
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

10.12.17. #God's process is always best..

10.12.17. #God's process is always best. We often question why things happen they way they do. But when our faith and trust is in God, we should always trust His direction. Remember that even through the roughest trial He is there to always restore our smile. So continue pressing your purpose knowing that God's process is always best. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers..

10.11.17. #God doesn't make mistakes..

10.11.17. #God doesn't make mistakes. Remember regardless of what comes you way in this life, it doesn't come by mistake. Everything in this life has a purpose even if it is only for a season. God's process isn't always for us to understand but it for us to trust. The more we trust Him the better off we will be. So rest in knowing that when things come and go in your life that it is not by a mistake there is a specific purpose for everything. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.10.17. #God is opening doors..

10.10.17 #God is opening doors. Often times when we think that something is shutting down in our lives, it's God opening up something new for us. Never get discouraged when seasons end. This is usually a sign of God getting ready to give you something far greater than what you've been experiencing. Continue to trust in God regardless of the circumstance because just when you think you can't take any more, God will open a new door. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.9.17. #God got a grip..

10.9.17. #God's got a grip. There's nothing better than the love of God. He always love's us more than we can ever love ourselves. He is there during every storm and He is there during ever celebration. God is so awesome that there are no words that can truly describe Him. So remember, even when you feel like you maybe slipping away, God's got grip that will always bring you back to Him. Continue to believe and rest in knowing that He is all you'll ever need. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.8.17. #God's with you in the storm..

10.8.17. #God's with you in the storm. Never think for a second that you are going through trials alone. Remember that God will never leave you all alone to go through trials and obstacle all by yourself. He promised that he would take care of you and He will if you trust Him and never doubt. The second you start doubting is the moment you start failing. Keep your faith in Him, Keep praying to him and know that in due season everything is going to work out for your benefit. Through the storm God will always be your shelter. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.7.17. #God can do what others can't..

10.7.17. #God can do what others can't. Remember that God can do all things even things that seem to be impossible. God can turn any situation around in in an instance and He will always be there for you regardless of your circumstance. Never get bogged down thinking that there's no hope or that there's no one there for you because God will always do more than any person can do in your life. Keep believing in Him and trust Him in every season of your life. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.6.17. #God is always working..

10.6.17. #God is always working. Even during the times when we feel our lives are on pause, don't forget that God is working behind the scenes. He is always providing for you and doing what is best for you. So keep on waiting and keep on praising because even during the time you are sleeping God is working. Have a blessed evening. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.5.17. People may fail you but #God won't..

10.5.17. People may fail you but #God won't. Never get discouraged when you feel that people are letting you down because more than likely it will happen at some point in your life. But hold on to the fact that God will never fail you no matter what the situation maybe. He loves you and He cares for you more than you'll ever know so keep on trusting in Him and praising Him. Rest in knowing that you are serving a God who will never ever fail. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.4.17. Trust #God through it..

10.4.17. Trust God through it. Often times when tough things come our direction we lose hope. We start doubting our ability to make it out. But we must remember with God all things are possible and He will prevail in our lives if just surrender and trust Him through whatever it is. So never give up on God because He's never given up on you and He never will. So keep praising Him and trusting in Him and believing that He is going to get you through. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.3.17. With #God it's possible..

10.3.17. With #God it's possible. Remember there will never be anything that is impossible for God. So when you are pressing your purpose, remember this mantra. God will not take you to it to see you fail through it. He will be with you every step of the way and He will give you everything you need to succeed. So keep moving and know with Him everything will keep improving. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.