
Chris Aable / Blog

Grateful for the comment left by Rick Nease:

"Chris, this stuff is so cool in the way you build layers upon layers of sound. Melodic and powerful, folks should pay attention to your pure song craftsmanship." - Rick Nease Rank #148 under Singer Songwriter in Tennessee

Giving thanks to fellow artist,

"Love the influences, love the sound, love the passion! Hopefully we share the stage one day soon!!! Cheers! Will N.” - The End Rank #26 under Rock / Alternative in Ohio

Thankful for the comments like the one left by fellow artist, Frank Claeys

"Your music is beautiful and inspired. Love the Elton John song. Production on If I Were God is second to none. You have amazing talent. Keep up the good work. Cheers!” - Frank Claeys Rank #36 in Ontario, CA under Alternative / Folk Rock / Pop

Grateful for your kind words!!

"Every smooth and uplifting music, Chris. Great creativity going on. Keep it coming!" - Discipline's Arrogance Rank #1 in Yosemite, CA under Electronica / Industrial

Appreciative of your great comment about my songs Darn Kids

"I love that way you craft your tracks. Extremely imaginative and up-lifting. We could use more music like yours around! Keep up the awesome work and thanks for sharing.” - Darn Kids Rank #2 under World / African / Synthesized in Madison, Wi

Appreciative of the kind words from, -Bag of Cats

"Your vocals are so nice! Honest & real! Great layering too - really textural; and your lyrics are truly beautiful! Thanks for putting so much great music out here!" -Bag of Cats,

Appreciative of the kind words from, Metrognome

"Hi Chris! amazing piano work, man. really, the feeling and fury of your playing jumps out of the videos." -Metrognome,

Thankful for the time DPRM took to leave me such delightful words

"Beautiful music! U got mad skills brother! Totally agree with your philosophy and message. Why is rationality lost on so many? We know the answer to that. Great music, keep up the good work." - DPRM

So nice to receive kind word like the ones left by Saved By Monsters

"A catchy, feel good, groove with a pop-techo flair. An ear full of fun!" - Saved By Monster, Rock/ Pop/ Indie Playa del Rey, CA

So glad to receive words from a great musician, MikeWhitePresents

"wow..what an original and rich detailed production you have in 'choose your choices..' brilliant arpeggio bass and a wicked hooky vocal that surprises and entices in equal measure. Brilliant work!!" - MikeWhitePresents