
N-Tune (Clendon Brown) / Blog

Don't be lazy...

I just hate being lazy, but it just comes to past. I swear I need a personal trainer or something, I can't keep being lazy but I need some type of motivation to keep me more active...

For The Love Of Nicki...

I hate bitches that be like Nicki Minaj be fake because of her ass... SO WHAT! Half the things girls have be fake. Hair be fake, nails be fake, eye lashes be fake, toe nails be fake... everything, and yet we men still calling ya bad... well unless ya ratchet ...

The struggle to break through the underground

Every underground artist looks for ways to break though to mainstream. The question is how? Which one of these ways on Google that we underground search could possible be true? Do we wait to get lucky and hope for someone famous to hear our music. Do we build our own fanbase and take years to break through and hustle backwards. Or the most infamous way, to "Sell Your Soul". These questions is on the mind of a underground artist everyday...