
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

100 Fan's eah?

Well, I have to admit I not sure where this leads, my hope was to be able to just share my songs...get so feed back from listeners and musicians, you know have a conversation about Music generaly speaking, have heard from those of you ( The 100 ) thank you very much...though I must say this is still for me a very detached way to comunicate...appreciated just the same, I guess I am a little old fashion ( just Older ) Keep up the good work all of you are doing...your talient is appreciates and worthy of your efforts...Peace!

So many Great Artists out there...

...there really is not a clear and distinct place to begin but to say that in the world today you or I will find the Universe as far as taliented people just ichin to be expressive and creative...people doing it as we speak, people who have stop being and those who are just beginning...if there were one thing I could say to anyone with creative overload like myself, do not be discouraged by the multitudes, don't look at the populations, see each one indivigual as the most important aspect on the road to creativity...at some point we all will say Why do I continue with my effort? The Why is who you are if you are honest with yourself...you might continue because of the allure, money, possession what ever that drives you but in the end hopefully it will be you, your spirit that brings you further along the long and winding road...I am still searching, good fortune to all of you. Peace!

exerpt for an earlier converstation...

When I first started talking with Gordon Tickner in 1984 about building this guitar…I wanted a Strat but with Gibson crunch… we all know though…it never happens, a Strat is a Strat. It was right about the time that SRV was emerging to me and so my inclination was to have a look like his except with a few more details as you well know. So I have always used heavy gauge strings due to all those years playing Bass like Jack…I could never play Six string without bending the crap out of them…Thirty years playing with 52-11g…always handpicked and then later went to set packs…but when I got the Les Paul STP (Standard Traditional Pro) I started approaching the guitar with a new sense and feel for the dynamic of the craft but had not yet come to any conclusion that I just needed to ‘go lighter’ with the string gauge until yesterday when I took my last set of strings, the same I use on the LP 46-9g ( I’v always used Ernie ball brand ) now Hybrids. …and Bam! I have always had trouble with the GT Strat…never could find the pocket as far as tone…early on it was the Amps I used…I should have just bought a Marshall but money for a Marshall just wasn’t there…it’s true the Amp means a lot but if you can’t dial in the Guitar the amp may not help. So I just messed with Digital delay, and all the round about ways to get close to what I needed but was never satisfied until I got the Les Paul…Obvious I am a Gibson Guitar player but I do occasionally like the Strat tone. So yesterday…I got it! I had to spend a little time refining the tuning on my guitar because of the ‘Floyd’ Tremolo and when it was in tune and I turned up the volume Wow….I have never until yesterday been able to bend a note the way they sing now…I immediately put on the OutLaws ‘Bring it Back Alive’ and jammed! What a Hughy tone… Incredible I know but it was ear opening…

NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats  (over 10 years ago)

my response to my own conversation here...
The GT Strat I have is a wonderful guitar...I had always tried to get it to sound like an LP but to no avail...Duh! It is what is is and I love it.

Don't be affraid...just do it!

Well good day to you... I intially sEt up all my music tracks with the intention of doing something honorable for the Fender Foundation....but it appears no one is interested either in my music or being a contributor to a fund raiser... It was not my intention to make any money from my postings...I write, record and play because I like to...this is not my job it is my Art, my hobby... So in claiming such I have changed the status on my page to stream and download at no cost to anyone... I hope you will take advantage, the music is free from me to you! Please enjoy and if you do let me know what you think... Thank you! Peace!

It's a Beautiful Day eah! 10/29/2013...

...cruisin down the hiway, windows all rolled down, got my shades put on rock and roll on the radio...steppin on the throttle hear the wind rush by, oh my lord yeah it's true...feels so good to be alive! ...a poem for all of you from me...Peace!

Older Song "From The Land" New Post here!

This track was the first one I completed in 2012 having been reflecting on some of my fathers family history...and thinking about this Country and what it all means to me...Thinking about people of the Armed Services...past and present made me realize a few impotant things...that no matter where youv'e been, in a different country, a few hundred miles away or just seperated from the ones you love...at some point 'We all come home'. ...I hope you'll enjoy the track...the Lead Guitar is my take on Eric Claptons sound during the early part of "Cream's" career...not to sound like him but the pharsing and the sound commonly known as 'the woman tone'. Peace.

Rock Music and 'The Dream'

...Wow, so where do I start. Simple as it may appear the begining comes at different points for everyone...some say it was 'Robert Johnson', others prolifically say 'The Beatles'...still others will digress even further and pull some name down like 'Spike Jones' or ' The Partridge Family'...controversy is not the way I roll so bluntly speaking music begins when you get a melody stuck in your head that makes you want to repeat it because it sounded right to your ear and made your brain take a leap where your mind had never gone. As sure as your reading this you are probably thinking or saying to your self, what the bleep is he going on about but here is the truth about this sycobabble... aside from having a conversation...music allows us indivigually to put two things together that in normal conversation rarely exsist...melody of a music passage and a story or sentence about any given subject...it is a freedom because the song idea allows a personal expression you might not get to have talking to someone say about plumbing or building a house or taking instruction about how to nuture your children...The song, music lets you tell a story even if there isn't any words, it coaberates the fact that there is action in our lifes beyond the phyical aspect of it and allows for emotion to transend the discription of it, other then just calling it the Blues or Rock and Roll there becomes a reflection of lifes action in music be it guitar, horn, flute, drums or the lifted up voices of people in the chorus of a lyric in a song.

'New' Demo..."Valley Below"

In the land of Vikings, Scots and the Irish...this represents an age of mountainious terrain, stone fences and the the values of keeping true to who you are and protecting that which you love!

"Greatest Day of your Life"

...maybe it 's luck, chance or a true miricle, probably it has something to do with Numbers...math is everywhere. What ever it is and I could only speculate is that the day I watched The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 was ( next to being born and being able to marry my freind and lover and have a wonderful son ) the Greatest Day in my Life. Music and Performance brought out in me a light that I was missing...helped me to connect with how I was feeling and helped me to explore my mind in ways that gave me peace. Now on the other hand Music, the art of learning and finding that place of creativity has been a long road but one I would not change if I could... I was fortunate or was it fate to find music when I did...I hope what ever your music is, that it is as exceptionaly gradifying to you as it has been for me! Peace to all of you!

To all my Fans...

... just to say with a great big Thank you for your support...in respect to you as well appreciate all your hard work and talient, your sites and material are quit inspiring and I want to wish you all the Best! Sincerely, NB/BKA