
Janelle Sadler / Blog

Episode TWO! Can I take anymore???

Yes, it's been quite a wringer on this second show for yours truly!! At least I managed to pull it together enough at the end of the show to impress that intimidating row of serious rocker dudes who suddenly invaded our sweaty rehearsal hall! Should Josh take my chair and SHOULD I be banished into "background singer central?" I DON'T THINK SO!! Time to stand up and chip away at the paralyzing fear! Today was the first step. YAY!!!! Now if I can just get my camp counselor onboard with me! Hope you all have enjoyed the show so far. Keep your fingers crossed for me and if you have any comments, feel free to share. Hugs and courage! Janelle

Reality TV Appearance

Okay, I've recovered from the tough first episode of "ROCK N ROLL FANTASY CAMP!" Mark Hudson is gonna be a hard man to please for us Tugboaters, but I think we'll make it... No FEAR!!! Let's just not tear each OTHER apart! Kip Winger did a great job of encouraging and whipping Firecracker into shape...and Rudy Sarzo is the soulful, but firm rock sage with the Proton Saints! If you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about, you'll have to tune into next Saturday VH1 CLASSIC @10PM!

Interview with a RockNRollFantasyCamp Vampire

QUESTION: "Why do you call yourself a ROCK N ROLL FANTASY CAMP vampire?" JANELLE: "I've lived in the night hours for a long time. When the world is coming home from work, I'm leaving for work. I haven't seen myself in the daylight for years. People like ACE FREHLEY know what I'm speaking of. I had to look very hard at my closet to find clothes worthy of light before this interview. Exhausting. I hope you appreciate it!" (laughs)

QUESTION: "I'm sure you're excited to be a part of this new VH1 reality show. How are your family and friends dealing with it all?" JANELLE: "My friends are taking it like the troopers they are, listening to me talk about it ad nauseum...You see, we're all musicians and artists...we're used to celebrating our friend's good fortune when lightning strikes! Everyone knows how rare it can be! Also, they like any excuse to drink wine. As for my family, they've been nothing but supportive and it's pulled us together a bit. We are separated by thousands of miles and I think this has been good for us. My mom was a publicist in a previous life, I swear. That woman GOT ON IT! My stepdaughter Harper made T-shirts for her toddlers with my website printed on the back. Yes, they wore it to church. In Green Bay, WI. Is that support? Above and beyond!!"

QUESTION: "You're quite petite in person, and I think it surprises audiences when you open your mouth and this big voice comes out." JANELLE: "Here's a story: On my very first nightclub gig, I was 19 years old and VERY Christian. I read my bible on the breaks in the dressing room..very dedicated to the spiritual study. One night the gruff italian club owner came up to me and said in a loud voice, "Ya sing really good, hon, but ya ain't got no tits!" I was mortified! The next day, my long suffering mother sewed bra pads into my gig dresses and I decided to use whatever I had. The huge voice began to emerge quickly. I had to get a "big" something!! It was all I had." (laughs)

QUESTION: "Now that the show is airing, what are your plans? Any new music?" JANELLE: "I've decided to release three tunes in time for the first show. One is a cover of Cheap Trick's " I WANT YOU TO WANT ME", which was featured on the show. I found that tune a bit of a struggle during taping. It's a bit low in the beginning, but the upper register was a breeze for me. There was some work put into making the first verse sound like I wanted it to. My producer JEFF PARIS worked with me and I was thrilled with the results. My husband ROBIN SWENSON is a great songwriter and we came up with two other tunes...One is a pop/rock dance mix called, "DON'T DO NOTHIN' STUPID," and the other track is entitled "WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO". I wanted to roll around in eighties rock with these songs. Hell, I was THERE! It's been a BLAST and my producer KEVIN DUKES blew me away with the guitar solos and synths. I had an incredible time completing these songs, you have no idea. As a working "in the trenches" kind of singer, this was a complete luxury....to spend time on what WE want to do, not what someone ELSE wants from our talents."

QUESTION: "Most people want to know....did you have to actually LIVE with the other band members on ROCK N ROLL FANTASY CAMP?" JANELLE: "NO!!!!!! I'm sorry! I'm fifty. Ain't NO DAMN WAY I'm living with a bunch of hoo haws in a room filled with bunk beds. Homie don't do bunk beds."

QUESTION: "Well, thanks Janelle for your time. We're looking forward to seeing how you survive ROCK N ROLL FANTASY (boot) CAMP!" JANELLE: And you thought SHARON OSBOURNE cried on "THE APPRENTICE"...."

OCT 16th @ 10PM, VH1's Newest Reality Show features Janelle

It's been crazy trying to get ready for the new show "ROCK N ROLL FANTASY CAMP" to air! I'm featured as the lead singer in one of three bands who are KICKED INTO ROCK AND ROLL SHAPE by seasoned rocker counselors RUDY SARZO, KIP WINGER and MARK HUDSON. Get ready for tears, tears and MORE tears as I come to terms with the difficulty of fronting a slamming rock band after 30 years of being a sideman, backup singer. Don't know why, but this process dredged up some interesting and long buried emotions. Now I know why hard nosed Sharon Osbourne cried on "The Apprentice!!" :D BE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT FOR A HOOT! "ROCK N ROLL FANTASY CAMP" ON VH1 CLASSIC @ TEN PM!