
Larry Insana / Blog

06-14-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-14-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly My first had a gorgeous bronze body, jet black top, nearly to fast yet sophistically calm and was like putty in my hands when all warmed up!...yaaaaa….I wish I still had that first car!...1969 Chevy Impala…remember your first one?...plain and simple.

06-13-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-13-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly My track and football days started well before I ever played the game…It kinda went like this: My Dad speaks in a stern and very firm voice…”you better be home before the street lights come on”…and so started my youth athletic vocation…plan and simple.

06-12-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-12-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Man when I was a kid, way too many years ago, we made things out of old or broken toys, bikes and just about anything else we could find! We didn’t get “brand new” except maybe on birthdays or Christmas, we got hand me downs from family, friends and whatever else we could find on the tree lawn the night before trash pick-up…AND WE LOVED IT! When did we get so caught up with brand new everything? If the kids get brand new when something’s broken how do they learn how to fix things? How do they learn how to be flexible, inventive, creative and probably as important “Street Wise” if everything is already perfect out of the package? My dad would say, if we can’t fix it, mow some lawns deliver some papers earn some money, save it up, and then make the decision if that’s what you really want to spend your money on! An early lesson in life that actually made sense to me right from the start…plain and simple.

06-11-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-11-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Ok all my deep thinkers, writers, readers, repliers and all around good citizens that I deeply appreciate your intellectual insight…are you ready for “THE CHANGE”? The progressive movement is alive and well and coming to a city near you and me very soon…basically of planed intent for more than 100 years and it’s moving ever so closer to fruition. BTW, this is not a single political party involvement because it definitely crosses party lines country lines whole world lines as a joint venture! I just hope everyone out there going about their day to day lives like nothing’s happening would truly take a few hours and research what the progressive players are doing. This movement might appear on the surface as a welcoming plan for an eventual world government buuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttt…be careful what ya wish for…if anyone can explain to me WHY our standard of living must first plummet to the levels of the majority of the rest of the worlds standard of living for this idea to work, please explain it to me…and why would we want this?………between the main stream TV media dominance with a left weighted agenda and the #1 cable news and #1 & #2 radio programs holding the right weighted agenda it’s become blatantly clear these last several years that “news” is opinionated, unbalanced and extremely agenda driven!… the-not-so-funny-thing-is…red and blue progressives just aren’t all that different…I thought the news was suppose to be the news? Like, here’s the news…and….”that’s the way it is”...plain and simple.

06-08-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-08-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly I’m thinking about cutting my morning thoughts title to just plain “My Morning Thoughts”. I’m not sure I’m totally apolitical anymore with all this wisdom I’ve attained from all of you…and I sing more than folk songs…and I have spell check now…although I still seem to screw that spelling thing up all the time…never mind…everyone have a fantastic safe weekend and enjoy your family and friends… plain and simple.

06-07-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-07-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly I just had a thought…if global warming checks out to be for real; Cleveland might have some of the best weather around. The only problem is according to the census there’s less than 400,000 of us left here…that’s down like 60% since I was in high school…that warming’s got to get here soon or there won’t be anybody left to enjoy it…plain and simple.

06-06-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-06-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Is everyone prepared for the next six months of intellectual ‘very friendly’ political advertisements? Ya me too…not! It goes like this: you did that and you said this and you didn’t do that but you promised you would, and my plans better than yours…na na na na na naaa….bla bla bla…Oh I can’t wait to have all my favorite shows interrupted by young masterminding executive want-a-be campaign commercial directors…I wonder which one will devastate their opponent’s election run this time? There have been some major ones that absolutely swayed elections like…”the swift boat ads”...plain and simple.

06-05 -12- My Morning Thoughts

06-05 -12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Man anyone out there work their way up through the ranks and went from the labor to the supervisor? This is a sticky situation at times because yesterday you were a co-worker and today you’re the boss. You get to hear things like man has he changed and when he worked with us we did it this way. It is a balancing act to say the least and although your still you, you’re job tasks have changed with the position. It’s comical to me that people can’t be happy for the good fortune of achievement. Me, I was taught to lead by example and for the most part, that works for me…Others however, feel the need to show their authority to get their point across. I’m just wondering, unless you were born with a silver spoon in your hand, everyone started at some level prior to supervision levels so when do they get selected amnesia along the way?…there must be various inexplicable prerequisites like I’m-a-A-hole-now 101?…anyway, never forget where you come from people because as sure as the sun burns my hatless very bald head, somebody will let you know either way!...plain and simple.

06-04-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-04-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Does anyone remember full serve gas stations? Except for a recap from some time period movies they have gone by the wayside. I don’t know about you but I miss them! That oil soaked shirted attendant with a pack of cigarettes rolled up in their tee-shirt sleeves smiling when saying, fill it up? Or check the oil? Wipe the windows? Or when we were on a road-trip they would ask, oh so you’re from Ohio, I have a cousin from Ohio. So many things change with time although not always for the better, never the less, they change…what else has gone by the wayside?…plain and simple.

I was told this site has discount tickets for the blossom show for 06-30-12!!!
