
Larry Insana / Blog

06-01-12- My Morning Thoughts

06-01-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly I’ve got a feeling June just might be a good month…and I don’t know why…lol! Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day to start their weekend and enjoys their family and friends as much as I do! How could I not they’re the best family and friends around…be safe all…plain and simple

05-31-12- My Morning Thoughts

05-31-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Styx, REO Speedwagon and Ted Nugent just added an opening act to their Blossom show on 06-30-12…Special guest Larry Insana! Ok so this is the skinny…I’m the opening act and I hit the stage at 6:45pm…I’m going to try and play as many songs as I can and play them all really fast so I can get more songs in…LOL…but seriously I must thank each and every one of you that have supported me over the years and also those recent friends that have just found out I write songs! Because of your commitment to keep playing my songs at my reverbnation.com music sight good things have risen. I thank you again for this support and I’m truly touched and fortunate to have friends like you!! I’ve been waiting 25 years to play on this stage and every one of you has helped me get there! All that keeps coming to my brain is that line from Rocky…except for my kids being born this will be the greatest day in the history if my life!!!!...LOL…Thank you one and all for all your well wishes and I hope I make ya proud!...plain and simple.

05-30-12- My Morning Thoughts

05-30-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly My morning thoughts in these past few days have been a little muddled and confused and I apologize for that. Some things ring out bigger than us that have to be addressed in the now and that’s what I’ve been trying to do recently…saying that, let me reiterate while some situations aren’t always a bundle of fun and may appear a bit overwhelming at times…when it comes to family it’s a no brainer…everyone have a great day today and that’s not negotiable!...plain and simple.

5-29-12- My Morning Thoughts

5-29-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Did anyone watch the Hatfield’s & McCoy’s part 1? All that started with one pig!…plain and simple.

5-28-12- My Morning Thoughts

5-28-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Whatever individual opinions or beliefs you feel strongly about, try and grasp one endearing concept of America…without those that have served we would be without the freedoms they have won and preserved for all of us! We can always argue any notion but this a pragmatic reality and to be grateful for our veterans is absolutely essential to me…plain and simple.

5-25-12- My Morning Thoughts

5-25-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Can we answer this age old myth? Is the glass half full or half empty? The positive thinkers might say half full while the negative thinkers might say half empty… but the thirsty thinkers say …top me off! What kind of glass thinker are you? Everyone have an outstanding weekend while being responsible…and me, In case you’re wondering my glass is half full and the glass is kind of rose colored and that’s worked pretty well for me so far… plain and simple.

05-24-12-My Morning Thoughts

05-24-12-My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly It’s so easy to lie during the day, little lies big lies all kind of lies. There are many ways to exaggerate the truth and know body’s perfect and if I’m being honest it is pretty easy to tell someone on the phone a mini story before ya hang up on them or tell someone how nice they look when you really don’t think they do, although it is easier to say to avoid any conflict. My father has always said to me that “his word is his bond and when you say you’re going to do something you should carry it through and that’s how we all should live our lives”…I try to live my life this way but at times to no avail and I fall short…today, I’m going try even harder…plain and simple

05-23-12-My Morning Thoughts

05-23-12-My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Sorry did not plan well today…sometimes life gets in the way...you forgive me?...plain and simple.

05-22-12- My Morning Thoughts

05-22-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Perseverance, determination…has anybody seen these lately? The sad thing is, unless you’re a member of an extremist group it’s somewhat hard to find today…the good will prevail but we have to take that step and consciously make the effort to be good…so here goes my step…I love you guys!...plain and simple.

05-21-12- My Morning Thoughts

05-21-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!…plain and simple.