
Larry Insana / Blog

10-18-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-18-12- My Morning thoughts: When driving on the freeway one should know to get out of the way from faster moving vehicles correct? I’m not sure why this happens but it happens all the time! I’m pretty sure there are no driving instructors that teach people to drive under the speed limit in the fast lane when there are miles of traffic behind them!!!! Just a ‘friendly’ comment, if by chance you see me in your rear-view mirror and my face is red and my hands are moving like my Italian ancestors…get the_ _ _ _ out of the way!!!!....please and thank you very much…plain and simple.

10-17-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-17-12- My Morning thoughts: During my summer breaks relieving me from the turmoil of school…about a hundred years ago (it seems)…my friends and I could not wait would to hear the music from the ice-cream truck sounding through the neighborhood. Back then, we would chase it down cause we were too impatient to wait till it got to us. Having the money to pay for it normally wasn’t an issue because one of us had something in our pockets and if one of us was short the other would help out and pay. It seems like we always had some change from newspaper routs, chores, returning bottles to the drug stores for deposits…well let’s just say anything or anyway we could make some change, we did!...for some reason, I don’t think ice-cream ever tasted better than those days way back then…plain and simple.

10-16-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-16-12- My Morning thoughts: So many thoughts running through my head today I need a shut-off valve or something! Have you ever had those days that the thoughts just keep coming whether you want-em or not? You know, it starts the night before and you can’t sleep cause things just keep popping in and out? Nothing even close to symmetrical but just random, mostly useless thoughts? Well I think I’m going to write a song about those thoughts…and if anyone ever asks me what the song is about I’ll give em an old Bob Dylan answer; “it don’t mean nothing, it just rhymes”…plain and simple.

10-15-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-15-12- My Morning thoughts: Many moons ago I was a young, in shape, youth. I was known for my speed and strength as well as my climbing ability. Ya I could run the 100 yard dash in the ten’s and do pull ups till I was the last one on the bar, and climbing…well let’s just say while being chased none got over the fence as fast as I did! Now…am I bragging a bit, well yes…I am proud of that body handed down to me by those who came before…however…Now, many moons later, the shape is gone, the strength is gone, and my climbing ability is gone…all that’s left now is some bald guy who likes to play guitar…thank God I can play it sitting down!...plain and simple.

10-12-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-12-12- My Morning thoughts: Well it’s the day after another debate…I know it’s difficult but try and have a great weekend anyway…plain and simple.

10-11-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-11-12- My Morning thoughts: I hope by now everyone out there knows I love people! All people! I write songs about it, I tell stories about it and most of all I try to live by it every day…do I succeed every day, not really, but I never give up trying no matter what! Putting forth the effort to do the best I can is half the battle. The day’s that move so much smoother are the days that good thoughts are flowing within my brain…hope that’s not just me…plain and simple.

10-10-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-10-12- My Morning thoughts: You know I was thinking…if it wasn’t for politics or more particularly the political process, we probably would have a much nicer day today…keep smiling…plain and simple.

10-09-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-09-12- My Morning thoughts: While reminiscing with some old friends an old story came up regarding how I might have participated in some slightly crazy activities while attending OU (Athens Ohio). So here goes, why not share one… Sitting on the ten foot wall (cat walk) in front of my freshman dorm (McKinnon Hall) a ‘friend’ dared me that I couldn’t get over the railroad tracks before the train came through, which was in sight at this time. The train ran north to south and my open path was east to west. After pondering this for about five entire seconds, I jumped off the wall and sprinted towards the tracks. While I was sprinting and the train was coming I remember thinking what a bad idea this was…but…I sprinted on. As I got closer and the train seemed faster I wasn’t totally sure if I could make it. Anyway, there was no turning back now so I jumped from the gravel path…in midair over the tracks the back of my wind breaker flew back and was brushed by the train as I fell to the ground, my heart pounding as I lay on the other side of the tracks thinking, AM I F¬___ing nuts! By this time all who were there proceeded to the tracks because from their view, some hundred yards away or so, it probably didn’t look to good. And because the train was long and I lay still probably in shock, I could see them looking between the cars and hear them trying to call to me to see if…well, ya know…if I made it………the train finally passed and I still wasn’t moving as my friends approached me. Now of course, I was playing at this point trying to be funny in some sick sort a way looking back on it now…never the less, when they reached me I jumped up and started laughing and such…well the viewing crowd wasn’t laughing cause they were, well let’s say, extremely pissed that I tried it and pissed that I wouldn’t answer when they were calling to me…at that point, in a fleeting moment, I’m sure some of them were thinking I wish this idiot didn’t make it!...never-the-less, I won the dare…mainly for being a lucky SOB that night…a stupid action from a stupid child excepting a stupid dare! And with that, I will end by saying NEVER EVER try this or let your ego, pride, stupidity or whatever it is get in your psyche cause it was…”ONE” of the most foolish things I’ve ever done!!!!!!!!…plain and simple.

10-08-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-08-12- My Morning thoughts: Have you ever greeted the day knowing that it just wasn’t gonna-b-a great day? You know you wake up and on the way to bathroom with the lights off and you step in the present your dog left ya? Then you miss the first step on the way downstairs and fall on you backside? Then you struggle to the kitchen and after you fill up the coffee pot with water you realize THERE AINT NO COFFEE!!...well this might be a good day to go back to bed and try again tomorrow…wish I was independently wealthy just for the day…plain and simple.

10-05-12- My Morning thoughts:

10-05-12- My Morning thoughts: You know guys, my new overused saying lately has been ‘it is what it is’…it kind of helps me get through things that I can’t completely understand or can’t seem to get a straight answer on. It’s an effective line if ya think about it cause it has no definitive meaning really…it’s just a blurb to go with the flow, relatively speaking…if I wish not to confront I can say ‘it is what it is’…if I like an idea I can say ‘it is what it is’…it works with almost anything to avoid any real answers or real troubles… so may I say in closing…‘it is what it is’…though I do wish you all a fantastic weekend…plain and simple.