


Powermetal.de 9/10 review of Ulysses Siren - Justifiable Homicide! Thrash in Gedenke an Jon Torres! http://powermetal.de/review/review-Ulysses_Siren/Jusitfiable_Homicide,26121,26022 Thrash in Gedenke an Jon Torres! Da ist es nun endlich, das lange fertig aufgenommene Demo der Bay-Area-Helden von ULYSSES SIREN. Die Veröffentlichung kam ins Stocken, als Bassist und Szene-Veteran Jon Torres am 02.09.2013 an Herzversagen starb. Nun hat sich Nate McLeod von Malevolence Records der Angelegenheit angenommen und diese EP in Zusammenarbeit mit Jons' Frau Tambre in seinem Gedenken fertiggestellt. Schaut man auf die Songwriter-Credits, dann erkennt man, welch treibende Kraft Jon bei ULYSSES SIREN war. Er war nicht nur das Sprachrohr nach außen, er war auch der Motor der Band. Wer ihn kennenlernen durfte, weiß, wovon ich schreibe. Aber ich will gar nicht zu sentimental werden, denn dieses Geschoss gibt allen Anlass zur Euphorie. Geboten bekommen wir drei der ursprünglichen vier Songs des Demos. In gewohnter Sirenen-Manier gibt es rabiaten Thrash Metal der Güteklasse 1A. Messerscharfes, bay-area-typisches Knusper-Riffing, welches quasi aus den Boxen spritzt, pumpendes Bassspiel und furioses Drumming zeichnen die Kompositionen der Urgesteine aus. Darüber schrillt Manny Lopez in bester Paule-Manier wütende Lyrics ins Mikrophon. Herz, was willst Du mehr? Die alte Demo-Compilation "Above The Ashes" ist für mich ein kleiner Meilenstein in Sachen Thrash und die drei neuen Nummern stehen dem alten Material in Nichts nach. Keine Anbiederung an zeitgemäße Klangbilder, kein in die Länge gezogenes Riffgeschiebe; hier wird die alte Schule zelebriert und zwar auf höchstem Niveau. Schon das eröffnende Titelstück knattert unwillkürlich mit galoppierendem Riffing aus meinen Boxen. Man tritt automatisch eine Zeitreise in die 80er-Jahre an und betritt aufgrund des urwüchsigen Klangbildes vor dem geistigen Auge eine Konzerthalle eben jener Zeitepoche. Ungewöhnlich an dieser Nummer sind die schön-schaurigen Chorgesänge in der zweiten Hälfte. 'Budgeon Mass' ist dann eine Spur brachialer. Man hat das Gefühl, die Todesengel, bei denen ja ex Drummer Will Carroll aktuell die Felle verdrischt, hätten hier rhythmisch Pate gestanden. Sehr feines Geschütz. Die beste Nummer aus dem neuen Material ist aber 'Lethal Injection'. Die Kombination aus giftigen Riffs und rhythmisch ausgespukten Lyrics raubt mir jedenfalls immer komplett den Verstand. Das ist genau meine Art von Thrash, bei dem ich sofort steil gehe. Vor allem die melodischen Leads, die im harschen Kontrast zum Rahmenprogramm stehen, lassen vergnügt aufhorchen. Spätestens bei der abgestoppten Mittelpassage dürfte dann bei jedem Zuhörer die Contenance vergessen werden und das hemmungslose Headbangen starten. Wenn ich dann noch sage, dass Manny in diesem Song ganz besonders wild singt, dürfte die Kaufüberzeugung erreicht worden sein. Die drei Livesongs hapern dann etwas im Sound, sind aber durchaus gut anhörbar. Schade, dass wir hier nicht den Klassiker 'Terrorist Attack' serviert bekommen, aber so ein DESTRUCTION-Cover ist auch eine feine Sache. Den auf 500 Einheiten limitierten Tonträger bekommt ihr übrigens für schlappe 9 Euronen auch bei uns im Shop. Note:9.00Redakteur:Holger Andrae »


This is unmistakably Bay Area thrash played the way it was meant to be played by guys who helped originate it. - See more at: http://lastrit.es/reviews/8601/ulysses-siren-justifiable-homicide#disqus_thread


