
Chris Sgammato / Blog

Inertia: The Musical

Re: Inertia - The Musical by Chris Sgammato

Inertia: The Musical addresses many serious and relevant issues facing our society today, including (but certainly not limited to) social consciousness, desensitization to volatile concepts/ideas, substance abuse, political apathy, the existence of God, communication (with emphasis on the text messaging/Facebook destruction of), propaganda analysis, legalized torture (excuse me, we call it "enhanced interrogation"), global warming/environmental issues, the Bilderberg Group and other extremely influential groups (banking cartels/etc.), and the importance of being a responsible consumer in a capitalistic society. To which one might say, "sounds interesting, maybe, but why the name Inertia?"

Inertia is the force that resists gravity (an object in motion will labor to remain in motion/an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force). Gravity, as we perceive it, is commonly defined as a force which pulls down, but the actual definition states that it is a force which attracts lesser objects towards something greater than themselves (the moon to the earth, the earth to the sun, etc.).

Having redefined these two forces, it should be noted that there are a number of systems in place, whether intentional or unintentional, that hinder our ability to pay attention to the world around us. These distractions may manifest in substances (like pot, pills, alcohol, mushrooms, etc.), cults (like sports fanaticism, celebrity obsessions, religions, etc.) and media (reality T.V., Facebook, text messaging, etc.). Whether these distractions are intentionally placed in society/amplified/etc. by banking cartels and other elitists should be left to debate between interested parties, but neither side of the argument can deny the existence of these distractions, nor their grave implications for a Democratic society (which relies on an informed citizenry to function).

Society as I see it is stuck in a state of social inertia; we are resisting a pull towards something greater than ourselves because of our insatiable appetite for distraction. It is my hope that people will wake up from these distractions and become active participants in the democratic system by resisting the trend towards willful ignorance that has plagued society.

Inertia encourages The People to overcome the temptation to live in willful ignorance, to wake up to the atrocities of the world and become: 1) Tolerant believers in a diverse society 2) Responsible consumers in a capitalistic society 3) Informed citizens in a Democratic society (we must T.R.I to be better Americans!)

Since the musical is about "The World", I didn't think it appropriate to only include one type of music (typical pop/broadway-ish tunes). Instead, I used elements of blues, reggae, contemporary Christian, hip hop, jazz, funk, and pop to create a diverse musical backdrop.

We are currently in the final stages of recording the Original Cast soundtrack to the musical. I am hoping it will be available on iTunes summer 2011.

I am also currently editing the script in preparation for a Fall 2011 production of Inertia, complete with new music, shorter rants and more of everyone's favorite character Token.

Future plans are.... another musical! Details to follow.

Sapere Aude!

