
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

GN!! 6.20.16// When God is with you nothing can get you..

GN!! Remember: When #God is with you there's nothing can get you. He will protect you in all situations when you surrender everything to Him. Just remember that everything will work for your good even when it appears to be negative or bad. Stay true and know that God has favored you.. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

GN!! 6.19.16 #God is always ahead of any thought..

GN!! Remember: #God is always ahead of any thought or idea. Before we think it He knows and before we implement any idea He favored you with it. Always give Him the praise for every good thing because He is the one who blessed you with it. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

GN!! 6.18.16 #God will never let the devil defeat you.

GN!! Remember: #God will never let the devil defeat you. When you surrender your life to God, He will protect you from the enemies plots and schemes. Never doubt, God will always bring you out. He promised to take care of you and He will. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you encouragers.

GN!! 6.17.16 #God will not give up on you.

GN!! Remember: #God will not give up on you. There may be some rough things in your past but God is going to bless you going forward. So don't get caught up looking for the things you did wrong, focus on the things you are doing right. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

GN! 6.16.16. #God is going to deliver you...

GN! Remember: #God is going to deliver you from every trial if you put all your faith in Him. No matter what it is, hold on to the promises of God. He is always there and He will always work it out for your good.. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you.

GN! 6.15.16 #God knows what's happening..

GN! Remember: #God knows what's happening down the road. Trust Him through your journey and don't worry about tomorrow just focus on today. Because you & God can handle whatever comes your way. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you encouragers.

GN!! 6.14.16. #God opens doors that we can't see

GN!! Remember: #God will open doors that we can't see. Many times in life, things happen that seem unbearable at the time but regardless of what it is God already has the solution. Continue to put all your faith in Him because the door that closed will be for your good because the one that you are about to open will be a bigger blessing. Take care stay encouraged & God bless you encouragers.

GN! 6.13.16..#God will always be on your side..

GN!! Remember: #God will always be on your side. No matter what keep your eyes stayed on him. He will always be there each and every time you call... He loves you and you should always love him.. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you..

GN!! 6.12.16 The love of #God excels..

GN!! Remember: The love of #God excels over any evil. Regardless of how bad it is, God will forgive us of our sins. He gave his life for us and there will never be another love that is great than that. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

GN 6.11.16. He's an all time #God...

GN!! Remember: #God is with you not just sometimes but at all times. So even when you feel you don't have the strength to make, He will be your strength. There is nothing that will ever be to hard for him to handle so let Him handle it and you surrender everything to Him. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my #encouragers.