Ulysses Siren was part of the Bay Area thrash genesis of the early 80s, and for a while seemed primed to explode alongside many of their brethren. They played with all the right bands at all the right clubs, and released the cult classic demo Terrorist Attack in 1985. For whatever reason, though, major label glory never beckoned; the band faded away, but the mark they left on their scene would remain, as would the spirIt of metal in the hearts of those involved. They resurfaced in 2002 when Relentless Records decided to take their ’85 and ’87 demos and package them for the first time on CD as Above the Ashes. Live hometown performances followed, and their legend would add another chapter with appearances on the coveted European festival circuit. Still, it would be a number of years before any new material would see the light of day; a decade's-worth, to be precise. This 2012 demo found the band encountering the same obstacles they did back then, despite the resurgence of Bay Area thrash and the new wave of old school thrash metal as a whole. But they didn’t seem particularly concerned. There comes a point where metal is played by musicians who do it simply for the love of metal. Sadly, a year later, guitarist/vocalist/leader Jon Torres would pass away due to heart failure. It is in his memory that the surviving members have partnered with Bay Area-based Malevolence Records to release Justifiable Homicide, a six song EP that combines three of the four tracks from the aforementioned 2012 demo with three live tracks recorded in 2006. It is said that you should always go out on a high note, and since it is hard to imagine the band carrying on without Torres, it's a good thing that these notes are pretty damn high. Despite the passing of 30 years of time, and the musical and personal growth that accompanied it, the Ulysses Siren of today sounds almost exactly like that of yesterday. This is unmistakably Bay Area thrash played the way it was meant to be played by guys who helped originate it. The title track is a thundering barrage of precision riffs that aim to do exactly what the title suggests. Likewise, the spastic rhythmic changes of “Bludgeoned Mass” will leave you as such. If you’re noticing a pattern, then you won’t be surprised that “Lethal Inception” is the most lethal of the new tracks, combining more of those thrashable riffs with a chorus that couldn’t be better suited for fist-raising crowd participation. As for the live tracks, the recording quality is pretty poor by today’s standards, but the overall sound gives off a vibe that not only harkens back to what their live performances were like back in the day, but also reinforces the fact that the band wasn’t deviating from the formula during their mid-aughts resurgence; still raw, yet razor sharp. The standout among these is their shredding cover of Destruction’s “The Ritual,” if for no other reason than this may be the only way you’ll ever hear them do this song again. Of course, the same could be said for “Leviathan/Above the Ashes” and “The Reich,” but we’ll always have the studio versions from Above the Ashes. Ultimately, Justifiable Homicide serves as a fitting tribute to frontman Jon Torres, a man whose passion for music was eclipsed only by his passion of life, family, and friends. The legend of Ulysses Siren may be lost amidst those of their peers in the minds of the metal mainstream, but for those who were there, and the worldwide underground that embraced them, their legend will live on forever as one of the last true Bay Area thrash bands. - See more at: http://lastrit.es/reviews/8601/ulysses-siren-justifiable-homicide#sthash.z3F3bh3O.dpuf https://soundcloud.com/malevolence-records/justifiable-homicide


