
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

10.22.17. #God will give you the strength

10.22.17. #God will give you the strength. Have you ever gone through something and wondered how you're going to get through it? Well, this is where God comes in when you're serving Him. He will never let you go through obstacles and trials alone. You may not feel it the time but you will look back and see that it was because His grace that you made it through. God loves you and He is always working for your good even in your time of crises. Keep all your faith in Him and never doubt that when you're in a pinch, God will give you strength. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.21.17. #God is my everything

10.21.17. #God is my everything. I know I could not make it without the grace of God. He supplies all my needs and and He gives me favor so that i can succeed. There's no love greater than His. He never goes back on His promises and he He's always there for me when I feel I don't have the strength to go on. Without Him I am nothing but with Him there's nothing that I can't do.. There's no better way of putting it.. God will always be my everything. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.20.17. #God knows the result..

10.20.17. #God knows the result. Often times we worry about how the end is going to turn out instead of trusting in God. We must never waiver in the power of our Savior. He knows the result and the sooner we surrender our cares to Him the better off we will be. So rest assured that there's no need to worry when your faith lies in the one who knows the ending of every life situation. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.19.17. Believe #God.. #FridayEve

10.19.17. Believe #God. Sometimes in life, the enemy comes against us and tries to place doubt in our minds about the power of our God. We must stand on the promises of God that He will always work for our good and He will always deliver everything He promised. So no matter what, who or where, never waiver in your faith to God. He will provide everything you need to succeed. To God stay true and He will do what He promised what He said he would do. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.18.17. All things work in #God's time

10.18.17. All things work in #God's time. Don't get discouraged when you ask God for something and He doesn't deliver it right away. He knows the perfect time for you to receive what he Has for you. He will make sure that whatever it is, He will bless you at the most appropriate time. Remember, all things work according to His will and His timing. So practice praise and patience while you wait on Him. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.17.17. Nothing but #God..

10.17.17. Nothing but #God can get you through the rough times. Often times in life we get discouraged and wonder how can we escape this situation. There seems to be no end in sight and we don't know if we have the strength to get through it. Then God shows up and he reassures us that He will never leave us and that all we have to do is continue to put our complete trust in Him. We will get through whatever our obstacle is because God's grace will always deliver us to a better place. Rest assured that nothing but God can protect you and give you what you need to accomplish the things He has in store for you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless.

10.16.17. #God will always be love.

10.16.17. #God will always be love. Regardless of all the hate that maybe going on around you, never think that God will let that be. He will always overpower hate with love. He is love and nothing will ever change that. God will comfort us in our worse times and He will be there for us in our happiest times. So rest in knowing that hate will never win in your life because God will always be love. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.15.17. Through it all trust #God.

10.15.17. Through it all trust #God. There will be many obstacles and trials that come into our lives but during them we must never give up. We must hold on to the unchanging hands of God. He will never fail us even when we think things are unbearable. He will protect us and provide us an escape so that we can continue on in our journey. So through it all never lose your trust in God. He hasn't failed you yesterday and will not today. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.14.17. Everything #God says He does..

10.14.17. Everything #God says He does. You never have to worry about God going back on His word. He will always follow through with every promise He has made to you. He will deliver everything in His timing so patience and praise is a key factor. Never get discouraged when you feel He is not coming through because Everything He says, trust that he will do. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you..

10.13.17. Evil can't tamper with #God.

10.13.17. Evil can't tamper with #God. Today has been a very interesting day for me. But through it all I have learned that evil can't tamper with God. God will always step in when you think all hope is lost and He will show you that He is there for you regardless of what attack maybe upon you. So rest in knowing that evil can never win over God because the God we serve can't be tampered with. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.