
Kevin (wags) Kane / Blog

practic tonight

well the a/c was struggling a bit tonight but Chris Schott and I wrote pretty much a cool new tune. And bits and parts of one or more others


well chris 2 could not make it last night but justin filled in on drums and it worked

Sore throat

Last night finally we got together the three of us and had a go at it. I have a stupid cold so my voice sucked but I went ahead and gave a go at it any way....Hope did not scare any one to bad..LOL. God knows I scarred myself bad enough.

Band Illness

Well band illness or should I say an illness in the band has slowed things up , but things are looking better and soon we will knuckle down to it again and get some new material out.


Well practice went good we are still looking for a lead guitarist but I heard a rumor that a feller might want to join up with us that I have wanted to jam with for a lot of years.

new drummer

It would appear we found a good match on a drummer . I hope so we need to get recording soon and work on a show for a summer show or two!!

music tonight

Well many things have happened to hold us up of late. Tonight we try out a new drummer!!! Chris and I march on!

it is happy bosses day here is a tune I wrote for my past bosses



well mmmmmmmmmmmm interesting

Playing tunes

been playing tunes with Chris still trying to write a bit working with a new time keeper!