
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

What I have always digged!

I can't help it and you might agree, The Guitar is the place for me. I am a singer/sonwriter and there is no hiding the truth, Guitars...Cars and Girls have been my passion many will agree... For years I sought after the rigs my Heros used..y'all know why...the tone they arrived at for those stellar sounds for all those special sounds that touched our souls all the way to our hearts. There just comes a point where you arrive at what suite you best and I have found my Tres. First off, you can pull a bunny out of a hat but here we are talking about inspirational guitars from 50 years ago...it hasn't changed and if any of you younger players are searching for what is going to inspire you all you have to do is pay a little attention to what I am saying today. I am no Guru...I am just a Soul man in a mixed up world but here is the thing...You have to find your soul and then you have to express it...if you are like me it might take a lifetime and then in might be short lived either way it's you life, your heart if you lay it on the line. Depends on where you come from and where you are going but it starts with you. My wish if wishes could come true is you find your mark...break a leg or two...and never ever forget it all starts with you!

What makes for some great sounds...Rhythm!

Aye, good day mates...fellow listener, dancers, rockers, singers, players. Life as we know it is how we shake, tap our feet, snap our fingers, nod or heads...something that connects with our internal beat...It's not complicated if you allow it to happen, you can't think this one out, it is a natural occuring event this thing called Rock and Roll! Y'all can write songs about emotion, you can sing about the chickens in the back yard, y'all can play guitar and make it sound like a chicken clucking...yah...it has been done but if the music you are trying to create doesn't flow...there ain't no go. It's like an engine in a car with bad spark plugs...same goes for the song. If there isn't anything holding up the rhythm in the music like good spark plugs in an engine the race to the finish line seriously is effected wouldn't you say? It has proven itself thousands of times...and when the music is in the grove...well, there is no denying what it can do to lift the level to it's hightest possabilities of excitement.

Great at one thing?

I have mentioned this many times but it seems to be more relative now than in the past. We all have some need to progress...for me it has about always wanting to be in that magical group...the one that has the prowess and the rhythm as a group to be capitvating in their field of Art but as many of us find out for the million reasons it doesn't happen we resoort to alternate ways. You remember in the early days, the guitar player or the singer that everyone talked about to the point of discust...it's not that there was anything wrong with them, it just wasn't me. Now this is not about stardom or being an idol but more to the point being part of a good Band. Sad part is there is not a lot of that that gets any further than the first year of playing together. Personally I play alot of Musical Instruments...I am an Engineer, a Producer and a Singer as well, I write and publish my own lyrics...and I record and distribute my completed music with great joy with no budget and no income as a result of my effort except the love I have for the music I craft...some not so good, some not bad. I am not what one would call exceptional at anyone thing...maybe consistant but thats because my focus is about the song above all else. It's taken decades to get here and I am still learning...and as far as performances go...it's the whole package or it's nothing. We all have a desire but the problem with doing everything yourself is there is bound to be times that the mix is just moderate compared to marvalous. I come from the 60's and 70's as far as music is concerned. Rhythm is everything...without it melody rarely happens...all any of us can do is try. Rock till you drop!

To look to the Star's...

Well that is a lofty thought, thinking about looking for management or a recording contract...first your stuff has to be thought of as worthy to who? Fans of course but money will always be what business is most concerned about and we all know except for a small number of Artists, Musicians are a commodity in the early stages not the exception. I grew up during a time when Art and Music held hands and Record compamies for the most part worked with that and Great things happened in modern music but...as we all have seen Fame is a short lived thing and to make music you livelyhood is a narrow road to travel. It's not a get rich quick scheme either...takes all that you can put into in just like starting a brick an mortar store...lots of overtime building your career. I am not trying to talk this down...I am 68 years old now and I still get pokes and jabs to sign up here or there but this venture at this time in my life is not my goal. All I can say is that when a person is younger, a person has much more of an opportunity to do something great...chances can be sought out if it is what you want...Rock till you drop! Good Luck!

It never is the end...

