
Larry Insana / Blog

07-23-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-23-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple As a child I begged for a dog (Puppy) for quite some time. I said things like; I’ll take care of it and walk it and feed it and train it and pick up the poop in the yard…My parents said if we ever move to a house you can get a dog. When we moved to a house I got the dog! I did what I said I do about caring for the dog for at leeeeeeeeeeeeeeast…two weeks...that was the first and last dog we ever had in my parents’ house…plain and simple.

07-20-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-20-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple Prejudice is learned and I believe most would agree to that. If it’s learned it must be taught…So when I consider that statement, who the heck and for what reason would some still continue to teach it! Certainly the masses gain nothing by the continuation of injurious ignorance, although it’s much deeper than that in my opinion. Have you ever taken the time to watch children playing in a school yard? There having a blast! There not keying on differences, there seeing baseballs and footballs and friends! I believe it’s those with the authority to control that continue to escalate the racist, moronic “I’m better than you” agendas, along with some unruly people that just…are what they are! It’s an old fashion shell game sleight of hand trick! While we are lost in our various menial trivial differences that media, politicians and moguls have designed, the fore mentioned go about there way manipulating us and the system for their selective benefit!…Do we not see this? Do we not care? Are we so tiered that we’ve become numb to the process?...We all should know what’s right and moral at this juncture of our existence…So why are the blinders on so many?!...........People, love your brothers and sisters show them you care and you may be pleasantly surprised how far a little love can take us…how about we start this weekend with “Larry’s love your brother and sister weekend”…lets be as nice as we can for 3 entire days…Let me know how it turns out Monday…and even if you show the love with nothing in return so what…did it really hurt your ya for being too nice…I think not…plain and simple.

07-19-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-19-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple How rough is it at the top? If I run with the wind I’m faster…If I run against the wind I’m slower…uphill is harder…downhill is easier…so, if I’m running down hill and against the wind is it slower and harder or faster and easier? So many questions in my life today…It probably doesn’t matter as long as someone picks me up at the bottom and gets me back home…I would pick you guys up if ya needed me to by the way…plain and simple.

07-18-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-18-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple A long time ago I was born a poor _ _ _ _ _ child…na forget that, some take JOKES the wrong way soooooooo easily now and my purpose isn’t to offend but to mend…Anyway, I’m betting the Cleveland Browns win more games than they lose this year…it’s just a hunch, a gut feeling and they usually have one winning season every decade on average so why not this year…just saying…plain and simple.

07-17-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-17-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple Fact: The government healthcare plan has rationing boards called “The Federal Coordinating Council” which will determine who and what kind of care many will receive. That means a government council “between” the patient and the physician. If the doctor refuses to follow this policy there will be fines and/or not limited to imprisonment. This is kind of scary…or is it just me? I’m not sure I want a government official advising my doctor on what kind of treatment I may or may not need…I might be crazy but how long will I wait for a diagnoses for an Illness with government red tape intervening? The national healthcare problem is a huge problem and without some tweaks here and there…a possible nightmare in the making?………….here’s another example/question/problem that I’m trying to figure out; if I pay $1000 a month for healthcare that’s 12k per year right? If I drop my healthcare, pay the penalty, which is tremendously less at only 2%…then I get sick, pick up healthcare again because the no pre-existing conditions clause…tell me why I wouldn’t and everyone wouldn’t do it? Who, in their right mind would pay extremely high monthly fees for something they may or may not ever need? Somebody please explain this healthcare to me “in laymen’s terms” …there is an election coming up in a few months and although many won’t follow it (approximately 35% will only take the time to vote) many will be effected by the results…so we must choose wisely grasshopper…plain and simple.

07-16-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-16-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple I’ve decided that in my retirement years (if those years come) I’m going to enjoy my family and friends, be the best person I can and write songs and sing as long as I can…heck with that…why put off till tomorrow what I can do today...love you family and friends! la la la la la la la la…hope your Monday is fantastic and unforgettable…plain and simple.

07-13-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-13-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple Compromise: how many of us would have made it this far without some sort of compromise? I know we all want to say we… ‘Stuck to our guns’ our entire life but let’s be honest here, that just aint the case! Yes we have strong opinions on many topics and yes we’ve… ‘Drawn the line in the sand’ for one thing or another but we still needed the power of compromise at some point to get here and beyond! It’s definitely frustrating at times but if you put it in perspective what is it really, other than the parts/points that people agree on. I have this weird suspicion that if every policy, plan, or even the local neighborhood planning committee could just start off with agreement instead of disagreement…things would work a little smoother…in closing I will agree that I agree that I want everyone to have a fantastic safe Friday the 13th and weekend…plain and simple.

07-11-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-11-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple “Why does it still feel like Monday…though Wednesday just begun”? That’s the opening line on my song titled “Grounded”…today it just fits…if ya know what I mean!...plain and simple.

07-09-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple

07-09-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple Ok my feet are only about five inches from the ground now and just turned on the TV after about a week and the first thing I see is a negative presidential commercial. I won’t tell ya which one it was for but I will say that if I said that about anyone when I was growing up we would be punching it out for sure! Then we would shake hands, become friends again and continue on our way, normally on our way together…kinda like the candidate’s do…makes ya wonder…plain and simple.

07-06-12- My Morning Thoughts:

07-06-12- My Morning Thoughts: Plain and Simple The thoughts have been a little scrambled lately to say the least. This past week has been one of the best of my life and I suppose I now know what a whirl-win is. I will be back on Monday to my old non-spelling, thought provoking and wanting world peace self…I’m having concerns regarding dreams coming true…Playing songs for thousands of people and not one of them hurling anything at me…but love! What could possibly top a dream come true?...I only wish that “everyone” have their dream come true and as big or little as that may seem, it is a wonderful feeling…plain and simple.