
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

5.31.18. You may not understand God's plan..

5.31.18. You may not understand God's plan. There are many things that happen in our lives and sometimes you walk away puzzled. This are the times when you should continue to keep your faith in God. Because, it tells us in the bible that his ways are not out ways.. therefor, we will never know everything about why we go down certain paths in our lives. But we can rest assured that whatever He is doing, is for our good. So keep praising Him and continue to trust Him through the most difficult of situations and know that His process will always be for your best. Remember: His plan always works regardless of what you understand. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.30.18. God delivers His promises.

5.30.18. God delivers His promises. Never think for a second that God will ever go back on His word. He will always do what He says and you can always stand on His promises. He will always be there for you and He will always come through. His love and grace in your life can take you anywhere, anytime or anyplace. So rest in knowing that God will never say one thing and do another. If He promised it, you can trust that He will perform it. Stand on it encouragers. Have a wonderful Wednesday. take care, stay encouraged and God bless you. PS. Here's this weeks song of the week for your enjoyment. https://www.reverbnation.com/darrynzewalk/song/22814581-breathe

5.29.18. Keep God first..

5.29.18. Keep God first. Things always work out better when you invite God in from the beginning. When you consult with Him and you trust Him in all things. He will never lead you in direction that will not be for your good. Sometimes the paths are not easy but the destination is always worth the direction He is leading you in. So rest in knowing that when you keep God first, He will be with you for whatever is coming next. Have a Terrific Tuesday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.28.18. Don't forget God and what He's done..

5.28.18. Don't forget God and what He's done. On this Memorial Day, we honor those who sacrificed their lives for us. We praise God for getting us through those tough times and strength to endure. His love for us is one of the greatest blessings in this life we live. We must also remember that God gave His son to die for the sins of this world so that we may live eternally. So rest in knowing that God has not forgotten you, so always remember Him in all things. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.27.18 God is there with you..

5.27.18. God is there with you. Have you ever been through something and you thought you had no one to turn to? This is when you realize that God is always there with you to help you through it. He will provide everything you need to carry on. You may not recognize it at the time, but you will look back and see that it was only God. The beautiful thing about it is He has never left you and He never will. That is one of His promises and we should always stand on it at all times. Rest in knowing that it doesn't matter who leaves you, as long as God is there with you. Have an awesome Sunday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.26.18. Nothing will ever be above God's love.

5.26.18. Nothing will ever be above God's love. Regardless of what season you're going through in your life, don't ever doubt how much God loves you. There is nothing greater and He will always be there for you. Keep on putting your faith in Him and depending on Him in all things. You will see that that nothing will ever compare to the love that God shares. When you're down, He'll pick you up and give you strength to stand every time you fall. So rest in knowing that God is love and nothing will ever change that. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.25.18. God will reveal things in His timing.

5.25.18. God will reveal things in His timing. There are many uncertainties in this life. We go through life wondering if we are connected to the right people, if people are truly who and what they say they are. But we must shift our focus on praising God and trusting Him. It is difficult sometimes, but you will always get the best results when your thoughts and purpose are aligned with His will.If something is not in His will, we must trust that it will not happen regardless of how hard we try. So keep your head up and keep praising God because He will reveal what's good and bad in your life, if you'll just be patient and wait on Him. Have a fantastic Friday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.24.18. Keep putting God first..

5.24.18. Keep putting God first. There are many ups and downs in this life we live. The key to getting through everything is keeping God in front of all things. So, consult Him before you act. Read His word for direction and pray before proceeding. There is nothing like God's direction. When you are aligned with Him, His favor will pave your way. So rest in knowing that when you keep God first, He will always handle your worst. Have a thriving Thursday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.23.18. Believe God will do it..

5.23.18. Believe God will do it. Never let doubt psych you out. Remember that God can do anything, and when you your faith is in Him, you are setting yourself up for success. There's nothing like trusting in God. His way is perfect and He will never fail you. It doesn't matter what it is, remember, never stop praising Him. The sooner you surrender yourself to Him the faster you will see Him doing the unthinkable in your life. Rest in knowing that when you believe that God will do it, that's exactly what He'll do. Take care, stay encouraged and god bless you my encouragers.

5.22.18. God's working it out.

5.22.18. God's working it out. There are many times in our lives, that we feel that everything is on hold. But during these times, we feel is if everything we are doing is a waist of our time. We must remember that God is always working even when we don't see it. That is why it is always important to keep on praising Him and trusting Him no matter what it is going on. He is always working things out, but the key for us is to never doubt. So rest in knowing that God will never fail and what He has for you is far greater than anything you can imagine. Have a terrific Tuesday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.