
Electric Healing / Blog

Healing? Music? Why?

heal (hl) v. healed, heal·ing, heals v.tr. 1. To restore to health or soundness; cure. 2. To set right; repair: healed the rift between us. 3. To restore (a person) to spiritual wholeness. v.intr. To become whole and sound; return to health. -http://www.thefreedictionary.com.

Have you ever heard music that raised the hair on your arms or made you feel like you were rising up out of your head? Ever had music pull you out of a bad mood or get you through a rough time? Ever squirt tears of joy when just the right music hits you at just the right time?

For me, hints about the healing power inherent in music have been dropping for decades now. One experience in particular made musical healing very real - because I was directly involved - playing the music - and saw the evidence in no uncertain terms before my eyes, undeniable. It took years to realize that it was something about the conscious involvement of my intent that was the key.

When a physician sets a broken bone or sutures a laceration, the physican does not cause the bones to knit together or the torn tissues to mend. There is an inherent bodily intelligence that has all that under control. The physican works primarily in the physical (and we all know acoustical energy is highly unlikely to phisically set a bone). Yet, the physician has the intent to heal. Her skillful actions could be considered the carrier wave for that healing intent. Depending on the receptivity of the individual who requires the healing, their own healing energies will resonate with that physicians healing intent. Most folks visiting a physician arrive with the intent to be free of the pain or illness or injury they are suffering. They arrive open to healing.

So, our intent is to point to the innate healing energies we all have within us. Our carrier wave is the music we play. While I am peripherally aware of scientific (or quasi-scientific) studies on the subject and have been amazed at what listening to certain Bach pieces engenders in my mind's eye, we don't sound like classical music. But if the listener and the music-maker both start off with the same basic intent - my expectation is that healing is immanently possible. Downright likely!

Ever gone to a show, totally stoked, up to your eyeballs in the excitement, the social trappings, the substances, the anticipation? Ever leave a show feeling healed? More whole? Restored? We all know it happens. Somewhere in the midst of the performance, you let go of something. The music reached a place that we ordinarily keep protected, a place not usually accesible. Yet who goes to a show thinking, "Cool. I'm ready for the band to heal me now!" I find it hard to imagine that many artists who approach their performance as an opportunity to energize the healing centers of their audience.

But it damn well happens anyway. Are we aware, on some subconscious level, of the potential for healing in these events? Are we filling a long-lost need that harks back to tribal times. Are we replacing with music festivals and concerts something that has become rote, mundane, inneffective. Something that has become politicized and suspect?

If we start off with the premise that we can point to YOUR inner healing. And if you show up open to the possibility that you can increase wholeness, that letting go gets you closer to that potentiality, then we are getting somewhere.

I am healed continuously by my association with music. It, like some other parts of my life, is really nothing more than another form of prayer. I know many of you who would agree. This space could use some healing. Increase the wholeness of one and you increase the wholeness of all.

Let's do this!