
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

The beauty of sound!

The beauty of sound!

So I'm going to go off on a tangent and then I'll come back...bare with me for a moment.

Most people know who 'Bob Ross' the brilliant soft spoken landscape painter was...he could take cyan red and the colors of the rainbow and put a painting together with the most basic technics and produce the most vivid image you ever could hope to create...except most of us couldn't even if we tried.

From very early on I wanted to be Artsy...but I had trouble drawing stick figures. I was pretty good technically in Drafting but lacked the math skills to go anywhere with it, but Music, songs...that was what I wanted to do and with a passion that still is kickin me up everyday that I live!

The beauty of a song is it is like a painting...textures...light and dark shades...brilliant contrasts and lightly or deeply emotional. You could say that like a song a painting has tempo and rhythm too.

So now back to the present. Many of the things that goes into producing a song first starts out as inspiration by something or someone. For me it's all inspirational...it what drives me to be creative.

Sub-consciously it is mathematical though that's not the goal that is the mechanism for structure regardless of how chaotic or organized a song will be.

If you get a chance check out the new song I just published titled " Come what may"...I hope you will understand what I mean through this song...Thank you for listening, by the way let me know what you think aye?

Rock is but a heart beat away!

Thank you for your response!

A great and wonderful wish for you all on this Glorious Saturday... I first want to say thank you for listening to this song! I was reviewing the play history and you have knocked it out of the park. wow! What a great response to an idea I had originally wrote back in 2005 but had just recently re-recorded again with a new approach to the idea of the music. Like so many things in Art...it is subjective to the one who is creating and to the one who is observing or listening. Without a doubt I enjoyed writing the song...and especially playing and sing the lyrics too! The choice of using the Dunlop WahWah was a no brainer...it only took ten years to sus it all out...as I had mentioned before in an earlier post the idea for using the WahWah was from listening to 'Blue Collar' by BTO and Robin Trower on 'TRUCE' with Jack Bruce...but it also was reveled to me that there might be a hint of a well know guitarist from Seattle, his sound in the lead guitar I produced...I had never a thought or plan of that...surprise to me. In case you hadn't figured out who the character is ( ...can you guess my middle name? ) the person riding the rails is a Hobo ( Man, Woman or Child ). Thank you again, Hello... Goodbye and Good Luck!

Update new song progress 'Come what may'...

Update new song progress 'Come what may'...

Sonic noise verses comfortable listening. There are many pros and cons in regard to volume in music. Anyone can elate to the value of retaining your hearing by not abusing it with noise or sound...

When we were young our adult parents used to tell us constantly to "Turn the music Down"...of course they didn't understand we weren't just listening we were feeling it too! That is what Rock Music is mostly about...the experience.

I'll just say it...I am 62 years old but do you think that stops me from 'Experiencing' the music? Hell no, but I do get critical adjustments from my better half on "ruining your hearing". You see I monitor all of my recordings with a pair a Sennheiser headphones which let you crawl inside the sound...I do need a pair of external powered monitor speakers to help cut down on my 'In' time with the headphones and to allow me the necessity of listening to the mix down of recorded music with a more flat response to get a better mix of the general listening rocker!

As I had mentioned a few days ago the basic tracks are completed and over the last two days have completed the core drum sound with thrilling results!

So far the mix is loud and clear...and that is important because of the multiple sounds weaving in and around the song. Keeping it that way is something that can get out of control with out me constantly reminding myself of the goal. Experience.

I have three more tracks open for the finale...Vocals, Lead Guitar and...one other instrument I haven't decided on as yet.

Still haven't come up with the Lyric as yet...That will most likely be next...then the Lead Guitar.

Will try to keep the ear bleeding to a minimum...but you know, its only Rock and Roll and I like it!



Come what may...

New Song titled... "Come what may" Copyright: May 11 2015 By: Burt K. Arthur/NorthernBandit

What is gonin on all you Rock and Roll Maniac's out there?

I just finished four tracks of a new song I loosely came up with yesterday while jamming on the EJ200.

