
Kevin (wags) Kane / Blog

The Band Side Tracked and Others

Have had the pleasure of working with some good up coming bands this summer I hope every one will check out, They are mostly from Justin Lawsons Making of the band . A program to help young Musicians transition from playing by themselves to making a band and writing originals. I support Justin 110% I think it is an excellent endeavor and it is already produced several bands who are now playing out making music and recording CD's.


doing live sound for some bands this weekend in centennial park



Studio almost done

Well all the painting is behind now in my studio now for the acoustic control work and some trim and returning all the equipment back to where it belongs!!!! Then the Red Shed will be back making music again!

thanks to all

thanks to all who helped us get to number 1 on the local chart now My goal is number 1 in the nation! Its a big one but I will just keep chipping away at that mountain.

red shed

mud and taping has took a bit but 90 percent done now for the paint trim and floors.

red shed studio

I finally got my hex window in the studio! man the natural light is good and it looks fine too! Maybe sheet rock in the next few days! Waiting on the sheet block to come to keep all the noise from out side out and all the music inside in.

busy time

busy time for me now had a fire in one house so it is getting rewired so work on the studio has slowed again...oh well

broken hand

double taps drummer has a broken hand gonna be a few weeks till we play again

Damn the Flu

Both my wife and I have had/still have the flu how long must one feel as if they have been in a fight/kicked down a hill and ran over by a train? Is all this really necessary? I suppose its just life but man....