
Jeff Moats / Blog

Listeners Wanted

listeners wanted: www.jeffmoatsmusic.com

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Listeners Wanted

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Listen to Jeff's music

You can listen to Jeff Moats' music at: www.jeffmoatsmusic.com

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If you are interested in musicology (the study of music) join my blog, at www.jeffmoatsmusic.blogspot.com

can a white person legitimetly sing a black blues song?

Thank you Tony,Jeff, Marc and Robino, This was the analysis I was looking for when I posed the question. It was not about race but one of style. Being a FolksingerBalladeer, I am posed with this question every day. To me it is a question on ligitamacy. Marc, I love your anaswer, short and sweet.Thank you for not making it a question of race, for that was never my question and has does have not have a a place in this discussion.

Being too young to have been part of "The Great Folk Music" revival, I have been trying to answer this question since I begain recording and performing in 1976, and wondered what other's thought. I was fortunate to be able to jam with the great Alex Hassilev of the "Slighty Fabulous Limeliters" a few years back, and in between, "There's a Meeting Here Tonight", "Max Goolis" and "Have some Madeira M'Dear" he tolded me the whole scoup of San Fransisco in 1960. "Those we"re the days my friends, we thought they would never end ". Unfortunatley ,the days did end and the Beatles all but killed the American song for a good 3 or 4 years. But there was a number of distractors. When asked about why "the critics" were so hard on the Limliters and Kingston Trio, he replied in true Limeliter fashon. " The Critics?" Alex first said "There has never been a statue erected for a critic." There were many distractors in fact, this was one of the major issues that plaged the Kingston Trio and lead to the disbandment of the Original Kingston Trio, with the leaving of Dave Guard. Nick and Bobby just laughed it off. But it was a big issue for Dave. It also was a sore spot for the Limelighters. As Alex called them, "The folk nazis". And believe you me, they are still out there and still have that type of sediment in some folk circles. I personally have been affected by this narrow definition of "Folk Music". in fact in some ways it's been worse, for folk music died in 1965, and never has regained it's prominence, So sad for me, so sad for you, becuase "folk music" has a history and tells a story. I surely don't do this for the money!, I am not the only one out there, but the music has changed, the times have changed and people have changed. The "star making machinery" tells the consumer "This is is cool for the moment", and then moves on "to the next big thing". In the words of my recording tech teacher, (and he has some great credentials) "The reason why music today is shit, is becuase you buy shit" Athough, we do have hope with the introduction of the internet, we have a great amount of different styles of music to enjoy. The problem is finding your targeted audience. They are there, I just have to find them. As Pete Seeger said in his autobiography, when asked for a defition of "'folk music" he said "Folk music is for folks" And I believe that.

I feel we have beat this subject, so it's past it's bedtime, and doesn''t need any more comment.

Wait for my next question I a couple of days.

Happy Festivus.


I am seeking patrons for my music expenses. The arts have been sponsored by benefactors since the beginning of time. No longer is the time where recording sales and performances can provide a living for undiscovered performers.

I have been "sidelined" since 2009 because of surgeries on both shoulders and other health reasons. I have been unable to work until now. My shoulders have recovered and I am ready to resume bringing my music for you to enjoy.

The music is nostalgic in nature, recording and performing folk-styled music from the 60's. If you are old enough, you will remember these songs fondly, if not, now is a good time to be introduced to them. Not everyone enjoys acoustic music, but this is the home of exceptional folk-styled contemporary music.

I will be kicking off the 2014 season, with my first performance at the Black Rose Acoustic Society, January 10, 2014, at the Black Forest Community Center in Black Forest CO. Your attendance would be a boon. If you can not make it to the show, you can stream my music for free at the above links. I offer music for Free for You to Enjoy, and with Your Support I Can Continue to bring you an alternative to the garbage produced today.

I am setting up my internet presence and it is very expensive. Funding for promotional campaign fees for advertising on social media sites, and recording and producing new songs is expensive. As well as promotional items, such as press kits, promotional photographs and brochures.

The music business has changed greatly over the past few years. Cd sales are down (why buy the Digital Audio Disc when you can get the music for free, either by streaming or stealing), and unless you are being underwritten by the "star making machinery", revenue for live performances are undervalued. The proceeds for performing are down 2/3 of what they used to be when I started performing in 1976. Today there are fewer venues and opportunities for the unknown performer. Getting known is even harder and more expensive.

Listen and enjoy the music and show your support by providing the means to continue bringing exceptional music for your enjoyment.

If you think today's music is prodigious, that is great. If you are seeking music that isn't over produced, over synthesized, over commercialized, YOU have a CHOICE, seek music without the digital audio effects for those with little or no talent.

Your support is greatly appreciated and necessary. Remember there is no maximum nor is there a minimum donation. Keep-Folk-Music-Alive. Thank You!

The Balladeer, Jeff Moats


You now can follow me on twitter at @JefferyMoats. I hope to see you there!

A Wonderful Comment from Jennie Anthony

I received a great comment from Jennie Anthony, today, she said "I absolutely love your music and would love to be your friend on fb, by the way I did sign up for your N1M mailing list"

Thank you very much for the comment. You are my friend on Facebook. There is no need to be shy and send a comment by private message.

Tell the world. "I'm here, and I like this!" Tell your friends! Don't be shy. Unfortunately, I have widget's posted on different sites but I'm unable to get them at the moment. (the site holds them hostage, until I pay.) * :( There's a lot of money to be made in the music business, but it's all about the businesses of making money, not about music one creates. That is very sad. If you enjoy my music, please, read the blogs, look at the photographs and last but not least, listen to the music and comment on page and tell your friends.

Everyday, Facebook want more money, reverbnation is the same. If you would like to help, tell your friends, you can also donate at www.gofundme.com/55xd28.

Remember there is no sum too large or too small to help keep the music going. Give today. (I know, I know, I sound like PBS, but this is how you can play your part in bringing GOOD music into your life.

Thank you for your support, The Balladeer, Jeff Moats

Now Streaming 8

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