I can't say I was aware that I was doing anything directly related to The Who...could be cause I was checking out the movie premier that will open in three day's about Kit Lambert and Chris Stamp...and The Who's early History.

Funny thing is the riff I was working off of was kind of Led Zeppelin flavored and a drone of sorts...kinda like BagPipes but different.

So this morning I drug out the EJ200 and got the Fostex fired up and well...I finished the early mix of Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Rhythm Guitar and Tambourine...I am impress with the sound so far...definitely a Rock power song. Don't know if there will be any Blues in this one...have to wait and see.

So what's next...Really needs a Keith Moon crazy drum thing to capture the energy thus far...I already have a vocal delivery in mind but no lyrics yet...need to get the melody stuck in my head so I can create the drive and the momentum...Maybe a strong backing Hand Clap and in passing I have this Lead Guitar going on in my imagination...all in good time.

Funny thing about this song...I hear this STYX sound...the song 'Foolin Yourself' it's weird the Acoustic part I created seems to draw on me to that song. Not even close but there is some harmonic going on I can hear...

I will keep you posted...maybe done by next week, come what may. Hey...that is it....Song title, "Come what may". Thanx!

Have a peaceful evening...will Rock again! ;)

If you could be so kind...

What about it?

I have this tendency to believe I know what I am doing and at a fault ( no harm no foul ).

As a Guitar Player Singer/Songwriter, Non-Professional Music Producer/Engineer...what I have found is for as much as I think I know what style of music I create I no not what I do.

I'd like to believe that musically I come from a more Blues/Rock related background but at times the sound is blurred by other influences which make my style hard to define.

Perhaps it is not something one should wish or want for...to be pigeon holed could be a blessing or a curse.

So...I'd like to ask, if you have the time...in your own terms tell me what you think you believe 'My Sound' appears to be.

I can't pay you for your opinions...I do not want a to bribe anyone for a response...

What I do want is for you to have a listen to a sample of the songs I have Produced either here on facebook or on ReverbNation or SoundCloud or Jango or Fandalism ...lets call it a Poll.

In as many words as it will take let me know at your earliest convenience aye?

What kinda of music Genre does NorthernBandit create?

You are my friends...please be honest and kind. Abuse is not what I am looking for.

Thank you!

Enjoy and tell me what you think...

Howdy all... You know how long winded I am and will talk about Rock Music till the cow's come home...well here I go again but this is a bit more specific to the song here! Not quite a month ago I re-published this track completely revamped...if you want a listen of the original you'll find in here too somewhere down the list but with just Acoustic guitar and my vocal accompaniment. The real difference is the percussion here...the Bass Guitar and the two Electric guitar parts. Both played on the GT Strat ( Stratocaster ). What is interesting is that I tried to use Valentine ( the Les Paul ) but even with it's split coil switching I just couldn't get the Gibby to shimmer with clarity so that's it...If I hadn't mentioned it you may never have known. I know now you can go to sleep tonight and not have bad dreams about it. Yeah I care! Have a listen here and then take a listen to the original...I think you will be amused...maybe entertained. I'll post the other version on my wall so you can hear them both...Peaceful rocking tonight...loudly! ;)

http://rvrb.fm/1HLwaW5 ***New Song right on!

If you get the chance give this one a listen. Titled " Inside Looking out/Outside Looking in" Kind of a lonely man (or woman ) lament but on the upward momentum of 'light at the end of a tunnel' . Real basic track...with the power in the back beat. Best if played loud...I hope you will enjoy!

Working on some Southwestern flare!

Good Friday to y'all.... What to say, how to say it...don't feel like sayin anything sometimes. Value decisions, depends on how one feels. Last weekend I laid down the rhythm section for a new song that has been brewing in my spaces for some time now...I think I have a really good foundation here...it comes about from spending the last month listening to ZZ Top's 'Frist Album' to and from work...and the basis for my idea was to try to create a simple Blues Rocker in the spirit of that great record/cd. All I can promise is that it will rock...it's not a 'Try to sound like ZZ Top' recording...I can't do that but what I attempt to do here is Rock the Southwest style in my Northwestern way. The Song is titled " Inside looking out/Outside Looking in " and is about 4min. 25sec. in length....it might trim down a little once I figure out the Lyric... but I've got a feeling it will be something to cruise to and stomp your feet with. NorthernBandit just doing what he does best...I am excited for you to hear it...coming soon to some speakers near you! Peace ;)

Rock on Maties...Rock on!

