
Jeansweet Chang / Blog


JCmtw is a business that is doing something new with music. Something that will make complete fame be a thing of the past. And songwriters and musicians would actually get to do what they want and that is to make music and get a fair share of the profits. No need for anymore personas. No more for months of expensive music recording. As long as you have your own equipment and record great quality sound. And with that you can write them off as tax deductibles. Last thing about this is you actually get to work with JCmtw that has people that actually love your very own sound. Does that sound interesting???? If you would like to hear more about this new job for all songwriters/musicians just reply.

Tell a musician friend

Tell all musician friends https://www.facebook.com/events/219342598520909


im officially done making my web so check it out. jeansweetchang.com

check this out

if u saw my last post here's a taste of my work.

I am forever yours

We've been together for this long And you shaped me up to be the man I want to be You did it with all your love and affection I don't know if I will ever find another woman that could ever take your place

I am forever grateful that you are my man strong enough to take my hand To a place no one thought we would ever reach We helped each other along the way No matter what obstacles were in our way

You made my life like an endless novel Which I know I will have a beautiful ending But for now I can only make this vow To be true to you and only you As true as how the sun gives us life And the stars guides us on the way I am forever yours

Life means nothing without you You're knight and shining armor You have the only key to my heart That unlocks wonders to my world

And you mean everything to me I'm your knight then you're my princess I'm proud to have the key And protect you with my life

You made my life like an endless novel Which I know I will have a beautiful ending But for now I can only make this vow To be true to you and only you As true as how the sun gives us life And the stars guides us on the way I am forever yours

You're my lifeline to eternity That's how much you mean to me

You made my life like an endless novel Which I know I will have a beautiful ending But for now I can only make this vow To be true to you and only you As true as how the sun gives us life


im back

hi everyone sorry I haven't been on fb often been busy coming up with a new idea/job/company of my own. i still got a few kinks to work out. but at least its mine and no one elses. I know it will start out slow but what normally doesn't? anyway my idea/job/company is seeing how i'm a lyricist, and how valentines day is coming up ppl can ask me to write poem/love letter's for them. I know i maybe not as good as the professionals that have been around but i'll try my best. and besides, we know work can only be improved by experience right? Another thing i can do is for upcoming musicians is continue to write for them. if they'd like. and lastly, if i can find some musicians to work with i can work with them and we can make you ur own personal song. whether it's a love song or something inspirational just name it. So what do u guys think? honest? if you guys think it's a good idea and need help contact me at jeansweetchang.com.

AMP ME UP!!!!!

Help get this tune amped up on GRAMMY Amplifier! It ends february so do it as many times as possible. ty http://www.grammyamplifier.com/artists/submission/why-didnt-you-say-anything


Help get this tune amped up on GRAMMY Amplifier! #GetAmplified http://www.grammyamplifier.com/artists/submission/why-didnt-you-say-anything


Fearless I am just 1 person what can I do My home is in danger And too scared to save the innocent Just tell me what can I do Its happened be4 and we don't want to lose more Have we lost our strength and faith What would our fallen fathers say to us For how much they done 4 us

We know they weren't Americans at first They had to fight 4 it Shooting guns and making bombs burst

I k they were scared but they didn't show it They fought on until they won For their ppl, their freedom and faith And theyre so many different kinds It just blows my mind Why should we stop now and surpress Arent we strong enough and fearless

How did we even survive this long And some are scared of seeing it gone Forcing the innocent to die not knowing what to do They're too weak and not strong How are they supposed carry on Can u imagine what they're going through The same thing happened to the jews What would christ say to u And we k he has many other names With the terrorist he will do the same

Our fallen fathers were scared but they didn't show it They fought on until they won For their ppl, their freedom and faith And theyre so many different kinds It just blows my mind Why should we stop now and surpress Arent we strong enough and fearless

We r all God's children Why would he want us to end No one is better then the other We should all help each other

Our fallen fathers were scared but they didn't show it They fought on until they won For their ppl, their freedom and faith And theyre so many different kinds It just blows my mind Why should we stop now and surpress Arent we strong enough and fearless

whose a true American?

Save the innocent. http://www.petitions24.com/save_the_innocent …


i made some improvements to my web so check it out. jeansweetchang.com