
Larry Insana / Blog

12-26-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-26-12-My Morning Thoughts: I trust you had a wonderful “Christmas” day and all the Holiday doings to whatever it is that you do on your holiday doings with the people you do it with was everything you wished for…anyway…let’s see if we can hold on to that love and friendliness a little longer this year…plain and simple.

12-25-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-25-12-My Morning Thoughts: After many many words of “My Morning Thoughts” this is my first Christmas day post: I was raised Catholic and it was interesting along the way to say the least, however my words this fine morning are not to entice or promote or denigrate anyone’s beliefs or traditions but to insure that we continue this trek of good will to all whenever possible. In my small world I’ve found that love is thicker than hate and no matter how hard hate is thrown my way I still manage to find the love rising or at a minimum put my honest effort forth to find that love…Not always will it rise as fast as my Nune’s homemade bread use too, but it rises. I have been a fortunate soul to have so many gracious things positioned my way through the years. Yes the family and friends are always at the summit but so many other experiences and day to day doings that I’m only able to answer …‘why’ …yet humbly grateful…however, without crossing the edge or stepping on the out-of-bounds-line…may I say that, I wish everyone a wonderful day, a beautiful Christmas spirit, all the love in the world and if by chance you have been more fortunate than others…pass your extra love along the way…plain and simple.

12-24-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-24-12-My Morning Thoughts: If by chance you’re around someone today that may appear less fortunate than you, break out the love and share it…were only here once (that we know of) so let’s make a difference while we still can…plain and simple.

12-21-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-21-12-My Morning Thoughts: Christmas may be a little late this year and with a new name…January 1 2013 it will be known as the “Fiscal Cliff Christmas Blues”…I should write a song… If our elected officials don’t come to an agreement taxes are certain to go up for all so you might want to spend a little less on Christmas cheer this week! They all know how to fix the problem apparently because they all say you have to cut spending across the board. The problem is (like almost always) all the other items on both their wish lists get in the way! To remain solvent and free the deficit needs to go DOWN at some point...all sides know this…Did you know: Fact, 73% of the jobs created in the last 4 years have been government jobs? That’s 101 new government jobs per day…average salary 84k a year…nice ah?...President Bush left us 5 trillion dollar deficit expansion and President Obama 6 more trillion in the last 4 years…remarkable because there aint a company on the planet that could operate with 16+ trillion in the red! Anyway, don’t let this get ya down because isn’t the world suppose to end or something soon?...it’s funny how the first 45 billion years managed just fine without calendars…have a great weekend and I’ll see ya soon…that’s if the worlds still here…if not…I’ll see ya there…plain and simple.

Doug Dickens
Doug Dickens  (over 11 years ago)

Ahhh so Larry ... just let them print more money and spread it around .... or they could take the subsidy out of major corporations hands for a change. It's a fiscal mirage when you come right down to it. We used to call it governing through fear back in the Nixon and Bush years. Namaste ....

Larry Insana
Larry Insana  (over 11 years ago)

ya I remeber those days and tactics too...

12-20-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-20-12-My Morning Thoughts: Somewhere back in high school one of my teachers had the entire class write a one page paper on where we would be in ten years. I said I was going to have a cabin in the deep woods living off the land and playing guitar naked to the animals…here it is almost 35 years later…no cabin, no woods, no living off the land…although I have played guitar naked…thankfully before FB and YouTube were invented…those of you that were there will just have to go from memory…hey, what do you think we all will be doing ten years from now?...I’m prying it’s a little more peaceful…plain and simple.

