
F-uki / Blog

cherry blossoms

It is said that cherry blossoms bloomed in Tokyo. Buds are getting bigger in my town as well. Mar.23,2017


The time is coming when the smell of my sweat is accused.

Mar. 19,2017

today is hot. Sweaty. To light clothing.

Thanks for your support

Thanks for your support. I will bring something to everyone.


Because someone will listen, I will make and sing.

Mar. 18, 2017

Holiday, walking · voice training is only in the morning. Physical fitness training at noon.

Mar. 17,2017

It is warm and easy to sing.

Mar. 15, 2017

It was a strong wind and hailstone today. On rainy days there is little pollen, since I could not suppress my desire, I removed the mask and sang. My nose was clogged, but it was good voice.

Thank you! ありがとう!

日本のみなさん。たくさんストリーミングを 聴いてくれてありがとう。いつか、何かをあなたに、、、、、、 Everyone in Japan. Thank you for listening to lots of streaming. I will return something to all of you.

Thank you for your listening!

Thank you for your listening! https://open.spotify.com/album/1ELLp87Mpoez03tv4CJhj4 other