
Larry Insana / Blog

07-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Colors”

07-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Colors” I just don’t understand this. If solid colors like black or white go with anything, why does my wife get so mad when I wear plaid on plaid or stripes with stripes?...ok, so you can put on some green shorts with a black Harley Davidson t-shirt but you can’t wear green plaid shorts with a black plaid shirt…that makes no sense to me! Annnnnnnddddd…what if I was a rock star or something and that was my style? Would it be ok then?...well the way I see it, it’s not what you have on your back but rather what’s inside that counts…and I’m going tell ya right now, there aint no cloths that can cover my inside…peace all…plain and simple.

07-17-13-My Morning Thoughts: enough!

07-17-13-My Morning Thoughts: enough! So violence will stop violence…I don’t think so. Leaders of certain parties and media giants need to chill out and quit fanning the flames of racism! The court has spoken and right or wrong, it is what it is. Our system isn’t perfect but it’s better than most from my perspective and I would rather be judged by my piers than from some crazy dictator somewhere…but that’s an entirely deferent topic. Obviously when a life is taken so young it’s…well unimaginable to say the least but I don’t see how more violence does anyone any good…and unless I’ve been watching and reading material from another planet this guy was cleared be the feds of not being a racist before the trial started…The feds investigated “36 people and/or groups” he associated with throughout his life and found no grounds for a hate crime however it looks like further investigation is coming. GZ helped young minority groups, hung around with all walks of life, went to senior prom with an African America date and the reports go on and on…this is not a hate monger from all that they know of him at this time…However the question that I keep asking myself is why didn’t he just stay in the car and wait for the police!...but our system says “beyond a reasonable doubt” and those 6 jury members obviously came to the conclusion that there was a reasonable doubt or they wouldn’t have came back with an acquitted verdict…bottom line, I just hate the fact that innocent people will be hurt (while minding their own business and having nothing to do with this) under the presumption that it’s justified…only two people know the truth and one can’t tell his story…plain and simple.

07-16-13-My Morning Thoughts: “SANTANA”

07-16-13-My Morning Thoughts: “SANTANA” What’s the probability of getting 3 Santana guitar picks when Carlos Santana traditionally only threw out one guitar pick at the end of each concert? I saw him 5 times…and ended up with 3 picks…some great shows!...some great luck!...plain and simple.

07-15-13-My Morning Thoughts: “mysterious ways”

07-15-13-My Morning Thoughts: “mysterious ways” Life really moves in mysterious ways for sure. Although, if you break that down, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t, because there is no true absolutes besides the two everyone always says…dying and taxes. However I absolutely do know this …my political views have more directions than a cloverleaf speedway ha ha! I just can’t pin one down completely…Ya, I don’t think there will ever be one party for me…well, maybe one really big party…LOL…everyone likes a party…plain and simple.

07-12-13-My Morning Thoughts:

07-12-13-My Morning Thoughts: Why do people sleep on the same side of the bed every night? Sit in the same seat at church? Park their car in the same spot at work? Man we really are “critters” of habit more than it’s realized sometime. Why can’t we add getting along with each other every day to the list…now that would be a good habit…happy Friday…plain and simple.

07-11-13-My Morning Thoughts: “pick-up games”

07-11-13-My Morning Thoughts: “pick-up games” I got to tell ya I really miss pick-up games from the old days…but I do believe there making a comeback…finally! Its slower than I would like but games like ‘corn hole’ have at least got people outside again to enjoy their family and friends…and anytime you have that…well…what else is there…plain and simple.

07-10-13-My Morning Thoughts:

07-10-13-My Morning Thoughts: How far is too far with a personal opinion? Is there even a boundary on such things? If the intent is just to harm should it still be allowed? Is the freedom of speech hindered in the name of safety? How about those who pick the ideal threats and determine which may be real or false?…man I don’t what that job!...these times are ‘still-a-changing’ and the outcome has never been more prevalent than right now in this world…keep your eyes open and listen carefully because I see and hear a lot between the lines these days…more than I use to…plain and simple.

07-09-13-My Morning Thoughts: “IRS”

07-09-13-My Morning Thoughts: “IRS” Check this out…the IRS refunded 46 million dollars, which was 28 thousand checks, to “ONE” address in Atlanta…now that’s a nice tax return…man that’s some kind of efficient company handing out our tax money!...ya I can trust them…also, the government spent 600 thousand dollars to purchase FACE BOOK LIKES TOO…what!...why would they do that? What are they selling? Do they really need to advertise? We already know who the government is, don’t we?...I guess this is the future and maybe someday we can just vote for the next president with FB likes...plain and simple.

07-08-13-My Morning Thoughts: “being honest, is this fair to us”

07-08-13-My Morning Thoughts: “being honest, is this fair to us” Sorry but I have to say this! I’m told President Bush played 9 rounds of golf in 8 years and the news crucified him on every round, don’t care if you voted for him or against him…President Obama, they stopped counting after like 80 rounds of golf in 5 years, and several vacations with this last one estimated at just shy of 100 million dollars…which president do you feel worked harder? Would we ever be able to distinguish that anyway? And I’m not talking policies of the left or right just time served…whatever side you’re on matters not because it’s “our” country and “our” president (s) and they should be working for “our” we the people (s) first and foremost! If everything was cool then there’s time for r and r, however everything isn’t cool and r and r should be limited to an average of time the 300 million Americans get r and r every year…nothing more, nothing less…plain and simple.

07-05-13-My Morning Thoughts

07-05-13-My Morning Thoughts: Ok, you have 3 containers…a 5 quart a 3 quart and a 2 quart and you have to measure our 4 quarts but you have to use all 3 containers a minimum of once…how can this be done? An answer: Dump the 2 quart into the 5 quart fill it up again and dump the 2 quart in to the 5 quart again…4 quarts, oh but you have to use the 3 quart container still…dump the 3 quart into the five quart which leave you with 2 quart in the 3 quart container…dump out the 5 quart poor in the 3 quart which now 2 quart and poor in the other 2 quart…boom 4 quarts…dizzy yet?...there are other easier ways but I got to get to work...plain and simple.