
ILO / Blog

ILO Update 1/13/11

Our next show is coming up next week, and we are working on new material, working on our show, and we hope to see you out at the Twillight Cafe. Hema and Stab in the Dark will join us for an evening of fun and music! We've been slowly moving up the ReverbNation charts here in Portland, so thank you fans and listeners!

ILL Lucid Onset update Dec 19

We are coming to the end of 2010, and what a great year its been. We want to thank all of our new fans, current fans for all the support, downloads, and music plays. We work really hard to give you guys great music. Coming up next month, we will be shooting a new video, working on new songs, and traveling up North to Seattle for some shows. Have a great holiday, and don't forget, we are playing New Year's Eve at Buffalo Gap Saloon, come see us!

ILL Lucid Onset update Dec 7

As of late we've been climbing up the ReverbNation charts for Portland. We really appreciate your playing our songs and checking us out! We've had tremendous response on iTunes with downloads, and to all our new fans we want to say thank you! We also just reached 2,200 followers on Twitter and our facebook page is growing as well. Our next group of shows is coming up, and remember if you are looking for something to do on New Year's Eve, come spend it with us!

ILL Lucid Onset update Nov 28

Hey everyone, thank you so much for becoming a fan, follower or part of the Lucid Crew. Our latest single is available on iTunes. We hope you get a chance to download teh song and share it with your friends. We've made some huge strides toward our goal of being a top ten ReverbNation band for Portland (rock catagory), and we really appreciate your song plays and hits.... Come see us at our next few dates (check the play dates).... - jim

ILL Lucid Onset Update Nov 19

Hello fans, be sure to download our new EP from iTunes! Plus get ready for our big New Year's Eve party extravaganza feature HEMA and ILL Lucid Onset at the Buffalo Gap Saloon on Macadam. All the fun you can have from 9pm to Midnight! Great food, awesome music and lots of fun surprises!

ILL Lucid Onset Update Nov 15

Our new EP is now available on iTunes for purchase! If you like the songs posted on ReverbNation, hop on over to iTunes and download the new album. We are really excited to have our new single plus three reprises, re-worked and updated with the new line up featuring Jim and Mark. In 2011, we will be releasing a new album with all new material, so hopefully this will hold over until we get back into the studio!!

ILL Lucid Onset update Nov 10

Our new album arrived today - fresh off the CD making machine... we will be selling our new album at our Ash Street Saloon gig this coming Friday, November 12. We hit the stage at 11pm, after our good friends Loves Lies Dying and HEMA play a set each. After us, we have our friends at Psuedophiles hitting the stage to end the fun evening! Hope you can come by!

ILL Lucid Onset update Oct 17

Our new EP is getting mixed down, and we want to remind you that we will release this EP - with one new song and three reprises on November 12 at the Ash Street Saloon. We have three other bands we've invited to the show, so for $5, you'll get a great evening's worth of entertainment.

ILL Lucid Onset Update - October 9, 2010

Greetings fans and friends, We are currently mixing our next EP - a four song powerhouse of melodies, fresh beats, meaningful lyrics. We are bringing back two favorites with a new cutting approach, plus two new tracks that have never been heard (unless you caught us at the White Eagle last week). Fans loved the new songs!

ILL Lucid Onset Update for September 29

Hello fans, Quick reminder that we will be playing the White Eagle this coming Saturday. A great club and bar, and we are very excited to be playing a 50 minute set along with our other friends Pseudophiles and Amber Volaire. Be sure to become a fan and friend at our various sites. It really helps keep the band in the top rankings for Portland. Also, we recently launched our own web site, be sure to check it out at www.IllLucidOnset.com