Metal-Temple.com - 10/10 Review of Justifiable Homicide: Firstly just let me say that I feel honoured to be the one to review this excellent album from this excellent band, a band that for some reason never got the respect they did deserve and never managed to release a full album but let me tell you "fuck that" because you guys rule!!! "Justifiable Homicide" is nothing new, an EP that is basically been re-released but that doesn't really matter because good things should be re-released, an awesome EP of pure Speed Thrash and I would like to dedicated this EP to Guitarist and Bassist Jon Torres who sadly passed away in 2013, you are missed and you rule! For those who don't know, ULYSSES SIREN were formed in 1983 in San Francisco, USA and they have released three Demos, "Terrorist Attack" 1985, "Demo'87" 1987, Above The Ashes" Compilation 2003, "2012 Demo" 2012 and "Justifiable Homicide" 2015, the latter one with five songs and a DESTRUCTION cover "The Ritual". ULYSSES SIREN is one of those bands when you listen for the first time you're thinking, "what the hell?" Killer riffs that are very sharp and aggressive and the vocals a mix of Ballof and Zetro, need to say no more. "Justifiable Homicide" delivers power from beginning to end, excellent bass lines and that typical Bay Area sound, very technical and catching. When SLAYER, METALLICA and EXODUS were thinking about kicking asses, these guys were already out there doing just that, "Bludgeoned Mass" is pure Thrash and the Bay Area Era lives on, Manuel Lopez' style still reigns supreme and the guitar solos are just flesh cutter and let the blood spill. Lovers of Old School Speed Thrash will love this album, songs like "Lethal Inception" makes you be proud of being a Metalhead, and the Golden Era lives on. I really like the addition of the live songs, "Leviathan/Above The Ashes" very cool stuff indeed, sounds like early EXUMER, then a very good cover from DESTRUCTION and the last nail on the coffin "The Reich" awesome stuff. I really liked this album, the production is excellent and front cover top notch, thank you so much for coming back and hope to catch you guys live! http://www.metal-temple.com/site/catalogues/entry/reviews/cd_3/u_2/ulysses-siren.htm

Metal-Core Interview with the late Jon Torres:

http://www.metalcorefanzine.com/Uylsses_Siren.html Exclusive Interviews Only Found Here at MetalCore!


Metal-Rules - What are some of the most underrated – either still existing or already split-up Speed/Thrash Metal bands from the ´80s period of metal that should have deserved more attention and respect in your opinion? I saw Ulysses Siren in Germany last summer and I gotta say that even Slayer would grow pale in comparison to them after that particular show. http://www.metal-rules.com/…/malicious-death-tormenting-gr…/” Luxi Lahtinen - Metal-Rules

PERSEVERANCE 2013 Review's:

1) “PERSEVERANCE 2013 COMPILATION (Malevolence Records) http://www.infernalmasquerade.com/?q=reviews/002587-metal-over-oostrozebeke-presents-%E2%80%93-perseverance-2013-2013 85/100” Dark Emporer - Infernal Masquerade Webzine 2) “PERSEVERANCE 2013 COMPILATION (Malevolence Records) http://www.mariosmetalmania.com/CDDVDreviews.html 75/100” Mario van Dooran - Marios Metal Mania Webzine 3) PERSEVERANCE 2013 COMPILATION (Malevolence Records) http://www.brutalism.com/content/malevolence-records-perseverance-2013 4/5 Star Review” Twan Sibon - Brutalism Webzine 4) PERSEVERANCE 2013 COMPILATION (Malevolence Records) http://www.metaltoinfinity.be/CDREVIEWS/Perseverancetour2013.html My Points: 86 / 100 Between 80 and 89: Good in its own genre, recommended for those hooked on it! Metal To Infinity Webzine Stefan Sileghem 08/26/2013 http://www.metaltoinfinity.be/CDREVIEWS/Perseverancetour2013.html


After our diner break we had to hurry up again to see the next US-metal band: ULYSSES SIREN. Before HOA I never heard of this band. Its a shame because the band already did exist in the early 80's. The band plays a kind of US-thrash metal in the vein of bands like; Violence, Exodus & Dark Angel. During their gigs (they also played the after party in Hamburg) I got the 80's feeling back again; it felt like I was 20 again (or was it because of the high alcohol level in my body???). A very energetic live band which I hope to see more in the near future! Great performance!! http://www.mariosmetalmania.com/Livereviews.html#ARCHIVE LIVE REVIEWS

Power Metal - Germany

Justifiable Homicide is now available thru Powermetal.de : Justifiable Homicide now available thru Powermetal.de​ : http://powermetal.de/news/news-ULYSSES_SIREN_jetzt_auch_im_Powermetal-Shop_,36639.html The EP "Justifiable homicide" of the Bay area Thrashers with three studio tracks and three live recordings, limited on 500 pieces is now available at PM.de-shop for 9 euros (plus postage, from 30 EUR shopping value shipping). Strong, powerful thrash, which reminds me of a mixture of HEATHEN and EXODUS!

PERSEVERANCE 2013 available on Amazon:
