
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

3.22.18. Let God fight your battle..

3.22.18. Let God fight your battle. Sometimes in life we are encountered with things that we can't handle on our own. This is when we should surrender it completely to God. He will win if we let Him fight it and we learn not to interfere. Remember during this battle, learn to put all your faith and your trust in God. After you've done that, continue to ask Him to increase in your life as you decrease. Rest in knowing that God has never been defeated and He never will be, so give your your battle to Him and watch Him turn things around in your favor. Keep pressing and let God take care of what's stressing. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.21.18. God's giving you what you need..

3.21.18. God's giving you what you need. Sometimes in life, we question our abilities when it comes to fulfilling our purpose. We must remember that God will never give you a purpose and not give you the tools to reach your destiny. The key is to make sure your every move is aligned with His direction. He will lead you to the right opportunity and He will provide the right people in your life to assist you along the way. Rest in knowing that God will always give you what you need when your focus is on Him. Remember: Never doubt and trust Him throughout. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.20.18. God will get you through

3.20.18. God will get you through. Never think for a second that God is going to leave you down. He will always pick you up when you fall. The key is to always keep your faith in Him. He has promised to be with you and He will never go back on a promise that He's made. So keep worshiping Him during the toughest of times, keep praising Him and praying to Him and watch Him bring you out. Rest in knowing that God will get you through when you focused on Him instead of you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.18.18. Through it all trust God..

3.19.18. Just let God handle it.. There are many things that happen in our lives where we think that we've got to have control. But we must remember that when we get in the way, we could be hindering God's process. We must always trust God and let Him have complete control over every area of our lives. When we do this, everything will always workout for our best even if we don't agree with the result. Remember, God will never make decisions in your life that will not be for your good. So rest in knowing that if you just let God handle it, everything will always turn out better for you regardless of what it may be. Let go and always let God. Have a Magnificent Monday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.18.18. Through it all trust God..

3.18.18. Through it all trust God. Many times in our lives, when obstacles appear, we start doubting. But this is the time that we should cast all our cares upon God. We must remember God will always be our strength in our weaknesses. So even though we are broken, God will mend our brokenness when we trust in Him. Regardless of what it is or how difficult it may appear, God is with you through it all. So rest in knowing that God has all the answers and all the strength that you will ever need but the question is.. Will you trust Him? Have a blessed day. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.17.18. God's not quitting neither should you.

3.17.18. God's not quitting, neither should you. Never think for a moment that your purpose is a lost cause. Remember that God gave it to you and whatever He provides, He will give you the tools to excel. There may be some obstacles in your path, but remember that everything is always working for a greater purpose even when you don't understand it. So keep on pressing forward and keep your praises up to God. He will never quit propelling you when He has given you a specific destiny. So, never quit on yourself. Get up, get moving and trust that as long as God is your GPS, you'll keep improving. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.16.18. God's working even you're silent..

3.16.18. God's working even when you're silent. Have you ever wondered what's going on when it appears that your life is in a holding pattern? This is the time when you continue to keep praising God and trusting Him through your waiting period. We must realize that often times God is working behind the scenes and even though we can't visually see it, He's working. So just because things appear to be quiet doesn't mean that God is not preparing a huge blessing for your life. So keep your faith in Him and keep lifting Him up every moment you get because God is always working for your good regardless what may appear to be silent. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you me encouragers.

3.15.18. Through the pain, God remains the same.

3.15.18. Through the pain, God remains the same. There's nothing like the love of God. The most beautiful thing about it is that it's always constant. God never walks away when we we are going through our deepest hurts. He is right there with us and we can always count on Him to come through even when no else does. His grace and mercy for us is amazing. So rest in knowing that when you are faithful to God, He will always be there for you. Remember through the pain, God will never change. Keep praising Him in every circumstance and know there is nothing like being in His hands. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you,

3.14.18. God is with you..

3.14.18. God is with you. There's many heartaches in this life but remember God is always with you. He will never leave you alone. Sometimes the most difficult trials make us think that we are bearing the burden all alone. But we must know that God is there through it all. He's there during the tough times and through the rough times. So rest in knowing, that God is with you, no matter what. Keep your trust in Him at all times and He will bring you comfort in the midst of your pain. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.13.18. Look beyond what you see..

3.13.18. Look beyond what you see. Often times in life our vision doesn't always work in our best interest. We see things and they appear one way but in reality God has a completely different purpose. God's word defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Therefore, when we have a relationship with God we should always look beyond what we see because His vision will always be far greater than ours. So rest in knowing that when you look beyond what you see and you put all your faith in God, you will see that His vision for your life is much greater than your imagination. Look to Him and always trust His direction for your life. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.