more than what we can bear. There are many things that seem to tough for us to handle. But often times God is using these things to make us tougher. Don't be discouraged just keep on praising God in every opportunity. He will see you through if you stay true. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

6.7.16..#God will protect you

GN! 6.7.16.. Remember: #God will protect you from things that are not for your good. Often times in the beginning you will not see it, but over time God will reveal why He did what He did for you. The key is to know that all things are working in your favor. Stay encouraged & God bless you my #encouragers.

6.6.16..#God gives us choices...

GN!! 6.6.16 Remember: #God gives us choices in this life. Make sure you are making ones that get you closer to Him and not further away. Don't let peoples opinion of you out weigh what God thinks of you. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

6.5.16.. #God has never last a battle..

GN!! 6.5,16.. Remember: #God has never lost a battle and He will fight yours if you let Him. Regardless of what it is trust Him through the process. Let Go and always Let God. Take care & God bless you my encouragers.

6.4.16. Wait on #God...

GN!! 6.4.16.. Remember: The best things in life happen when you have patience and you wait on #God to bring them. Don't get discouraged in your waiting. God will bring what you need at the right time. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

6.3.16.. #God is with you..

GN!! 6.3.16.. Remember: Keep looking for the good in every situation. #God is with you always. Just because something appears bad doesn't mean that will be the final outcome. Trust God and never turn away from Him. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my #encouragers.

6.2.16.. All You need is #God...

GN 6.2.16.. Remember: All You need is #God.. He will make things happen in your life that you would not think is possible. He will always have your best interest. Stay close to Him at all times and let Him have completed control of your mind. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my #encouragers..

6.1.16.. Everyday is a new day.. #God blesses us..

GN!! 6.1.16.. Remember: Everyday is a new day. #God blesses us to experience new things each day we live. Embrace those things and know that they all serve a purpose in your growth. Have a blessed evening. Take care & stay encouraged my #encouragers.