Marshall is the law! I have fought with myself from the beginning... Nothing new here. Either as a Bassist or a Guitarist, the one thing that has always been in the forefront of my musical idea of playing in a Band or being on stage and Rocking out was to have a true and real Marshall Amp set up. There are those that will argue the virtue of a Fender Twin or an Orange, HiWatt or any number of other power monger amps...but I still want a Marshall. Now I am not asking like for anyone to get me one...I am just saying that to make a point...perhaps one day it may be possible...but until then I will elude to the virtues of English made, high energy and the soulfulness of the Blues to make the point clear. Awhile back I watched a video with Joe Bonamassa in England where he was test driving like five different Combo's...the hand wire versions, 18 watt models with 10 and 12 inch speaker configs and I got sold. For some time now I thought I wanted a DSL40C but was disappointed to learn it is not made in England but in Vietnam. They probably build a great product but when some one says Marshall I am at the point where I don't want to defended anything other than what I know is right and so 'Made in England' will be the only choice I will make when I do. For near a decade now I have been using a great Modeling Amp with a killer Marshall sound...I would be hard pressed to change to a new amp and feel confident...but if it came to be I think I could adjust. For the sake of posterity lets hope so...until then what you hear mostly from me is a fairly traditional sound...Gibson LP and Marshall tube tone...with the Stratocaster thrown in for good measure... Rock on me Maties...Rock on! ;)

For the time it is upon us!

"For the Time...it is upon me" ...This is not a prophesy...no smoke and mirrors! I woke up this morning and read a story about how there is a whole series of 'Classic Rock Acts' who are going to be promoting their tours this year. The way I took it was kind of like ' The Last Stand '. Now don't get me wrong here, no one said they were quitting, that this was the end of the line...yeah some Bands and solo Artists have made mention of that fate but this morning what struck me was...and forgive me for categorizing myself with the likes of the famous, by the way I am not famous but a true ( woulda coulda shoulda ) want to be in a normal guys life ( what is normal anyway ) player... That with as much time as I have spent Rockin and a Rollin I am now feeling like I am just coming into my own now 43 years later as an Artist and Musician. Obviously this is my observation...I have no one to bounce this off of due to the fact that all of my old cronies, have moved on through and it is me that appears to be standing here wondering...what the hell am I doing? I remember along time ago, 1973...when I took home my first Bass guitar...thinking how freaking impossible it seemed to learn to play this instrument I so desperately wanted to learn to play...I was left handed and was trying to learn this instrument right handed. Argh! Today...I have my ambition and my maturity which questions my moves and motives. To be or to continue to be a Rocker...aye what the hell anyway. I don't foresee a career in music I already have that, there just isn't an income for someone who still thinks in terms of art and literary form and of course the Power Chord! I just found it ironic that I place what I do with such lofty individuals like I have a place...but I guess the place I speak of is the holding of the torch for myself and maybe others but it is not for those of my peer group...what they remember is only the glory days of Rock. I am sure they only see me as this wandering soul passing as a thing of the past shooting out into the future as an ancient and dying form of contemporary art but if that is my destiny it is what I have chosen. If there is a younger generation then perhaps they might entertain an old man hanging on to the dream that has never burned out or gone away. Is it a curse or is it a blessing...I feel no pain except that at times...most of the time no one really cares but me. Older people I know would look at me and wonder...some might shrug their shoulders and shake their heads while maybe a few, a couple...one might say wow! Truth be known...I still love the sounds that guitars make...the pounding of the Drums and the Rotating sound of a Leslie Speaker cranked up with a Hammond B3 drivin it home. You could not take that from me even unto death...it is in my soul forever. What I will miss is people talking about Rock music with passion, weather it is the old guard hanging on or us want to be musicians still rockin out...it means everything to some of us. It has always been very personal to me.