
Noooodlemusic / Blog

The best Halloween ever!

Yesterday was totally awesome! Got dressed in my goth gear, red contacts and fangs and went into town for a short visit... Wow!.. Couldn't have done that earlier this year, that's for sure! Mickey and I went to Cafe Nero and I had a white chocolate mocca, which was awesome! Then, to round off the day nicely, we had a visit from my two favourite girls and their sisters, all dressed up in their Halloween gear!! Brilliant.. Photos will be posted on Facebook very soon! Then (nothing like leaving it to the last minute), I submitted another two songs to the International Songwriting Competition; Mickey had been working hard on the production of both tracks this week :-) The songs are "Counting Down To Christmas" and "The Music Saved Me" (formerly known as "Sometimes You Must Be Sad")... Enjoy!