So my friends, as we all go with the flow the difficult part about life is life it's self. I don't for one minute evey think about stopping my musical endeavors, the tough part is at some point unless the music you play is all that you have as far as a career...Music is your priority, your lively hood...a dream to do what you love and love what you do, but then there are those like myself who work a daily job and my focus is my family and the life I lead. Music still is very important but as I stated before life is life and we all choose the path for the times. I frustrate myself, it's no ones fault but mine but in the end when the music starts again the joy and the effort will provide me solice and the peace to create something special. I have a song completed but as I have said many times getting to the studio is the necessity and the desire for the Majic ( not Magic ) to happen and that is what gives me hope for the future here. Rock till you drop!

Seems just like yesterday...

Well now what does one do? We all take each day as it comes and we all have our priorities but as a musician type person who doesn't play at live venues there are other things, many other things that divert attention in other directions.

Bad excuse for sure but it's a fact.

Decades ago I thought, even back then...oh, when I get older I'll have more time...hahaha! thats a pipe dream.

The only way anything gets done is just doing it.

I have a great ability to disspell my concerns but it's a rouse against my own efforts to be creative.

And the beat goes on...

Birthday wishes...

Aye, how y'all doiin out there? I'm doin fine, hope you are too! My life has been so blessed and not in some religious fashion...I was given a life to live and thankfully I sort of figured it out ( Not ).

We all go down this lifes road as Roger Daltry sang...and its true we all get the chance to be who we think we are or who others think we should be.

Fortunately I was able to figure out a few of the clues along the way and by the grace of the Universe am still hard at trying to be me.

I am no Rock Star but my spirits allows me to be free...yes, I am very criticle of what I do musically but I could give a rats arse on certain occasions and on other occasions feel I have let myself and those around me down.

Rock and Roll has always been in my veins and untill the day I leave this plain we mortals travel it will remain this way.

A Musician I was and have always been, a traveler through space and time...and if by some measurable trick you see...all the fun and work that it has been, know this it is because we share the same soul...and that is LOVE!


Well my plan at the beginning of the week was ambishious at best...and then that all went out the window. I was planning on breaking out the Studio to begin recording a new Idea I have been working on but...my day job kinda took precedence and it wasn't untill this mornig I got the chance to work out the song rhythmically and put it in the bag. Beginning, middle and ending completed...I think I can at some point set up the gear and start the recording process, time will tell. I like the tone the rhythm guitar has which currently I am playing in standard tuning in E...opening in a Bar Chord configuration which is only one of the guitar sounds it will have. The other sound is a rhythm guitar playing a series of Dyad sound ( 2 note intervals ) chords though if I understand this correctly a Dyad is not a real chord as such. A blend of notes implying pitch to the base note of the passage.nOne thing I have never been is a trained musician, I learned all I know by just doing it...but I suppose paractice might make perfect but heres the thing if you don't play you loose it...kinda like the time I loose between recording projects...I have to set up and relearn everything all over again. Yadayadayada... So things are going well, I'm going to incorporate a change up to see what sounds I can use as I test the song against using a Capo to alter what I have currently been playing as I mentioned in standard tuning 440. Having some fun now...no title and no lyrics...yet to come. Wish me well. Rock till you drop thats my moto, Rock till you drop!

Time will tell

There really isn't one song I could offer up to you...I am jaded by my own progress if one would call it that. The real issue for me is what will come next? It will not be the chicken before the egg I assure you.I had seriously thought I would have the opportunity over the next few days to get some Studio time in but I am still a working man at a regular job and I will be comsumed by the demand of our business to stay connected with a vengence. However that gives me a bit more time to nail down the song so when the time arises I will be ready...I suppose a thank you is essential so I will say this...with gratitude Thank you! Looking forward to some good Rockin soom my friends, looking good!

More to come...

Aye... whats going on? Had a bit of an epiphany tgoday. Thinking about what makes a good Pop Song. Of course you are going to think Why? I'm working on a new track, wrote some lyrics today...but they are unfinished. The Rhythm Guitar how ever is nearly complete in a few different configurations and I like whats come about. There has been something missing in music a very long time. The part about Joy, and Fun and living life with as much of your soul as possible. Things like the simplicity of a walk in the park...or a drive in the country or just sitting on the sloop of your house or building and watching people and the cars go by.... More to come...