12-19-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-19-12-My Morning Thoughts: Anyone think professional sports have taken over our society a bit? Do you think that professional sports have contributed to the decline of education in our society to some degree? Before you ream me a new one let me explain further. The dream of becoming a professional athlete and making millions of dollars while doing something that’s ‘FUN’ and on “TV” has help to derail our youth or at minimum placed some in an unusual position I believe. With so many that look up to these guys (in the limelight) it’s hard not to make the comparison of how the youth try and act out or would like to act like their idols while placing them on that 20 foot pedestal. The gold the cars the houses the women in every city…well you get the picture. All these things are basically unattainable by 99.9% of us. Yet, so many want it so bad and try to live it anyway and in doing so neglect the rest of the growing up process…education, learning and morals to name a few! We need to stress values to the youth so they know what’s practical and rewarding in life so when they don’t get the million dollar dream contract they don’t freak out!...NOTE: 1% of college football players (and there are many!) are drafted into the NFL for instance…and just 1% of that 1% (and there are very few) make a career out of it…I’m not an odds maker but I would think the odds aren’t that great of this happening and I’m sure other sports have similar statistics…I would never want to squash a child’s dream by any means but I would be misleading if I didn’t say to the young athletes, study hard first, work hard, practice hard, play hard and what will be will be…I coached baseball, football and basketball for years and I always talked about “education first” and so did my fellow coaches too…Those 99.9% of parents who are just as compassionate of their children’s abilities as I am of mine…may need to step back for a moment and say…let’s be honest and realistic with ourselves…so all options remain open and available to our children…plain and simple.

Garry Hall
Garry Hall  (over 11 years ago)

Larry, I think 90% of who reads this will agree with you, education first sports second even if you are a gifted athlete. When I was in school I had no idea how much athletes got paid, as a matter of fact it's amazing how much a lot of things pay like actors with the name of Charlie Sheen and how much he made per episode of 2 and a half men was mind blowing, seems anyone in the public eye makes huge bucks and kids in school are aware of that these days and it is very distracting to them, like some of them want to be rock stars lol. imagine the odds of that. You make a very good point .

12-18-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-18-12-My Morning Thoughts: Not so heavy today my head hurts…some of these mornings really rack the brain and some just flow like a fine wine…today as most, it falls somewhere in between thank God…I was thinking about all the things I cherished when I was a kid. Riding bikes, swimming in the lake, baseball off-the-wall, any sports or “ACTIVITY” really, they were all fun even when we fell down and got hurt…it was still worth it! Anyway, things change from generation to generation and that’s a given for the most part, some change fast and others take a while to play out. However slight it might be I would still bet it all on the human race to figure it out someday…I mean think about it, at some stage in time there must be a tipping point that gives us only “ONE” option…get along…or…were all gone…I desire getting along...you?...plain and simple.

12-17-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-17-12-My Morning Thoughts: If I disagree with someone who happens to have a different skin color or speaks a different language or uses the other bathroom how is that raciest and/or sexiest? This upsets my stomach and haunts my little brain that in 2012 I have to withhold my ‘freedom-to-speak-right’ when it comes to constructive criticism or disagreement of any background that may be dissimilar to mine! Sooooooooooo I’m only allowed to debate, agree or disagree with my sister because she’s the only one still on the planet that has the exact same historical background and make-up as me! You might as well super-glue my mouth shut right now cause that aint going to happen!...I’m not writing this to be anything more than it is…it’s my laymen way of saying it’s time to get over it, talk to each other freely, exchange traditions, respect everyone, interact peacefully, and most importantly…love one another…it’s really not that difficult and now more than ever it may be a good time to start…try it, you just might like it…plain and simple.

12-14-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-14-12-My Morning Thoughts: I have this uncanny feeling that no one gets out of here alive…when I think about the here-after or the nothing-after or the end-after it’s always kind of weird. But it always brings me back to the same thought time after time…that I would rather be remembered by most of the good things I’ve done or tried to do (that may not have been so successful) rather than being remember by the not so good things I’ve done (that ended up successful or shall I say…”better known”) that I’m not very proud of…specifics cannot be elaborated on at this time due to the incrementing likelihood of my youthful mischief-ness…not that I was an axe murderer or anything but stupid and dumb would aptly apply for sure…have a great weekend my friends, be safe and Hopefully I’ll see ya on Monday…plain and simple.

12-13-12-My Morning Thoughts:

12-13-12-My Morning Thoughts: Well, now that we are all still here…I’ve got it! If everyone (300 million people) sends me one dollar today, then tomorrow alphabetically each of us send one dollar to the next guy and so on and so on and so on…all our money problems will be solved…some (like mine) may be solved a little faster than others…have a great day everyone and don’t forget we can count this and every new morning like it’s the first day of a brand new world…maybe we can all be a little more compassionate today…BTW, did anyone watch the concert last night for Super Storm Sandy relief?... some of those old guys can still rock out! Unfortunately, some age a little different than others…and that’s all I’m going to say about that…plain and simple.