
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

11.1.17. Just give it to #God..

11.1.17. Just give it to #God. Remember that God is always the source of our strength. He did not bring us here to take care of our problems all by ourselves. He tells us in His word to cast all our cares upon Him. So, don't get stressed out about things that are bringing you down or things that are getting in the way of you achieving your purpose. Just give it to God. He will remove the obstacle or give you the strength to endure it. Keep pressing and never give up and know that God is with you and when He's for you, nothing can stop you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.31.17. #God gives you courage..

10.31.17. #God gives you courage. Remember that God will never give you the spirit of fear. He will always provide you with courage to face anything and the strength to over come the impossible. The main focus is to keep your faith and trust in God at all times. Don't let a negative situation detail your faith in Him. So rest in knowing that God will give the courage and the favor to flourish. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.30.17. Call on #God, He'll be there..

10.30.17. Call on #God, He'll be there. There is no love like the love of God. He is always there when we need Him and He will never fail us. So when things are not going your way, don't give up, just call on God. He knows everything your are going through and He will protect you and give you the strength you need to overcome it. So don't despair, call God and trust that He will always be there, Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.29.17. For the Glory of #God..

10.29.17. For the Glory of #God. Remember when blessings come in your life, don't forget to give the glory to God. Without Him the world would not exist. He deserves all the praises. He is love and He alone orders our steps when we give our lives to Him. So never take the credit for things that He has done because without Him there would be no you. So when people praise you let it by pass you your ego and give all the praises and glory to God. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.28.17. Just keep doing it for #God.

10.28.17. Just keep doing it for #God. No matter what is going on in your life, never stop working for God. He is always working for you and you should continue to work for Him. Continue to share His love and spread blessing to the people around you. Even if it is just a smile or telling someone to have a great day, could change someone's perspective in their lives. No good deed is too small to be a blessing. So keep pressing and remember to remove yourself and just keep doing it for God. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.27.17. #God is all you need.

10.27.17. If #God's in it, that's all you need. Never get discouraged when things don't appear to be going your way. Keep on trusting in God and know that He has the final say. He will always lead and guide you to success when you surrender everything to Him. Never give up and keep on pressing regardless of the trials and obstacles. Remember God is more than a conqueror in your life and as long He is in it, that's all you need. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.26.17. Hold on to #God's word..

10.26.17. Hold on to #God's word. In this life we come across many things that attempt to cause us to doubt our faith in God. But remember to always trust what the word of God is saying to you. Recall the stories in the bible that pertain to your life. Everything you need is there just stand on it and know that God will always be with you at all times. There will never be a time that He will leave you in a place that He can't reach you. So rest assured that whatever is absurd will never outweigh God's word. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

10.25.17. When you do for #God..

10.25.17. When you do for #God, He'll do for you. Never think that your praise to God is in vain. Because what you do for God is eternal gain. You may not see it at the time but you must know that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. So you can never go wrong doing the will of God. Keep pressing your purpose, Keep sharing His love and Stay focused and on pleasing Him. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you..

10.24.17. Wait patiently on #God.

10.24.17. Wait patiently on #God. Often times we pray for things and we get frustrated when it doesn't happen when we want it to. But, we have to know that everything works in God's timing not ours. He knows the perfect time to bring us what we need or He will not bring us what we don't need. Either way our trust in Him is a must and while we wait, we should never grow weary in our praises to Him. He loves us more than we can ever imagine so be thankful and continue to wait patiently on Him before acting. His will is always our best deal. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

10.23.17. With #God I can do all things.

10.23.17. With #God I can do all things. I have learned in my journey that every time I've try to attempt something without including God, I've failed. I have learned that I must have Him to accomplish the things in my life that appear to be impossible. I need Him at all times and I know that when He is with me I can't fail so, I will continue to trust Him and put all my faith in Him because I know that there is no failure in Him. I invite you to to try Him and see that there is no other love that can do the things in your life like He can. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.