
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

11.12.17. #God will rid you of your troubles

11.12.17. #God will rid you of your troubles. Remember trouble will never last forever when God is your focus. He will bring comfort to every one of your trials and give you the strength to endure whatever comes into your life. Always cast your cares on Him and trust Him in all things. He is with you and He will always come through for you. Rest in knowing God will always rid you every trouble. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers

11.11.17. The blessings of #God..

11.11.17. The blessings of #God. There’s nothing like the blessings of God. You can’t explain why they happen when they happen but when you praise God for them they keep coming. So never forget to give Him the praise in all circumstances. Even when people praise you let it by pass you and send it on up to God, you’ll be glad you did. Remember: when praises go up, blessings always come down. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers.

11.10.17. #God will make it alright

11.10.17. #God will make it alright. No matter what it is, God has control of the situation. He will always deliver His promises. So regardless of what seems to not be working, never stop working for God. Stay faithful and stay focused on Him. Close your eyes every night knowing that God will always make everything alright. Take care stay encouraged and God bless you..

11.8.17. Sit still and let #God move in your life.

11.8.17. Sit still and let #God move in your life. Often times when things are not going well for us, we do our best to try to fix it. But this truly could be a test of our faith. Just how much do we trust God? When we trust Him completely, we will let Him work out the obstacles as we keep putting our faith in Him. There's nothing better than knowing that you serve a God that can never be defeated regardless of the challenge. So when trying times come your way, don't get discouraged, just sit still and let God move in your life. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.7.17. When Your season is up.. follow #God..

11.7.17. When your season is up, follow #God. There are many things in this life that are not meant to last forever. We must follow the direction of God because when your season is up, God is preparing you for something better. You have to walk away with faith knowing that God is in control and that He will lead you to your destiny regardless of the status of your season. Keep focusing on Him and rest assured that when your season is up God will be there with you to help you gather your stuff. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers..

11.6.17. Rest in #God...

11.6.17. Rest in God. There are many things in this life that appears to be comforting but there's nothing like being in the arms of God. He protects us daily and He loves us more than we can ever love ourselves. We can go through life much easier when we live it for Him. He is more than enough to supply all our needs. So remember when you rest in God there will never be a better place. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

11.5.17. Just keep your focus on #God.

11.5.17. Just keep your focus on #God. Often times in life we get bogged down with the what if's and the negative things around us. But we must remember, regardless of what is going on we should never lose our focus on God. He alone is enough to get us through every doubt and every trial that we may encounter on our way to our destiny. Continue to focus on Him and rest assured that He will get you through everything you're going through. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you..

11.4.17. Everything #God has for you..

11.4.17. Everything #God has for you will always be for you. Nothing can stop the favor of God. Regardless of what your haters do to try to discourage you they can never stop God. So keep trusting Him and focusing on what direction He is leading you in and He will get you to your destination. Remember no matter what obstacles you may face, everything God has for you is for you will always be for you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

11.3.17. #God will do what He says..

11.3.17. #God will do what He says. The beautiful thing about serving God is that you never have to doubt. He will always do as He promised. The key for us is to always trust Him and never think that we can live our lives without Him. He knows our every move, our every thought and everything about us. So why not believe Him, serve Him and Praise Him at all times. Because there's nothing like having God in your life and knowing that He will always do what He says. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

11.2.17. #God already knows..

11.2.17. #God already knows.. Never think for a minute that God is not aware of your daily struggles or obstacles. He knew about them before you did. That is the reason why it is so important to continue to put all you faith in Him. He will never fail in spite of your Hell. Just remember the faster you surrender the better off you will be. So rest assured God knows and give it to Him and let it go. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you..