
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

January 5th, Studio Session with Jordan

I met with Jordan today. The session was great. We worked on Dirt, Forevermore and Cast All Your Cares. I am truly getting excited about what is happening with the direction of my album. I also have an interview scheduled for Sunday morning with Elder James Lockhart (KROV FM Radio) in San Antonio Texas.The Lord is truly moving and I am looking forward to the developments in my life. I pray that you day has been a blessed one filled with great things. Take care and stay encouraged.. I will keep you posted on future developments.. God bless you...

Happy 2012...

Today I have reconnected with my producer Jordan McCleod of Runaway Productions and we are set to listen to some tracks from the project this week. I am truly looking forward to what is to come. The Lord has truly been blessing me. I have gone through some things and I know that it is because he something far greater for me than what is in the present. I will keep you posted and take some snap shots of my session to keep you up to date regarding the development of my album. I pray your day has been a blessed one. Stay tuned and God bless you.

At the Studio tonight with Jordan McCleod..

I had a great session today with Jordan... there is truly a lot going on so far 3 of my tracks have real drums on them and they sound absolutely amazing... Jordan and I have decided to do 2 Christmas songs. One traditional and my new Christmas song titled "Every Christmas".. I am truly excited about the last minute decision.. I love Christmas music and the arrangements will be Piano strings and vocals.. I will keep you posted.. as we are scheduled to lay down some vocals next week in order to have something by the Holidays.. I pray that every thing is well with you.. So what traditional Christmas song should I do? Let me know what you think...

The songs for my first full album have been picked

I have been working hard with my producer Jordan McCleod and I am truly excited about the 12 songs that we have picked for this album. The album will have a classic/current Gospel vibe to it... I am truly excited about the growth and the production thus far... The Lord has truly blessed me to write some songs that are extremely real in my life right now. I like to write about what is real in my life wether it is good or bad.. I truly believe that the Lord can help people that are going through the same things I am. Please continue to pray for the process and if you have not already please "Like" my Reverbnation page. Thanks and God bless you. I pray your are safe and encouraged this night. Much Love... Darryn

October 3rd, recording session

Today has been an amazing day recording and listening to new beats for my upcoming album...Jordan has drooped some awesome beats...today I worked on 3 songs.. On the inside, One evening and I won't stop.. I am truly blessed and looking forward to the next session... Jordan and I wrote One evening tonight... and the Lord was in the midst. I pray that you day has been a blessed one. Take care and God Bless you...

Countdown to 2012 (September 28th, 2011)

Today has been a day of rest fro me. I did practice 2 of the songs that Jordan and I have picked for my upcoming album. I am also learning that there are many people out in the market place that is truly trying to just take your money. Once they realize that you are not willing to not pay it they write you off. Everything is good for me because the Lord I serve is much bigger than anything they got..Amen? I am learning to just depend on him. So many have different theories regarding ministry but the Lord will supply my needs regardless of obstacles.... I pray your day has been a blessed one filled with wonderful things. Take care and Stay encouraged. God Bless you..

Tonight at Calvary Baptist Church

The Lord was truly in the house tonight. I sang Situation and I was truly apart of a spirit filled service. The workshop Choir did and amazing job and Credella Burkhalter (Director) and Andrew Emory (Musician) was simply awesome.. The Lord was truly blessing through song. I send a special thanks to Pastor Scott Gordon for the great spirit that he has in promoting the Gospel and encouraging others in Christ. I pray your night was a blessed one. Take care and stay encouraged. There should be a new video of the performance soon.

The end of this 90 Day Challenge

These are the accomplishments of this 90 Day Challenge: 1) I am currently in the process of working on a 10-12 song album 2) I am currently ranked in the top 30 on ReverbNation (Currently at #28) 3) I am currently ranked #1 in Tulsa and #7 in all genres in Tulsa 4) I am ranked in the top 25 Nationally on reverbnation 5) There are 5-10 countries overseas that are spinning my music through Radiodirectx. 6) I am still in negotiations with Brian Lassiter regarding possible investors in Sounds Like Z Productions. 7) I am working with Jordan McCleod of Runaway productions for the productions of my new album. 8) I have acquired 1000 CD's and have moved 300 to increase my inventory by 3 times. 9) My CD is now available in CD Baby 10) My Jango Page currently has 864 fans. 11) My ReverbNation page has 15,000 fans and over 125,000 song plays.. I am blessed to have the opportunity to share my gift of music that the Lord has loaned to me to encourage those who are willing to listen. I have truly enjoyed this challenge and look forward to many more. I appreciate your time and efforts and support through this challenge. Take care and stay encouraged and God Bless you

Day 89 of the 90 Day Challenge

Today has been a wonderful day.. I attended Mario Jones and Khaliah Grundy wedding. The wedding was simply beautiful. It was great day and I rested today from the music and just enjoyed some great Jazz from Eldridge Jackson. The Lord was truly at this wedding.. I am truly humbled my wife and I got to attend such a beautiful occasion at the Greenwood Cultural Center... I pray your day has been a wonderful one. Take care, Stay encouraged and God Bless You...

Day 88 of the 90 Day Challenge

Today is a great day... I am truly excited about the weekend and just relaxing. Tonight I have practiced "Cold" and "Forevermore".. I am learning the lyrics to my new songs which helps me concentrate on vocals and areas that i need to work on. I am learning to just trust God and separate from people who say they and doings to help but the work shows otherwise. Lord I continue to pray for discernment and I know if Aint it.. I can't win it.. I pray your day has been a blessed one. Take care, Stay encouraged and God Bless you