
DB Curtis / Blog

Oct 2017 release of "Northland" by DB Curtis

The new release of "Northland" by DB Curtis is being well received and is available on the web. CD sales also available. Follow the links below.

https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/northland /id1291806561?app=itunes&ign-mpt=uo%3D4


CD sales@ https://dbcurtis.bandzoogle.com/store

sewing the seeds of change

Some reorganization seems in order. Keep movin forward. Writing new songs for a planned EP this winter. Stay tuned. DBC

Sept.1st release date for new record

Mastering is done and art is done. We are looking at a Sept 1st release date DB Curtis & the Suspects "VINTAGE" look for a free download here on reverbnation very soon... DBC

DB Curtis &the Suspects in the Studio

Hello everyone, The Suspects and I have been recording at off hours and during free time for a few months now. We are finished with basic tracks and will soon be adding all the sweet sprinkles on the top before mixing and releasing a new CD. I'd like to thank everyone in advance for their support at the live shows and online music sites. We are very excited about the songs and sounds. We took a rather old school approach in recording this record by tracking the band in one room with a few good mics and trying to capture the live performance of each song before adding any more tracks. It's a labour of love and it's been a joy working with the Suspects . I know you will love the new CD as much as we have enjoyed making it. I'll keep ya posted ...DBC