
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

3.2.18. God's got you but do you have Him?

3.2.18. God's got you but do you have Him? We know that God is always there for us anytime we need Him. But the question is, do have Him as the head of your life? This makes all the difference. When we have a relationship with God, we surrender all things to Him and we trust Him with our lives in every area. We know that He guides us in everything and we accept His leadership. There's nothing better than having a true relationship with God where we talk with Him daily and not just during a crises. So rest in knowing that God's got you but make sure that you've got Him. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.29.18. God is still with you..

2.29.18. God is still with you. Have you ever wondered where everyone's at during the time of your trial? I know I have. But I realized that I only need God to bring me through it. I learned the more I leaned on Him and put my trust in Him, the better things got. God promised in His word to never leave us alone and He never will. So don't get discouraged when you think no one is there with you, because God is still with you. Keep trusting Him, Keep standing on His word and watch things turn around. You may can't see it now but you can trust that God will always bring you out. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.28.18. God will provide what you need.

2.28.18. God will provide what you need. Many times in life we get discouraged over the things that we want but we cannot get. But we must remember to be grateful in all things. When we are, we'll see God blessing us more than we could ever imagine. So it is very important to remember to consistently Thank God for the big and the small, because He is the bearer of all our blessings. Rest in knowing that God will always provide what you need, not what you greed. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.27.18. God is still working..

2.27.18. God is still working. Often times in life we get impatient with things and think that nothing is going to happen. But we must remember that when we surrender things to God, He hears us. We also have to realize that His timing is not ours. So trusting Him in every circumstance and every situation is always best. God is still working even when we are asleep. Continue to give Him the praise, Stand on His promises and know that everything is working out for your good because whatever God is working on, will always be a masterpiece. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you. my encouragers.

2.26.18. #God will never mislead you.

2.26.18. #God will never mislead you. Never think for a minute that God will make a mistake in your life. You may not agree with everything but you must keep trusting God through it. Because God is always working things out to make you better never worse. So continue to praise Him though everything. He is awesome and He will never lead you down a wrong path. The best place to be is always where He is and dwelling in His presence. There will never be a love that compares to His. So rest in knowing that regardless of what may come against you, God will never mislead you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.25.18. #God will win your battle..

2.25.18. #God will win your battle. There are many obstacles that we encounter in this life. But often times, we forget who has the power to give us the strength to over come them. We must Remember that God will always reign over everything in this life. So when you're faced with something that seems like there's no way out, trust God and let Him work it out. He will always be there with you and His grace is more than enough to carry you through. Rest in knowing, that when you surrender your trials and your obstacles to God, He will win your battles. Never waiver but put all your faith in God our Savior. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.24.18. #God's it got and you're ok..

2.24.18. #God got it and you're ok. Never think for a minute that everything is left up to you to work out in your life. Because this is simply not true. Remember you've got God and He is all you'll ever need to succeed. Don't get bogged down with the negative aspects of your obstacles. Continue to focus on God and trust that everything will always be alright when he is in the midst of them. So keep on pressing your purpose, trust God and know that whatever He has for you will always be for you and nothing can change it. Rest in knowing that God's got it and no mater what you're ok. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.23.18. When you surrender to #God..

2.23.18. When you surrender to #God.. How many times have you tried to work things out on your own and then experienced failure? Most of have, then we realize that when we turn it over to God, He works it out. One big element in serving God, is to surrender everything to Him. When you surrender, you are putting everything in His hands, your finances, your troubles, your job, your relationships etc. Once you do this, you will see major changes in your life. So rest in knowing that when you surrender to God you are making one of the best choices of your life. He will overcome your obstacles and give you strength to stand any test. So, the sooner you surrender, the better things will become in your walk with Him. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.22.18. #God is working for your good.

2.22.18. #God is always working for your good. often times we get frustrated when we are in situations of waiting on something we prayed for. But we must not get hasty. We should continue to wait on God and He will direct us in the right direction when our trust is in Him. When we try to work it out on our own, we are trusting ourselves more than we are trusting God. God knows what He is doing no matter what is going on in our lives. Remember, that God is always working for your good. So rest in knowing, that God will lead you to your destiny if you continue to put all your faith and trust in Him. Never doubt and never waiver in your dedication in pleasing Him. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

2.21.18. When you put all your trust in #God..

2.21.18. When you put all your trust in #God everything will always turn out alright. Trusting Him means to put everything in His hands. It is very difficult at times to try to do things in our own and usually this is where most of us go wrong. The best place to put your concerns, your doubt, your stress is always in God. He knows our paths and He has the final say on the results. So remember, When you put your trust in God, your putting your life in the best place. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

** Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version (KJV) 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.