
Thadeus Project / Blog

New Singles Released

Thadeus Project announces the release of two new singles; "Look At You" featuring Gary Spizzirri, and "US" featuring Larke Angel. You can listen to both right on Reverb Nation and purchase both at Amazon.com


We are happy to inform everyone that the Independent Music Network, once again, announced that Thadeus Project has been awarded the "Favorite Group or Duo" for 2022. 

Winners for the various categories were determined by fan votes, the IMN radio poll, and IMN Editor picks.

Title track for "Once Upon A Time" reaches #1 on the Independent Music Network

Greetings good friends. Today, being the official launch date for Thadeus Project's "Once Upon A Time" compilation is a truly auspicious day. The title track reached Number One on the Independent Music Network's Mainstream Chart. The placement on the chart is determined by fan votes. It is due to support from friends that allows this to happen. It is difficult to express the gratitude the group has.


Ted Putbress, the founding member of Thadeus Project and owner of Thadeus Records & Productions, Ltd is pleased to announce the upcoming release of an EP scheduled for later this year.

It will include four songs from the live-in-the-studio session of December 18, 2018; two combo numbers, and two acoustic numbers. It will be entitled "Night Before the Day."

The firm release date will be announced when it becomes available.


Passing of Glenn Folwarski

A silence has descended. A great voice has been stilled. The movement of gifted hands has ceased. It is with a great sense of loss that we inform our friends that the world lost a great talent and friend; the voice, face, and soul of Thadeus Project.

Glenn Folwarski passed away on December 4.

A connection exists between musicians as they share a common language. For artists that create something together, there is a special bond. One born of the love and toil required to bring something brand new to the world. We had that bond with Glenn. Ted and Glenn had an exceptional connection as songwriters and collaborators over many years.

Glenn had that special gift for lyrics and melodies. He also produced original guitar phrasing that fits perfectly with whatever mood he wanted to convey. While we miss the ready smile and extended hand we can rejoice that he left a powerful legacy with the music he created, performed, and recorded that touched so many lives.

There are eight studio collections showcasing his special talent. The good news, if there can be any in this situation, is that there is more that hasn’t been released yet. Even with his departure, he leaves us gifts to remember him by.

Prayers are requested for his family and everyone he touched.


Our latest compilation "FULL CIRCLE" is available for download from your favorite online retailers.