
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

8.29.16. #God will not walk away..

8.29.16. GN!! Remember : #God will not walk away. There are many times in this life that we doubt things but we should never ever doubt God. He will never change and His love will always remain the same. We walk away from Him but He will never walk away from us. Continue to praise Him in all things and Thank Him for all He's done for you. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

8.28.16. Everything #God has for you is for you.

8.28.16. GN!! Remember: Everything #God has for you is for you. No matter what people may do to try to detour you from your destination, God has already predestined it. Continue to trust Him and keep your focus on Him. Because everything God has for you will always be for you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

8.27.16. #God places things in your life for a reason

8.27.16 GN!! Remember: #God places things in your life for a reason. Often times we doubt the people that God has placed in our lives but we should learn from them and love them. Celebrate the people that are in your life because God has put them here for you to encourage and them to encourage you. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

8.26.16.You can do anything as long as #God is for you.

8.26.16. GN!! Remember: You can anything as long as #God is for you. Remember, You can accomplish anything when you are in God's will. He favors those who worship and serves Him. So no matter what it is, God will give you the strength to reach your destiny. Continue to praise Him and do your best to bring Him glory and know that you can do anything as long as God is for you. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my friend.

8.25.16. #God is always on your side.

8.25.16. GN! Remember: #God is always on your side. Regardless of what you are going through God is always there for you. Even when things appear to be going wrong continue to trust in Him. He knows your plan even when you don't understand. Rest in God and know that He is always on your side. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you.

8.24.16. You don't have to fight your battles, let #God fight them.

8.24.16. GN!! Remember: You don't have to fight your battles let #God fight them. There are many challenges that we come up against in this life we live. Often times we feel we are overwhelmed with battles. But remember in God's word it tells us to cast all our cares upon the Lord for He cares for us. So if we let Him fight our battles, everything will always work out in our favor. You may not understand it at the time but God wants us to trust Him and believe that he will come through in every battle we face. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.

8.23.16. #God is is always in control....

8.23.16. GN! Remember: #God has it all in control. Even at times when you question the reason something happened in your life. God is always in control of every outcome and every situation you go through.The main question is, are you trusting Him through them? The best way to overcome any problem or obstacle is by trusting God because God is always in control. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers

8.22.16.Always stand on the promises of God.

8.22.16. GN! Remember: Always stand on the promises of #God at all times. Often times we go through things and when we do we lose our footing. We must remember that there are many promises in the word of God and we should stand on them at all times. Weather good or bad, God will always provide for us. Even when you can't understand the plan, always stand. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my friend..

8.21.16. When #God is in your purpose everything will align.

GN! Remember: When #God is in your purpose everything will align. Regardless of the obstacles that come your way, God will always make away. When you put Him first everything will align at the proper time. So don't get discouraged when things don't happen when you want them to. Just trust God and know that His timing is perfect and He will always come through. Take care, stay encouraged my encouragers.

8.20.16. When #God is in the mix things get fixed...

8.20.16. GN!! Remember: When #God is in the mix things get fixed. Never think that things are not working for your good. Because God promises that when you believe and surrender your life to Him. Even though right now things my not look well, when God is in the mix , al things get fixed. Take care, stay encouraged & God bless you my encouragers.