
Bishop & GrayHarr / Blog

It's Time!

The time's finally come... we finished our part of the recording and mixing process for our debut CD. Now its in the hands of Alan "Magic Man" Maggard of Maggard Sound in Big Stone Gap, VA. We're so excited and anxious!!! It's been over 25yrs since we made and recorded music from thin air, from scratch, you know- conceiving it and then writing it and then moulding it and so forth, until it actually becomes a song. The new CD is titled "Being Human". We wrestled a name for the title and the ideas included Stone Soup, The What Album, Square Aspirin, etc... yep, crazy titles but maybe those will come later. We finally decided on a title when we finally had to nail down the KIND of music we do and that wasn't easy. We really didn't feel like us or the album fit very neatly into any particular genre so we made up our own- "HUMACANA". We're human and that means we're not perfect, duh! So the album isn't perfect but we like it anyway. We've decided HUMACANA music is going to consist of two main characteristics: 1) instead of being a root-based music, its a merging or blending or grafting of two or more styles of music, not just across a show or an album, but within a single song! Maybe the lyrics sound folk or country but the music is classical or maybe there will be non-stereotypical instruments to play different styles and 2) HUM ACANA music can't lose the "human" element. In a time when technology, as wonderful as it can be, is capable of letting computers compose entire songs without any human help, we'd like to be part of a music genre that embraces the human side of things. You see, we love the fact that we're all different. It would be pretty boring if we all looked and acted and had the same intellect and talents, blech! While our imperfections or shortcomings are sometimes things we need to work to overcome- SOMETIMES what we think are our imperfections, are actually the things that make us unique and beautiful! We'd like HUMACANA to be a genre of music that blends styles of music because we don't think anyone should have to be in a box if they don't wanna be. We'd like HUMACANA to be a genre of music that leaves in the human elements sometimes, without the easy fix of technology, because sometimes those little human elements can make the music more beautiful! So, we are looking forward to getting the final master cuts of "BEING HUMAN" this weekend and we can't wait! The album will include 11 original songs and 2 covers. We'll have some of them on here and if we can figure out all the computer stuff, they'll be available for sale. If you are, like us, stuck in 80's technology, you can always contact us to get an actual hard, hold-in-your-hand CD for $15 plus $2 S&H. We're also looking forward to playing live again and hope to see you around soon! We'll probably use this blog to share our off-the-wall thoughts and experiences, so check back every now and then. Until next time- please go out and support LIVE music and your local musicians, wherever you may be!!!