
The Entity Files (T.E.F.) / Blog

Da Done Son!!

It be done. The final track Unusual Paths, from the Dancin' on a Feelin' set is now available. Stop by and chex it out. haha


Attention Ladies and Dudes!!

Track 6 - Subtle Movement, from the Dancin' on a Feelin' set is now available. Please feel free to pop in and have a listen. Much love, keep it swell.


Track 5 - Balancing the Threshold now available.

Ladies and Dudes, track 5 - Balancing the Threshold is now available from the "Dancin' on a Feelin' " set. I hope you enjoy, swing by and show some love.


Track 4 from the new set is now available!

Chaotic Notion from the Dancin' on a Feelin' set is now available. Swing by and check it out. https://soundcloud.com/theentityfiles/chaotic-notion

Track 3 from the New set now available!

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies...and dudes, Track 3 - Vivacious Fluctuation from the new set Dancin on a Feelin in now available for your ear-holes. https://soundcloud.com/theentityfiles/vivacious-fluctuationmd

Attention Reverb TEF fans and followers

Please visit the following link for your listening pleasure.


Track 2 - Dimensional Ramblings


Track 1 - Awake from Sleep


The time is now!

Ladies and Dudes, after your extended period of patience, the time is now! TEF is proud to present - Dancin' on a Feelin' the newest set available for you listening sensation. stay tuned for direct links to the first two tracks available now.


After some down time and some life altering events, The Entity Files are in working motion again! New songs in the works, remastering older songs, and some new ideas in the making. I truly hope you stay tuned and check for NEW content.

Thanks for you patience and Keep it swell! Entity

Also at: www.soundcloud.com/theentityfiles